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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. +1 You pretty much described me and my riding style. I love to ride, and I'm not really into posing.

    -10 You're pretty much into losing your keys and running over curbs. :p:D:p:D

    Any word on when the bike will be ready? John might head out this way on Sat. to ride a little I'm guessing and whatever else. If you'll be around we'd be happy to stop over and rub a little salt in the wounds for ya.

  2. R1- It says "NO LATER" than Friday the 9th. So we can get it anytime this week. I was just hoping to get it before Friday. Thursday at the latest. I keep checking my bank account and it's killing me.

    Did you all the full $600? I know some here at my work ended up only getting around $300. I hope I fall in the $600 range.

    You are correct. I got the full 6 bills which I need after my week in LV.

  3. You have got to be kidding me!! Why would you think you could fool a bunch of people on an ohio board? All that Lorain, Elyria, and Sheffied are is West West Virginia. Every cousin fucker that left West Virginia moved to one of those three cities.

    Shitty would know. He fathered several kids with his relatives in Lorain and I have proof.....

  4. Head north on 71 till ya hit the lake....then west into Shefftucky. Look for the truck in the front yard with the engine hanging from a tree then turn left. After that look for the old barn converted into a school (just after the pig farm). I'll be out back waitin'.

  5. Thanks for the comp. It's not perfect by any means, but that's because I like to ride it rather than pose with it (unlike Shitty). I know someone asked for a sound clip, but I right back to work after getting in from LV last night. I'll still try to do that but it'll be a short while.

  6. Update: I got the pipes installed, new radiator on, new front fender, and the new voltage regulator. Filled it up with coolant, burped it a couple times and fired it up. Sounds ooohhh so schweet. I have to recheck the coolant, throw on some panels and clean it up. Pics will follow if I can get it back together today.

  7. Oh, I've had no problems tracking a downed goose only to grab it by the neck and give it a good ringing. No different than a pheasant, just 10lbs. heavier. Gun or no gun, if one try that shit of biting with me would at the very least be knocked stupid.

  8. Um, I was trying to keep up with that stock crap? Who was racing?!?! When did that happen?!?!

    i think r1 has some sort of penis/bike envy going on.

    And walther, you stay outta this!! LOL

    Hang on right there scrotum cheese farmer. Nobody ever said anything about penis'. I'm thinking you have some secret envy of your own there...did the flat fish get at you?!?! :sexytime:

    And you better leave walther be. Pppssss...he's packin' and I'm not talking about in his trouser either ya sausage wrangler.

    So, R1, what he's saying is that you are a slow mf'er.


    I can read!! Damn it!! I have to move out of Shefftucky so I can lose this hillbilly aura.

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