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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. HA!! Shitty....that's the guy!! He uses the same 1223 number at the end of his email address too!! bumba1223@yahoo.com
  2. John, I did use paypay but I have to wait like 15 days for the phukstik to respond and even then I don't think I'm guaranteed to get 100% of my money back.
  3. JRM, I called from my cell which has the number blocked unless I *82 it. I've only left my work number for him to call. shitty, you got way too much time on your hands boy! Satan, how'd you come up with that address if you don't mind me asking? I don't want to call someone and start in on them by accident.
  4. I'm trying to keep my losses at a minimum and not have to be out $130 if you know what I mean.
  5. Does anyone have access to do reverse cellular number lookup. I have this asshat who I paid $100 for a Wii Fit Board on eBay but won't return emails, phone calls, etc. I tried to find one online but all those bastards want you to sign up and pay some stupid amount. PLEASE...SOMEONE HELP ME! Here's the number (since I don't care who has it ): 269-845-7769 The phuktard's name is Ray Caldwell and all I know is he is in the Berrien, MI. area. I need an exact address....please. TIA...KC
  6. Huntington is in Bay Village just east of Avon on RT6 (Lake Rd.). It's decent and because of it's proximity to Bay, Avon, and other nice areas it draws a good bit of vajayjay. It's a nice place for sure. And my ass will never touch any water in the lake unless I'm out in a boat and it's sinking.
  7. I'd be in but I have to golf after work....then to the bar for some "cool down" drinks. I doubt I'll be done anytime before 8-8:30.
  8. I'll be returning to my hole now....thanks for reminding me.
  9. I distinctly recall you and Turbo810 ripping it up through traffic heading toward 71N one weekend only to be told by a Sheriff to "pull a wheelie"...oh...yeah that's right he wanted you to slow down. Hey Mods....Shittygsxr needs his name changed to Squidlygsxr.
  10. Maybe....just maybe....VZW will stop fucking with the UI's on the phones and leave alone like Alltel does. I want ALL the features of my phone available to me!
  11. I like the looks of the car as well, although after scoping out the pic a little more those tires are S K I N N Y! Not your performance oriented rubber for sure. The car scream "Performance" but those tires throw that look off to me.
  12. The single biggest problem (I see) with any hybrid car are the batteries themselves. There hasn't been a significant breakthrough in the manufacturing of low cost, long life, light weight, and efficient batteries. All those batteries need to go somewhere in the car, which usually means sacrificing either trunk or interior space. They are getting creative and placing them in the frames and what not but I'm not sold on the technology just yet. Not to mention all this "go green" stuff is getting rather annoying.
  13. And once you buy the Ducati....sell that and buy two GSXR1000's. :D
  14. +1 on the F-150 gold mine brother! I'm just about to breaking point of buying a shoebox w/ wheels.
  15. Oh.....Happy Belated B-day!!
  16. Maybe they're all in line behind Flounder who won't get out of their way for their turn.
  17. I'd like to get out but I'll be two up this weekend.
  18. Easy there Liz....I'm pretty sure he was pull the my chain a bit. Like we all seem to do around here. Your points a mostly valid I might add. Oh, and what do I have to do to hang out with you and ride every new bike that's made!?!?
  19. I once plugged the rear tire on my ZX-7. I don't suggest doing it, but it held up just fine and I wore the tire right down the wear bars. If you're in a pinch it would be just fine. Front tires though...not a chance, those get replaced.
  20. Mental note: Don't be a patient on Pratt's floor during an emergency. :lol:
  21. Now that's another of those things you can say that can't be disputed my friend! I'll get you round if I catch you at QSL tonight for that one.
  22. Go ahead and stop....just pull in and go to the back of the building. No haters that I'm aware of for as many times as I've been there.
  23. I'll be working until 8 or 9 and then only be able to come up after that. How long you planning on staying? I'll be looking to get some grub since I can't eat and build a deck at the same time.
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