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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. r1crusher

    Magpul MBUS

    Okay...having acquired a new M&P15 OR I need to get some backup sights. I have been considering getting some MBUS. Now, my problem is that I don't have a fixed front sight, I have a picitiny on the gas block which I'd like to put the sight on. I have heard and read that due to it being poly that it will melt with an kind of high continuous round count. I don't ever plan on putting four 30 round mags through it all at one time. I would like to get some tactical training with it at some point but even then I wouldn't expect that would cause it to melt. I do plan on changing out the hand guard to probably a MOE at some point so if that lends itself to a solution, do tell. SO....I'm hoping that those that have experience or friend/coworkers with experience w/ MBUS sights on gas blocks possibly would give me some feedback. Flat fish, Walther, Parks, Midget, etc., all opinions welcomed. Thanks!
  2. I'm going with the thought that he back dragged a little too much.
  3. You better make it better than that last enchilada you made for me. For fucks sake...and you call yourself Mexican.
  4. I heard Ben tried out for a fluffer position...a couple of times.
  5. My father-in-law went to the inaugural F1 race at CoA. Having been to the inaugural F1 race in China at the Shanghai Circuit I have a good idea of the experience he had there but I wouldn't mind going to either a GP or F1 race. I'd pass on Laguna.
  6. Come'on. That's still not enough spring for Ms. Piggy let alone you AND her.
  7. Ha! Get in line, my shit is so handsome...well....I let you figure it out.
  8. And I repeat. Dick. I hope you rack your junk on it several times.
  9. You knobs are fucking hours away! But I will make it down because I want some unofficial tactical/cq training with it. We can take this up on CoD BOII or in PM. /thread_jack BUMP for da seller!
  10. I'll have spent that money on my new M&P15 furniture and optics that I just picked up by then.
  11. This is pretty much what I've been looking for....but the holiday shopping has kicked my ass this week.
  12. I typically only run low :50's at Mid-O with an occasional :49 thrown in there and I can run :24's at Nelsons at an easy pace. He would absolutely not have any issues getting under the :30 mark.
  13. Dick. Show me an OS that has as many applications developed for it and I'll gladly switch. But, I did find the issue and took care of it.
  14. Well, what the f@#K. I'm pretty good about keeping my shit clean of crap. I'll have to see what's changed since I was gone for two weeks and someone could have done something while I was gone as it's never done this until now. Thanks for the info guys.
  15. Okay, Ben. What gives with these key word links on words in posts now!?!? Hell it's even on one users screen name! I personally hate these thing because if your mouse even crosses one of these stupid things it opens a small annoying dialog for it. What's going on???
  16. Technicality...point is still valid.
  17. According to Flounder, Dubguy, Blue03guys, etc.
  18. Hhhhmm....that's not what I hear around the bathroom troughs at Mid-O.
  19. Two words..... Privatize TSA /thread
  20. Fuckin' a I wish I did! Just his bike skills though. I don't kiss ass so he can keep those skills.
  21. Damn it! I considered using previous owner instead of original. ~~~ ___||______ <FAIL_BOAT>
  22. Of course he's alive you douche! I even had some fun at the last PIRC event following him around and passing him multiple time.
  23. Think about it, you could get a full prep'd track bike vs. spending some good money on getting your street ride setup and if something happened to it you'll be out of both track and street time. $3500 isn't a bad price...but I heard the original owner is an overbearing whiny keyboard ninja douche.
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