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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Hey folks....my sisters and neice are doing the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Orgs.: Walk to Empower. I know I've donate to charities for causes on other forums (including this one....Flounder!! ) and thought that others might be willing to contribute. All the information about the org. can be found at: http://www.y-me.org/ If anyone is will to donate to help them out it would be greatly appreciated not only by my family but those of the Y-ME NBCO. Links to donate to my sister and niece are: Kelsey Shoenfelt (only needs $10 to raise her $100 goal) Kelly Shoenfelt (needs to raise $100) UPDATE: The run is the Mother's Day - 5/11
  2. Now it's not his fault....his autozipper quit working for some reason. Looks like the damn weather has changed again and they're calling for rain on Sat. Riding or not we need to get together when you're up Shitty. Give me a shout when you're up.
  3. That works! I'll try to steer you around any fixed object when we're out.
  4. You took your bike to Kennedy's!! Boy you really don't want to ride at all this year do you!? I like Mike (the mechanic) but man they are soooo sssllllloooooowwww it's not even funny. Keep on them to get it done quickly no matter what it takes. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Sorry to hear about the passing (friend/family) so please pass along my condolences.
  5. -10 You're pretty much into losing your keys and running over curbs. :D:p:D Any word on when the bike will be ready? John might head out this way on Sat. to ride a little I'm guessing and whatever else. If you'll be around we'd be happy to stop over and rub a little salt in the wounds for ya.
  6. You are correct. I got the full 6 bills which I need after my week in LV.
  7. Shitty would know. He fathered several kids with his relatives in Lorain and I have proof.....
  8. I got mine yesterday even though I wasn't supposed to get it until Friday.
  9. You'll have to catch me on the pig of busa you own though. Weather right now looks to be on the cool side but Sat. is going to be the only day without rain in it.
  10. Or in Flounders case Welcome to the big show!!
  11. I will be here and ready to roll brotha! If you don't have my number anymore I'll shoot ya a PM.
  12. Head north on 71 till ya hit the lake....then west into Shefftucky. Look for the truck in the front yard with the engine hanging from a tree then turn left. After that look for the old barn converted into a school (just after the pig farm). I'll be out back waitin'.
  13. Here's a short video clip that will give everyone an idea of the sound. It's pretty close but as always it's much better in person. GSXR1000 w/ Full Akra
  14. Fack....yet another gixxer.com refugee. At least I know where to go to kick your ass ya man meat gobbler!!
  15. Corrected your post for ya there flat fish.
  16. Thanks for the comp. It's not perfect by any means, but that's because I like to ride it rather than pose with it (unlike Shitty). I know someone asked for a sound clip, but I right back to work after getting in from LV last night. I'll still try to do that but it'll be a short while.
  17. It was my best friend of 12+ years that backed into it. I'm guessing me and you shitty are going to have to settle this once and for all. Me and you....behind the school....3:00pm. LOL!
  18. You better not say one damn word about my bikes getting backed into ever again!! LOL!!
  19. Fack that twin piston cack sucker....he knows his role! LOL! Heading up to QSL this evening. Inya, I had your cell but you must have changed it so shoot me a PM. Mine's still the same.
  20. Update: I got the pipes installed, new radiator on, new front fender, and the new voltage regulator. Filled it up with coolant, burped it a couple times and fired it up. Sounds ooohhh so schweet. I have to recheck the coolant, throw on some panels and clean it up. Pics will follow if I can get it back together today.
  21. Oh, I've had no problems tracking a downed goose only to grab it by the neck and give it a good ringing. No different than a pheasant, just 10lbs. heavier. Gun or no gun, if one try that shit of biting with me would at the very least be knocked stupid.
  22. I wanted a "do it all" semi-auto and after my months of research I settled on it. It's all a personal preference...I want the best my money can buy. I'm not necessarily rollin in it though.
  23. I have a Benelli SBEII you can rent to rectify your "hissing" problems.
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