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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. I won't take sides here but I see the logic with Todd's statements. Angrish will more than likely push some cash in his pocket, but only when he sells. The uncertainties of the housing sector will obviously play a role in whether or not he gets his $50k. TCO is something that should be taken into account, just because you can buy a $180k home and make the payment doesn't mean you're "home" free. You have to be able to pay for all the other stuff that goes along with home ownership.

    Neither is any more right OR wrong, it's simply a matter of personal finance and choice.

  2. Takes one to know one. :tongue:

    Trust me, if you come sniffin' around and I think your getting a little stiffy I'll pull a Flounder on your azz and kick you in the junk. :D

    I was just in c-bus but didn't get a chance to call shitty. GF wanted a "lazy" weekend, which was fine with me....she needed some luvin'.

    We all should to hook up at least once a month and hang out to get through the winter months.

  3. So quit being a :fruit: and load your dirt ride up and bring it down here and see her instead of her driving up to cleveburg.. Then tell her your taking her to ride dirt. come with us, ride for a bit and then spend the rest of the day kissing her arse as it sounds like your going to be doing anyway.

    I'll be in cbus Nov. 2 - 4, if you think you might be up for then I'll load up the 300EX and bring down with me. And it's Shefftucky, get it straight man-meat mauler. :rolleyes:

  4. Mental note: never under estimate Putty and a text editor. :slap::D

    Locally for a few hours is all well and good, but it will take me almost 2 hours to drive down and 2 hours back. So that's pretty much the entire day and she'll have none of that seeing how she drove 4 hours just to see me. My "fagina" will probably stay at home.

    Besides, why would I leave the poon at home just to watch a bunch of sausage huggers wreck their bikes? :dunno:

  5. Now see that's just wrong. I rode Sat. and Sun. for hours and didn't hear a peep from anyone. Took a ride to State 8 on Sat. then back up to the flats and Sun. I rode down to Mohican and then east back to RT83 to watch the game at the bar.

    I'm gonna come over to your place Inya and kick you in the ding-ding if you don't start calling me!

  6. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm "Websensed" here at work and can't go to the IDPA website but will check from home this evening. I thought I read that you and some others do some IDPA shooting, right?

  7. Good price if anyone is interested, most classes are another $50 or more. I'm already a CCW license holder but thought I'd mention the good price.

    Do you have or offer any advanced or tactical training?

  8. Anybody can push their weight around as a mod....pppfffttt...nothin' new there. GDC was bad with it at one time. Besides, I don't believe I've broken any forum rules which would normally result in "the ban":

    1) No racism.

    2) No sexism.

    3) No advertising in sigs, profiles, avatars, etc.

    4) Invite people.

    5) For the love of God and anything else Holy, don't post the same thing multiple times in different threads and forums.

    Only proves there's one person on this board that can't a) take a joke, b) has no sense of sarcasm, and c) needs to upgrade to this new ZX just to keep up with the Zuk's. ****SARCASM ALERT...SARCASM ALERT****

    Ban away brotha....ban away!

  9. Damn I wish I could go...but the woman will be here this weekend. I bought the sticker to ride in parks a while ago and never put it on so I might have to get another. Let me know the next time you guys are heading out. I've not rode the 300EX at all this year.

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