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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. If it were "natural", then same sex couple would be able to procreate. That's what I meant by "natural". Show me a study where various species in the wild have interactions with the same sex and are capable of child rearing. You might pull some reptilians out but those aren't mammals. And do your studies show them to be 100% same sex partners? Probably not, they will most likely go between same and opposite sex partners.

    I did choose, I like women. Simple enough.....no need to be in the closet with flat fish thank you. Maybe I don't understand, but I never intend to either. Like I said, if that's your choice so be it. I'm fine with it, but I don't hate someone for being gay or lesbian. I don't wish them harm or death. Go live your lives and be happy.

    Man, I'm having to defend myself for NOT being a hater.

  2. It's about time you showed up with that 1920's sarcasm. I was starting to think you didn't like me. LOL

    Getting Akra's huh? I haven't seen Akra's for your bike yet..I'll have to look them up. Anything would be an improvement over that fugly thing. Why don't you upgrade the rider next?!?! :)

    1920's sarcasm, ouch. :( I'll try to find some 1960's stuff for you next time. I was going to let you ride it but I don't know now....you might not want to give it back afterwards.

    I guess that means that I get a new bike thanks r1crusher

    It'll do you no good to try to keep up with the Crusher. You'll need more bike than you can handle. :D

    Say, when the hell are we going to head to C-bus and visit with Shitty? I'll need to go down anyway and make an appointment with Brian to get my bike mapped if he can do PCIII's.

  3. Very articulated reply VMX, +2. Do I approve of gays and lesbians, not really. Do I care if that is their lifestyle, nope. Is it something "natural", not really. Can they chose between a "straight" or "alternate" lifestyle, I believe so.

    In the end, it's not even on my list of things to be concerned with. Gay or straight if you're a decent person we can be friends.

  4. This weekend is not lookin good..and did I just see a forcast for fuckin snow showers on Sunday? :eek:

    That works for me...cause I need to get my calipers/pads on and my Halo/Ram Air lights on too.

    Calipers....pads.....you don't need no stinking calipers and pads. You can barely keep up with me as it is so stopping shouldn't be a problem. :D J/K

    I need to make two calls today and I'll have my pipes, PCIII, and front lines ordered. I can hardly wait, I'm going to have sex with my bike once the Akra's get put on.

  5. I'm not sure if I can get away with my OWB for the PT-145 while riding the bike. I would have to adjust the waist to make it work and then I'd feel like the jacket wouldn't give me the proper protection in an accident. I was thinking a should rig would not force me to change my waist. But I've not found a "cheap" one I like yet.

  6. Shitty, thanks for the call! You could have at least said it was you. I was thinking what homo dialed the wrong number now. Guess it was the right number, but still a homo.

    Satan, I'll send you a PM with my address and you can send it to me. I don't know when the next time I'll be in C-bus.

  7. dont use an anodized aluminum bolt to hold the rearset on!!!

    One sheared and the other was about to shear

    OR......lose some weight ya fat ass! :D:boxing:

    Wish I could have made it down, but I did win a $25 Mid-O certificate. I don't know who called me but I was like "who the hell?!?".

  8. Stench....wasn't me. Maybe Shitty stopped in for a quick look see. And it's on like Donkey Kong now brotha! Nobody, NOBODY, calls my Gixxer an R1! Hey, for just pulling that route out of my back side it could have been a lot worse. I need to put some new plastic on the bike here shortly, but I've been trying to hold out until I can get some coin for the pipes. Don't really feel like put the new stuff on then taking it back off to put those on.

  9. ....It's no fun for the slower riders to get left and have to ride by themselves. Having said that...if you're a slower rider, at some point, my brake lights will be a faint and distant glimmer. :)

    Funny, seeing how you see my brake lights the exact same way. :thefinger:

    ...Girlfriends are encouraged! It''s hard to tell your girl (if she has a bike and likes to ride) that she can't come. Blue Shark brought his wife and rode her on back on the only ride we had last year. I had my girlfriend at the time plus Shitty Gixxer's girl was there too....

    Damn...I'm not feeling the love now. You mentioned EVERYONE but me! :( That's it...I was going to offer to hang on to your keys on the next ride. But now, you're on your own to lose them again. :slap:

  10. I drove down from Cleveland and my GF drove up from Cinci to Tuttles Crossing in CBus. It's been an interesting morning!! I'm getting ready to head out to try and find some food other than that in this Hyatt which is expensive. Doubt I'll find anything though, but it'll be fun running around though!

  11. My ride gear consists of: Arai Quantum, Fieldsheer Supersport (or Fieldsheer Ti-mesh for the hot days) both with CE hard armor and the back protector left IN, Astar GP-Tech gloves, jeans usually, and Sidi Strada w/ Tepora (in case it's gonna get wet) or Sidi Vertigo boots.

  12. It is a lifestyle choice and it makes pefect sense to me. But understanding the total cost of ownership I won't be duped into thinking I'm going to buy a house as an "investment". Will I make some money when I sell, probably. Will I make back all the money I've put into it, not even close. You'd have to pay it off and stay in it for a long time.

    That's it....I'm going to hire the "Stupid Renter" as my new financial advisor.

  13. Dweez...I don't entirely disagree with what you're saying. If someone came to you asking for a loan and not asking anything else, would you lend it to them? I pretty sure you response would be "(insert question here)". Simply put that's the point I'm trying to make, you would engage them to determine a multitude of things. Lenders should be no different.

    Acquiring a mortgage is a two way street and it takes both informed buyers as well as engaging lenders to help prevent what's happening in the housing market.

    Oh...and as far as not knowing how to swim if you're going water skiing, covered....you'll have a PFD on. :p:D


  14. A lending institution should not just push a piece of paper over to you and tell you to sign it thinking you already have all the answers. If I don't understand something I ask a question. Some people ASSUME THAT THE LENDERS ARE WORKING FOR THEM! This is not always the case. Banks/Lenders should engage the buyer and ask them questions, "Do you understand what this variable rate is?", "Do you know how this effects your payments over time?". If they did this then I'd bet a lot of people would not sign those variable/balloon papers (given an honest answer from the bank/lender).

    True it's not a teachers fault you don't do your homework. But is it the students fault if THEY DIDN'T TEACH YOU ABOUT THE SUBJECT. Home buyers don't have "teachers" to help them, that's why they go to banks/lenders! I fully understand these cuts are temporary, and people buying homes today should be told the same thing by the lenders.

    And the car references is a bit lame. If I walk onto a lot they don't instantly walk me to a Solstice (nice care though) and put me in it, they ask what I'm looking for. Again, the bank should engage the customer. Not just "Oh sure, we can give you a loan for that."

    People rely on banks and lenders to provide them with the appropriate information regarding a loan. That's all I'm saying. It takes effort on both sides of the table to make an informed decision, but IMO I feel that the banks are not doing their part.

    As far as renting I couldn't explain it any better than Todd did in the other thread http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=8741. You think you're getting something buy owning a home. Take you're yearly expenses for maintenance, insurance, etc. and you'll never truly make money on your home when you sell it. But I hope that it's something you enjoy because in the end that's all that really matters.

  15. I'm with Shitty and Todd on this. The banks are not doing their due diligence to make a sound determination as the the financial stability of those people asking for loans on houses. I don't believe they are fully informing those people of the effect of certain types of loans. It seemed that a bank's only interest was to get people to sign papers. I could easily afford a home of my own but choose not to because of all the added expenses it carries.

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