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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I just got more word on our tee times on the 4th....looks like we should be teeing off by 10am. It's a 28 person group scramble so I'm hoping it won't take long to play...several hours at least so early afternoon I should be done. If it goes later I'll make a call to one of the two shit sniffers (you know who you are) and make plans to meet up when I can.
  2. You fag....it's the best time TO ride. You always get the best parking spot to watch the fireworks displays!
  3. I'd be down for a meet and ride but I do have a golf outing on the 4th that I can't miss. But anytime after that I'd be down.
  4. r1crusher


    I thought you couldn't remove AND change a letter per da rules? MoverS
  5. r1crusher


    clover bastard fusion!
  6. http://www.bazzazperformance.com/ Be prepared to pay for anything from Bazzaz ($399 for the box and another $349 for the self tuning kit). I'm holding out until Motty gets the OEM connectors and I'll be going to that.
  7. Dude....you need to PM me all the details on the bike. My self and VTR are looking at getting a track bike to split. I just need some more details on it and then talk to him...firm price, parts on bike, spares if any, etc. I know you listed most of the stuff but maybe I could talk to you via the phone or something. Hit me up...please.
  8. RVT and I are planning on going and I will have to start at the bottom. I think RVT will be also but we're still debating on the day though. I don't know if I want to do the "N" "I" "A" day or the All in Two. I'm leaning towards the all in two because it means more time on the track, but I don't want to be a huge distraction to some of the "I" guys. But it will let me get used to being passed and learning to hold my lines. Still up in the air though.
  9. r1crusher

    6/14 Ride

    No shit...slow your roll! I was stuck on the road and didn't get a chance to reply even though I'll be soaking up the sun on the beach and guzzling down some beach type drinks starting tomorrow. :D:D
  10. r1crusher

    6/14 Ride

    I would be.....but you already know where I'm headed for the next week.
  11. Schweet...RVT and I are currently discussing the idea of going on the 28th or 29th. More the latter due to the increased track time given. The big question is will he be there one of those days?
  12. Is Lizard an instructor for STT?
  13. Inya will probably be home by then I'd guess, he's in Lowrane. So I'm guessing he'd problably come by means of RT2 thusly by da mall.
  14. Just so you know....I don't pay for shit I can get for free (referring to the stip club). That's why RVT is my biatch! But, I'll be home before any of you knuckleheads are ready. RVT is in N.R. but he should be able to meet us at da mall if that's good for most (i.e. us 3 idiots since JRM can't grow a set and skip that class).
  15. I have a dr. appt. at 4:30 after work. I'll be in Lorain by Oberlin & Cooper-Foster. I don't care where we meet.
  16. BUT YOU NEVER LET ME DO IT PHUCKTARD!! I'll be there of course.
  17. My thought with tossing in the family is they'll get on his ass to give me my money back. I could care less about them under normal circumstances, but this is not normal.
  18. I've been trying to find a free sms scheduling service online to begin the celly txt bombing. I already have plans to get his XBox ID canned this week and I'm sure to get his home phone listed for some stuff. I did manage to find a couple relatives as well which will also get the same treatment. I see some Ocean's 11 action coming his way: "If you're gonna steal from Terry Benedict, you'd better goddamn KNOW. This sorta thing used to be civilized, you'd hit a guy, he'd whack you, done. But with Benedict... at the end of this, he'd BETTER not know you're involved, not know your names or think you're dead because he'll kill ya, and then he'll go to work on ya."
  19. Look man-meat-mucher, I only let you out of your cage for a few minutes. Back to the garage boy!
  20. Well....every place I contacted didn't have any in stock. And when I found this one on eBay selling for the same price in stores and not all jacked up to over $120 I bought it....or so I thought. He's going to get his in the end.
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