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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. I think the AC-12 carbon gets into the $400+ range. I would suggest looking into a shoei or an arai by that point. They have better overall construction: ventilation, visor systems, weight, and quiet interior. That's just my own $.02

    :plus1: What he said.

  2. Tuning I think will run you $100-$150 if I remember correctly and that's ONLY for board members. Either way it's still a good deal and he will more than take care of your bike. He's a great guy and good tuner...just go see him you won't regret it.

    If I drove 2 hours to get him to do my tune....he's good.

  3. Well...seeing how the cbus crew is bailing on the ride and going to do something local instead; is anyone insterested in doing the same here? I was just looking at the radar again and it looks like the worst of the rain is staying south and the small line of rain west of Toledo is dying out.

    Speak up if anyone is interested!!

  4. I was just at Brian's place yesterday along with Turbo810, Inyazz. Flounder happened to be up there when we arrived. Brian is a great guy, knows his shit and he does great work...all for a very good price. Shot him a PM or give him a call at 614-778-8984.

  5. If you want me to take your money, you should try a different tone. I don't respond well to orders. I left the army a loooong time ago.

    OK...you get the point though. Lets just go get it done and we'll figure it out down the road. Like I said, I have no problem helping ya out. We all get into binds from time to time.

  6. See my previous post. I had some $$ expenses come up. I can't afford the tune this weekend. I'll barely be able to afford to get the bike back today and ride anytime this weekend. It's a rough time for me right now.

    I've got two side jobs going on over the next three weeks. Get your bike out of the shop, scrape up a few bucks for gas and get ready to go on Sat. morning. We'll work everything out afterwards.

    I'm not asking you.....I'M TELLING YOU.

  7. Inya, Shitty, and Turbro....I talked to Brian and everyone is scheduled for what's needed. I sent everyone texts and Shitty is going to meet us at DTM then ride back with us. We need to be there by Noon on Sat. so plan accordingly. Turbo I know you'll meet us down by 250 and 71 or someplace like that. Inya I'll get a hold of you to make plans to meet up to go. If anyone has any problems call me.

  8. HA!! Reminds me of a line from Gone in 60 Seconds:

    Tumbler: Yo, so check out my new move. I call it "the Stranger." What I do is, I sit on my hand for, like, 15, 20 minutes, until it goes numb. No feeling at all. And then I rub one out.

  9. I'm game to meet them on their way up to Toledo or in Toledo...leaning toward the first only because it means more time in the saddle.

    Hey Inya....if you need anything just say the word. Anything....got it. I didn't hear from Brian today either so the ride to C-bus for a tune is still up in the air.

  10. Shitty - when your ole lady gets home? WTF, do you two share a celly? LOL! That would be cool either way.


    I hadn't seen him post in a while so I wasn't sure if he's just been slammed at work. I'd rather not bother him on his personal number at this point, that's for friends/family not business. I just wish his website was working and this whole thing would be unnecessary.

  11. I missed the Toledo thread info. Let me see what's going on. R1crusher, are you riding your bike to C-Bus or trailering it? My trailer is being hijacked for bike week in Myrtle beach this weekend, so I won't have access to it. I want to get my bike tuned ASAP though. Let me know what your plans are. Maybe he can squeeze us both in.

    Turbo810 (John) and I were planning on riding down in the morning on Sat. if Brian is available. The weather looks like it will finally break and it's short notice for Brian but I hope he can do it. If I can get a hold of him I'll ask about tuning for you also. I sent a PM as I can't find Brian's shop number anywhere. The link from here works but his site is down or something. I'll give you a call when I get in touch with him.

  12. I need Brian's shop number so I can see about getting a tune done on Sat. if he's available. I can't find his number anywhere and the link from here to his website works but the site is down.

    Anybody??? ASAP!!

  13. OK....I'm in for any and all of this. I'm planning on going down to C-bus on Sat. morning to get the bike tuned IF Brian at DTM can do it. I'll be calling him this morning. But you can damn well bet I'm going out Sun. and Mon. A couple friends were talking about riding on Sun. morning heading south somewhere. One guys is a eastsider and the other and myself are westsiders, all are welcome or we could plan something together.

    We could plan a trip from this area out to meet Satan and his group and then ride with them for a while. This would be cool as we'd get to put some faces to screen names.

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