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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I'll be there Sat and Sun for 750 and mini 20...or maybe the 40 just so I can hold up Ryan longer this time. Brando...I'm really praying that you do something different this weekend that you haven't done yet.
  2. Maybe we could represent MS in some capacity on Monday. I'm sure they could use some racers for Novice or CR's for the I group.
  3. Sucks we couldn't get Todd at Motoseries involved to run the day. Another good place to promote MS in my opinion. I wonder why they didn't contact Todd if NESBA wouldn't do it.
  4. I thought I saw you dealing with a bit of head shake coming out of 10 several times also.
  5. Yea...Steve cries like a little girl when Jinu sticks his giant penis in his mouth for just 1 or 2 seconds.
  6. PS - the results are actually up now.
  7. Yea...we need to talk about turns 9 and 10. I could hear Justin and Matt screaming, "Watch out for that boat anchor!!" I could tell you were struggling when they were all going on the outside of you in 9. You still did good in the last race and even with just the 4 of you out there the fight for 2nd was fun to watch.
  8. Matt was sick to watch. I'm just watching his times in the tower....1:12's over and over and over. I want to say his best was a :12.29 or something like that. We'll all see once mylaps get updated online but GD I was just in awe watching him going 4 seconds faster than the other top guys (which all did very well respectively).
  9. r1crusher


    OMG. You two wanna get a room?
  10. Yea...right into your warm moist mouth for 3 hours to and from Putnam.
  11. You're damn right!! And it's pooooosie. I will def. be checking that fucker out no question though.
  12. I know how much the thing costs and there's no way in hell I'm going to be responsible for holding it!!!!
  13. You're going to get really tired holding that piece of glass this weekend. Hope you bring something to mount it on.
  14. If that pile is still too big after you pick out a pair you can grab the next best pair for me and I'll get them from you at the track.
  15. OH NO YOU DON'T FUCKER!! If you can go to Mid-O you could come to an MS event!!
  16. Good to see you're still stalking me more than Ralphie May does Ronald McDonald looking for a cheeseburger. .
  17. It is irresistible isn't it. I can bottle some up for you if you want.
  18. No no no. You promise him zj's AFTER the race so he's motivated to be quicker to get back in for said zj's.
  19. Cool. Glad things worked out better for you.
  20. Hope you got what you wanted out of it.
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