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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. IP's interweb skills are much stronger than yours young one.
  2. Lights, no lights, whatever...the ambulance appears to make an effort to move over after the cop DOES come flying up their ass. There really isn't any excuse for that cops actions...period. Most cops exercise a certain amount of level headedness, but this asshat needs to be carrying a newspaper bag instead of a gun and badge. I love the very ending of the first video when a truck made a right hand turn into a drive the cock gobbler cop looks like he nearly misses hitting it.
  3. Are the pics above THE bike (regardless of wheels)??
  4. Dicks....all dicks. Every damn time I'm out of town for work on back to back weeks and I stay in the Nati you guys do some rides. BULLSHIT!! Bastards...I hate you all...especially Inya.
  5. No one wants to email you Inya.... ....get over yourself.
  6. It only becomes mute because I'm a country mile ahead of both you slow thumpers.
  7. It's simple, don't go into or out of QSL like a punk (I'm by no means calling you a punk ) and you won't get a ticket. Just up shift a gear or two and keep it civil. We can control to a point how loud or quiet our bikes can be. Keep the RPM's low and they won't be shafting anyone but the people who ask for it. I have twice the trouble with a dual Akro Evo setup...pick a side and you'll get an ear full. :grin:
  8. I would have to say I find nothing wrong with them doling out tickets for absurdly loud pipes which would mean a majority of Harley's. I am personally sick of hearing them miles ways at any time of day or night. Yes, sportbikes can be loud as well but I would have to say they're much more tolerable even at cruising speeds vs. a Harley. Maybe I'll buy the Independence po-po a big box of Bic pens so they don't run out of ink.
  9. Panzy....take a vico and get on the bike. Or better yet....gear up and ride bitch with Jen or Adam.
  10. Fix that for ya IP. And the "Miami Vice"... that's funny.
  11. He says 158....but I could see in the corner of his eye he was welling up a little. He was wishing it was going to be in the 160's but I had to remind him it wasn't a Zuki. Brian does take care of this board for sure...big props to him. Hopefully he'll have gotten some sleep by now.
  12. See, you should have skipped the track day and rode with us. But now you can get some extra attention from that someone special.... ...like Cleave. Glad you were able to dust yourself off and walk away. At least you'll be able to ride this season still. Heal up quick boy!
  13. I think you called just after we got finished up there. We called him on a whim as well and of course the guy never says no. He spent several hours tuning Turbo810's ZX10 and all on a 2 liter of Mountain Dew....for the whole day! That guy needs to take an entire 24 hours to get some needed sleep back. He is the man...period. PS - It's a PC3...not PW3.
  14. OK...he must be down for the night. I'll get up early enough to get the bike back together and allow time for him to meet at your location to try and make the trip. Call me in the morning, I should be up in time and ready to ride regardless of going or not. 440-773-6001
  15. OK....let me call Turbo and ask him if he's game. I have to get my rear put back on before I can had out in the morning. Hang tight for a confirmation if I can get a hold of John.
  16. I think John and I are out for this trip. It's just a lot of time wasted going down and back to not spend on some fun roads rather than all highway down. Sorry fellas, maybe another time when we can all plan on spending the night down there like Inya and folks.
  17. That guy is still awesome, but I think you might have missed a couple doses of your meds there son. Also, no trailer queens here...we ride! But you can still have a few more for me and get up a little later for sure. I talked to John briefly this morning and I think he is still OK with whatever. I will firm up our intentions late this afternoon and shoot you a call. That is if you're not getting leg humped by the medicated one above.
  18. Well when you said you were going to head out early on Sat. I assumed it would be around 8-9am which would still make it a 6-7am departure for me to even get to Cbus and a little longer to get to Zanesville (2.5+ hours). So hitting the highway at 8 is doable but it will take several hours just to get down to a meeting point. Besides, do you know what kind of highway patrols are going to be out this weekend!?!? Zipping down will not be possible. Again, I'm going to talk to John this afternoon and see what's up. I'll call you on my way home from the east side. Oh....sorry for not calling ya back last night.
  19. I won't have my tire changed until 5-6pm....then I have to put it on, pack up, ride 2+ hours, AND get a hotel somewhere. Yeah...that's doable.
  20. well...you'll be 2 hours ahead of us and if you're wanting to head out early that would mean we'd need to leave at like 5am. Please define 'get started early'.
  21. LOL! Thanks mang. As much as I'd like to hang with Justin it just sounds like more fun on the 555 run. I know Turbo810 was wanting to ride also, but I'm not sure which one he'll want to go on. I'll be seeing him tomorrow with my rear wheel and see what he says. So are you going to allowed out to play shitty or what?
  22. If I'm not invited I don't need your stinkin' permission slip numbnuts. Maybe I should fax YOU a permission slip for your wife to sign so you can rider her bike for now. Don't you have an R1 to go rebuild?!?!?
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