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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. This still wouldn't explain his overall shitty attitude. I had to do it, Tonik.
  2. I found that 2nd through 4 into 5 and 6 with a quick upshit into 3rd before heading down hill through 7 made a difference for me. I watch a video of another douche that used to race but quit because his panties shrunk in the wash and got too tight or something ( STEVE COX ) where I notice he was grabbing a shift in between 6 and 7. Tried it out and it makes 7 not quite so crazy and fearful of a lowside under hard throttle. There's my $.02.
  3. Sell that sucky cruiser and buy a scooter. They're a lot easier on tires and cheaper. Problem solved!
  4. I bet his freezer at home is full of them instead of Icee Pops.
  5. Ouch. Note to self: As sweet as a TRX700 would be to have, don't buy one.
  6. I think the problem is the money has all been squandered by the previous management/staff. The owners don't seem to have the financial status to front enough money to get the track repaired as it really should be or do but can't see the return because they have no clue how to run a business. Just my opinion of course and this will just add to the rumor mill.
  7. I want to but I won't have to. His mamma will do it and it's funny to see a 20 year old run from his mamma when she's fired up. Don't piss off the gingers.
  8. Trust me...the absolute last thing I want to do is buy a new fucking mower. If it comes down to it you might not see me at the track the rest of the season. The damn kid will spend stupid money on parts for his old POS truck but ask him to clean off the mower before putting it away. Oh no...not a chance, don't have time for that gotta run to pick up his poon. Hey, clean up the new chainsaw I bought after you're done with it....nope. Fuck, the damn deck on the mower is rusted out because he won't pull it off to clean it. Then he proceeds to tell us that it needs a new deck. I think this is the first time he's ever changed the oil in the damn thing since we took the house over 2 years ago. He just doesn't give a shit and we're paying the price for it. But he'll get what's coming to him soon enough...little asshole.
  9. Ding ding ding!! We have a winnar!! I broke down yesterday and did what we've been telling the kid to do for a week which is pull the damn carb and clean it (which he has never done but said he had). No dice on getting it running. So I ask him again if he checked for spark. "Well...yeah it should be getting it." That's not what I fucking asked. I pulled the new plug out, it's wet so it's not a fueling issue but it's never sparked it appears. Hook it to the wire and ground while turning it over. Nothing...no spark at all. At least the parts are ordered to replace the pickup, coil and wire. If that doesn't fix it I got an offer letter from Home Depot for 24mo. no interest on $1999 or more which I'll be using to pick up a new damn mower I guess.
  10. Fack I hate reading this. The old Craftsman 42" rider we inherited with the house has decided this year to be a PITA. To start of it wouldn't start, replaced a bad starter solenoid. Ran for for a couple weeks and then the wife was mowing because of a lazy ass kid and then it died again only not to start. The kid says he can fix it but we've told him several times, to just pull the carb and clean it but he just took the bowl off and sprayed it with WD. I think I'm going to strangle the shithead. I really don't want to have to buy a new mower but if I do I'm going zero turn. Don't know if I can afford commercial grade though.
  11. Uuuhhmm....December 31, 1969 is the date of the article? LULZ!!
  12. I had a similar experience at Mid-O a while back. Some tool came out of the last turn onto the front straight who was holding up several of us (no real hurry to get around as it was just a track day). We turned and came onto the front straight but some of us were so fixated on getting around that we barely saw the red flag. But the tool sure saw it and immediately chopped the throttle and almost got ass packed not once but twice. The closest call was from Mike who rubbed elbows with the douche. Glad everyone came out okay but for fucks sake, stay on the gas AND signal, THEN start slowing down.
  13. I had the unlucky fortune of taking a vacation during the very same week as Black Bike Week in Myrtle several years ago. Needless to say, I was so disturbed by the weeks events I said that I would never go back there again during the weeks leading up to, during, or after "Black BikeR Week". Edit: I should add that it wasn't the entire event that was a problem, just a few bad apples in the bunch ruined it (as it is most of the time). Most of the bikers were cool and as a fellow rider when respect was given it was reciprocated.
  14. Damn, that didn't take long. Shit or get off the pot, Chucky!!
  15. Don't ever say I didn't offer, Old Man.
  16. You can borrow mine for a laps if you want. Yo do know what GP shift is right? I won't care if he wants to be my new carrot, as long as we both get quicker.
  17. I think it would be a great idea for you to get a bigger bike. That way we can add one more slow old guy to the OR Iron Curtain!
  18. Officially in. Signed up for Saturday "A" group and Sunday both 600's. Hope I can get the suspension dialed in on Saturday.
  19. I was hoping to sign up last night but still have a few items to check off my list. Coolant change over to WW, wash and inspection, then a test ride. That should do it for the bike. As for the TH, still need to get the TRS mounted, water heater tested, give the tanks a final fill and flush, and stocked with some basics and I think it should be ready for the season. Hope to get all that stuff knocked out today.
  20. Or we could take turns punching him in the jaw until his adrenaline kicks in and it goes numb.
  21. It's just because Cleveland is the last place you'd look for illegal aliens like Bad.
  22. I have a strong pimp hand and always can use a new manwhore for my she-johns.
  23. I don't know if there are enough high paying jobs downtown to support the $2500/mo. rent at that place. I like what they're attempting to do but I don't think they will fill the 200+ apartments there anytime soon.
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