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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Dunlops....FTL. Pirelli's don't do that kind of stuff.
  2. A Chrome book and Office 365 is about all anyone needs anymore if you're not a tight wad. If you are, then stick with the Chrome book and get open office or something.
  3. The instant that happens I'll go back to a Linux OS because I'm not going to be forced to use only MicroApple hardware.
  4. IMO, just buy a simple lap timer. You only need to know how consistent you are from lap to lap. You don't need a speedo either, they're just distracting on the track. Put a piece of tape over it and don't worry about it. Edit: actually as new track rider you shouldn't even be worrying about your times on the track. Work on the basic skills first then worry about your times. It will all come with time, trust me.
  5. This seller is a bit of a prick when it comes to the condition of his stuff. If it's not spotless he throws it in the garbage. SO DO NOT HESITATE TO BUY FROM HIM!!! He's a good dude for the most part.
  6. At least now it will get ridden by someone who can actually ride it. I keed, Chris! Welcome, Julie!
  7. I know where you live. It can't be all that good. Maybe 1 in 100 are doable after an all night binge.
  8. I knew it was coming. No more CBR's to stuff at the track.
  9. Who doesn't like staring intently at a huge meaty camel toe.
  10. He needs them snug in the crotch also. Definitely snug.
  11. Oh what?! You sold your track bike! Stop with all the hush-hush!
  12. Some places have a gate fee but MS doesn't charge you anything to bring "pit bitches".
  13. I'll be sure to give the stabilizer jacks an extra turn so the trialer doesn't tip over from all the rockin', Matt.
  14. Zip it, Chucky. You'll have plenty of time to be goofin' with me on the track since we'll both back in the back. Well, not THE back...Steve will probably still be occupying that spot. He-He.
  15. Look out! The ginger is mad! Puppy souls are getting tormented! Don't come knockin' on my trailer when Marty kicks you out of his this season.
  16. Def. watch out for that dude! His Oreo's are irresistible. It starts with Oreo's and ends as you being little spoon.
  17. Woohoo!! Maybe this will be someone I can lap in a sprint!! I kid. But do get your stuff together and hit up Moto Series (spell it right you dumb lawyer). We'll gladly take you under our wings and into our trailers.
  18. We need to also limit the number of blades per knife. Say goodbye to Swiss knives!
  19. You must like getting passed before the first lap is over apparently.
  20. I'm going to kick your ass if that's what you're going to be on come Wed. Then I'm gonna go hit the track with it once I beat you down.
  21. Benchmade stuff is overpriced, IMO. I'd like to have one but I'm not paying $100+ for an EDC. Woot has the same Kershaw knife I use for EDC, just in a black finish now. Inexpensive and last a long time. Kershaw has also started offering resharpening again which is nice. http://www.woot.com/offers/kershaw-ken-onion-leek-knife-w-speed-safe?ref=cnt_dly_tl
  22. Everyone knows that the interwebz ages at an advanced rate. So yes....a couple years.
  23. This was also available in the calendar before the site upgrade. Then Ben upgraded and broke the calendar for a couple years.
  24. ^^ I agree with this logic. If Pauly checked the continuity from the 3 or 4 pins on the plug at the coil back to their end points elsewhere, pick up a ECU and proceed to replace it. Yes, you'll have to do it in your shed, but it will only take you about 15 min.
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