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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I'm still torn between this and the DTC thing. I want to hit some twisties but not spend all my time putting around looking at the surroundings all day. Meh...I'll try to decide tomorrow after I get my rear tire changed but leaning toward the nickle run.
  2. Yeah beotch....beer...Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Chop-chop!
  3. I thought the goggles on baby were the finishing touch....baby ready to rock! Even if Tod does look like a pedophile, it was funny shit.
  4. I'm home...I'm tired...and I'm getting hungry again. LOL! Was a good ride even in the back. There was a few 'WTF?' moments from a couple of the guys in the group, but kudos needs to go out to Tod for keeping the peeps in check up front. I must say I'm glad I went. I def need to get my earplugs out on these trips from now on. I keep forgetting to take them but I'm going to just get a pair and keep them in the bike. Buzzing around at near triple digits can cause me some headaches. On the way home the short guy on the green ZX10 buzzed me and Justin on RT2. All I gotta say is 'Check and mate'...Zuki for He got me once on the run also but it wasn't going to happen again. So, again thanks Tod for keep us in line and draggin' my butt out.
  5. I just talked to Mr. Sleepy Head. He's in still unlike Steve and he's going to try to meet me and Udel at our rally point. If he's not there by the time we arrive then he's going to meet us at On The Edge. So I think we have everyone covered and should be good to go.
  6. Well Steve is out so I can just meet you at McD's (Broadway and RT2) around 11:15-11:20am. Cool with you? Puck, you picking up Justin on the way?
  7. Boo...you suck. I call for an official two ride ban.
  8. It's just a ride for anyone willing to pay a few dollars. You sign up and pay the money, they give you a route sheet and a ticket for some prizes and food. You do the ride, eat when you get back, and check the board to see if you won anything. Does that help you at all or do I need to pull out my chalk and eisle for you? Also, since it's in Amherst it would be silly for you to ride east and then back west to Amherst. I plan on meeting Steve in the morning at the PB at RT2 and 611. If you want to ride that way and meet just let us know. If not we will hop on RT2 and head your way, we figured we could just meet you McD's by Broadway and RT2. We can then just jump back on RT2 west to RT58. We should try to be there around the same time as Tod.
  9. I certainly won't turn this into a person bashing, and thusly I will only make this one last comment. Pulling off and waiting in plain sight is one thing...pulling off and hiding then 'buzzing' everyone unexpectedly is something totally different. If you knew what he was doing then you would certainly have to agree it was not called for. I told him not to do it again and that was that. So, we can officially close that. Now, I'm down for a group outing EVERYONE included (we are all friends) and enjoy the ride as such and have fun. I just hope I have 100 miles left in my tire.
  10. I have known him for quite a long time as well. I have ridden with him probably more than you have Puck. To say he doesn't sucker you in is one thing because he knows of your ability and it's no fun for him. I have been present when he starts to say stuff that would otherwise not be needed to not so experienced riders. He would try to sucker me in for a long time, and having a level head I didn't let him get to me. Some one not so level gets pulled in. Do I hate him, hell no. He is a very fast rider in his own rights. Is he 'the jinx'? I think the jury is still out on that one. When on a ride down RT60 last year I made it very clear I was not going to be up front because I will not ride at that pace with him. So instead he gets way out front, pulls off to hide and then 'buzzes' everyone to get in front again. Okay, so he was having fun. But when he does it again and I'm riding in THE very back doing my own thing working on my own skills he decides to sneak up on me after one of his little pull offs. I for one, like I do on most spirited rides, do not worry about looking in my mirrors much (mind you I'm at the end of the group). Out of no where, he goes around me on the outside of a right hander. Was it necessary, hell no. I was in the back, there should have been NO ONE behind me and as such not very cool at all. I held my line and he made the pass and was gone a couple corners later. Could I be making this into more than it needs to be, maybe. But I've ridden with a lot of people just as much as I had with him and never ever has some one wound up injured in any way. So to say he is not responsible for causing others mishaps is still IMO not entirely true. So, you got a reply from me...like it or not. I do honestly like Greg, but I just wish he would tone down the 'show off' stuff at times. It's not necessary and why not use his riding abilities to show others how to be better instead of talking smack all the time. He IS by far one of the fastest street riders I know...period. I will still go to the ride, but I'm going to guess that since he is going that he more than likely has the typical 'meet at his place' thing setup with a bunch of other guys none of us have ridden with. I'll hook up with Steve, pick up Udel on the way and then be out before Noon and see you there.
  11. I think we're in, just need to make sure to be up there before Noon. I'm going to ping Justin when I get back in to town from ATL...fuckers keep changing my damn gate!!
  12. So you're still going to with the Sig...okay. You have been warned! LOL! I'm sitting in Hotlanta right now wait for my flight home....3 more hours....AAARRRGG!!! I'll give you a call when I hit the ground up there.
  13. I'm sure he'd let you blow him since you to have the same bikes. I heard you twin guys like to do that kind of stuff. Nice wordsmithing there Steve!
  14. Sure...why not. Did you call FFF to see if they had what you wanted? I could do whatever. I'm just ready to get home, been on the damn road for 2 weeks straight.
  15. Well, he always seems to have this unimaginable ability to get some younger riders in over their heads and no good has ever come of it.....EVER. I saw a good friend (and member on here Turbo810) get into a stupid pile up, held the I.V. bag for a kid that died a couple hours later, watched an older guy wad up a Fazer and get paralized from the waist down....it goes on and on. The one single factor in every single one of them...'Rectum'. Again, I'd probably be up for it before all of the hooligans show up. I enjoy a spirited ride just like everyone else but I don't want to be taken out by some dumbass in over his head. I'll get with Justin before Sunday and work out the details.
  16. I thought I'd chime in on this. As far as that fun run goes, I swore I would never ever do that run again a couple years ago. I did it for 5+ years straight and every single time someone got hurt or EVEN DIED on that run. Personally I put a lot of it on the 'Rectum' factor, but there's just too many punks that show up for that thing trying to make it into a 'Cannonball Run'. Now, if we're the first out I won't have much to worry about in front of me so we can actually do it with a little common sense. Also, they have been in the past few years giving the route out to the all the police so you have to watch what you're doing ALL THE TIME. I might...just might...be in if we can leave as early as possible.
  17. I think it's going to rain on Sat. so you should be free. HA! I made a post in that thread....head there and read it. Then let me know if you still want to do it.
  18. ROAD TRIP! Let's go this weekend. :grin::grin:
  19. You might want to rethink your statement there Justin. If you plan on having the gun as a carry weapon or even just for the house you should get in the habit of shooting at least once a month. Practice, practice, practice...things should become instinctual for you if something were to happen.
  20. Most of the Metro is 30 I think....maybe 35 but can't remember. You can rock a few parts of it if you start on the very northern end and head south (i.e. Rocky River off RT 2). The problem is the cagers and the metro po-po.
  21. I thought so also and I got the guy down another $40. Was wanting $395 and just asked what his be deal was...lucky for me it was $355 so I put $20 in my pocket since I was given $375 cash to get one. He-he. I've only been to Stonewall one time and they were okay to me. Justin, I'm going to ask the wife to get that .357 in the pic from her step-dad. I'm not sure if he'll give it up for a weekend but we'll see. All it really does is sit in a his drawer at the factory.
  22. r1crusher


    All bow before the KING!!
  23. r1crusher


    I just got into my hotel room in Johnson City, TN. and it's already half time...DAMN IT! Can anyone else smell that....it....smells like....yeah....it smells like a sweep! It's so strong I can smell it here in Tennessee!
  24. I have it chambered specifically for that purpose....woman be crazy these days!
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