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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Ssssshhhhh!!! You'll scare him away!!!!
  2. That giant douche bag can lick my balls straight back to my turd cutter. At least then the shit he spews will smell like it also.
  3. I can do that to you on a fucking tricycle!!! Now what beotch!?!?!
  4. Yellow is the new white, right?
  5. You just need to do whatever is possible to make it to AAC on 9/1.
  6. In. Should be racing on Sunday also. Also, has Jen and Mike been out on Sundays?
  7. I couldn't agree more on your last statement Udel. Crime is crime regardless of who it was committed by to me. Maybe Al and Jessie should take a closer look at those black on black crimes right along with the (pick your color) vs. black crimes.
  8. This. That's all I was getting at. I keep seeing everyone posting it's happening and he's doing it....blah blah blah. It's just a continued investigation but they will have no chance proving it was race related which one juror has already stated they found it was not.
  9. Where are you guys getting this information?!?!? I've not read one single article or seen anything that state the AG is filing anything.
  10. PM Steve. You best be PMing me!
  11. Congrats to Steve and Justin as well as the other!
  12. Dead men don't talk. Too soon?!??
  13. I just find it entertaining that someone soooo into the intwebz has a paypal account but doesn't use it.
  15. I know you were. It's hard to keep the trolling going if I don't reply.
  16. I was back there. I just don't have enough disposable income to throw my street bike away on the street and get another. I rode sweep the latter part since Pauly wanted to play up front.
  17. See...I called it. Just about as easy as calling Z not guilty.
  18. Well...justice has been served. Let the riots being! And lets see what Al Sharpton and his band of goons come up with next, I'm sure it will be riveting.
  19. I made it home around 6:30 for anyone who cares. Jinu is a pussy for bailing early. Good to see Brandon after his MX trip at PIRC. Pauly, if you cut in front of me at the gas pumps again I'll chop you in the throat. It was nice to meet a few new guys, the other Brian (spelled the boring way ), Kent, and Jerry. Brian (Bad)...well....I guess it was good to see you too you Mexitalian bastard. Tpoppa...thanks for leading. I know we all appreciated it. And just for the Poppa...my dinner was grilled chicken w/ a salad and a couple very cold Lake Erie Monster beers. I didn't reset my trip meter but I'd guess that with some of us racking up close to 500 mi. today I'd guess I rode that and then some today.
  20. I'll be heading out to meet Poppa in about 15 min. Can wait to see my Asian sweetheart and his twin the Wonder Ginger.
  21. Well...looks like you can't receive any PM's Poppa. Just looking to figure out when you are going to punch out tomorrow morning. We could buzz down on the slab. Give me a call if you can/want. 44zero.77three.sixzerozero1
  22. Poppa...PM incoming for you!
  23. A big group of those out at PIRC on a shortened kart track....OMG!!
  24. I don't care how we get there honestly. We'd have to leave around 730 I'd guess to get there by 9. I wonder if my EZ Pass would work through a tank bag I have....hhhmmm....
  25. I think I might be down for this little soiree. Tpoppa, if you are in for this for sure let me know. I can swing by, meet you and we can head down together. I'll be coming from Shefftucky Lake.
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