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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. What the slow guy said. Two totally different products. WW is only a coolant with no freeze protection. Engine Ice is a coolant WITH freeze protection. Which means you won't be draining it at the end of every year before putting it away.
  2. Is that code for "instead of spooning with John you'll be spooning with a totally strange dude"??
  3. If the extra cot smells like Chinese food you know who was in it last.
  4. r1crusher


    It's true some things might not show up. In those cases the owner took on the full burden to repair the vehicle and did not make an insurance claim. If no claim is made, carfax will not show a thing.
  5. r1crusher


    I might be able to help. Send me the VIN and I'll see if I can get it still.
  6. A confession...wasn't expecting that! LOL! J/K there Brown. But I would have to agree with your statement.
  7. I have to agree, a set of 003's will do nothing more than shorten your mileage by a good bit. They are certainly a much softer (therefore sticker) tire. I know because I've had them. I'm still not sold on the Q2's just yet and I only use them on the track but I def. believe they will give you equal miles compared to the 016's you have. You have some other good suggestions with the 2CT's.
  8. So I'm in then!! SWEET!! Thanks flat fish!!
  9. I was also at Roush to try them on, but all they had were 2 year old models (i.e. Snell 2005). They changed the interior fit of the helmets in 2010 so you can't really say it's a $50 helmet until you put on a newer one. Just sayin'. EDIT: I'm also a former Arai owner.
  10. You'll need someone to carry your gear in the bush. I'm your man. I'll sleep where ever and not make a sound. Just put me on that plane.
  11. Sounds like someone is aiding the Apple patent lawyers.
  12. This is not a completely accurate statement. As I stated earlier, an Bell Star helmet that has a Snell 2005 cert should come with the bag, two sets of cheek pads, and the track strip as it's actually called. IF you buy a Star with a Snell 2010 cert you will not get the extra set of cheek pads. You will get everything else though. Just an FYI.
  13. I'll leave you with three things to think about you Rio Grand river swimmer: Garage door code My foot Your RC51 Keep runnin' your giz trap.
  14. I went from an Arai medium to a Bell small...so I'm not so sure if interior wise they're close. And by the way...... ....NEW HELMET IS HERE!!!! I like more now than I did in the store.
  15. I know you were, just bustin' your vag a little. I'm def. going to be out again I just have to look at the schedules. Seems like Nelsons is the only thing going locally. Mid-O is out until next month with all the KTM stuff going on. Next weekend opened up for me but again I need to look at the schedules.
  16. Okay, a quick call to Bell just a few minutes ago answered my question. Bell did stop shipping the firm cheek pads with the Star models in 2010. So, before 2010 you would have installed in the helmet the softer set and been provided the firm set. After 2010 you now simply get the firm set installed in the helmet and that's it. For me this is exactly what I wanted to hear since I now know I won't have to buy the firm ones. So, for all of you looking at the Star models, if you buy one after 2010 your helmet will have the firm pads installed.
  17. No need to get snippy ya little whiny bitch.
  18. When will you ever just do a normal track day with the rest of us whores!?!?!
  19. This coming from someone that will most likely be at 8 or more track days this year and he just started. Heed the words!!
  20. You'll have fun but there's nothing better than getting out there on your own bike and learn it's abilities.
  21. Your bike and his bike are not the same ya dork. But he is pretty much right about the repair. Order the seal and DIY.
  22. Yup, that's what got me going on a new one.....and the wife. I think I found some material that could clear up the cheek pad thing. I found a site that says the SNELL M2005 Star's come with two sets of pads. But, the SNELL M2010 Star's do not come with them. SO, I might be SOL and that's just the way the 2010's come now.
  23. I didn't see a single Star model on STG for less than $399.
  24. The Star is their top of the line model. They have Vortex, RS1, and Revolution models as well. Still trying to verify my cheek pad dilemma...maybe a call to Bell on Monday to find out for sure.
  25. See....I though they did but ever single person at IP told me that they did not. How the hell can I confirm this for sure???!?!?! If it's true I'll be calling them back as soon as possible.
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