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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. The only pics you're going to get is a long ass line of dudes running a train on the sexy beotch!
  2. Serisously! This I did not know. That's fucked up, big time.
  3. WIFI printers should not go outside your LAN and use data whatsoever unless I'm missing something unique about how things are setup there.
  4. I"m going with malware infection or something as flat fish suggested. There IS something using data even when you're not "surfing". Turn of the wireless on all devices when not in use...this will stop things dead. You can selectively do this and find out which one is causing the issue also.
  5. True but it doesn't sound like his son is playing xbox games online. It certainly will use a good chunk, at 60GB/mo. that's only a couple GB a day on average. Can't see that blowing it out for him, IMO.
  6. Did you offer him some burritos from your food truck?
  7. You have to have something on that's using data while you think you're offline. I can't see even playing online games with friends using 15GB in just a couple days. I have also heard satellite is bad....it's the latencies that kill it. I had a coworker that was using a line of sight/direct WIFI from a provider. Basically they setup repeating towers using high power antennas to provide you with wireless service. It wasn't great but it was better than satellite but I don't recall what he was paying monthly either. I think that might be your only option. You can try to make sure all your wireless devices have their wifi turned off to be sure they're not using data when not in use.
  8. John's lips are fuller, but that's close!
  9. Quoting your own post is right up there with sucking your own cack. Damn it why didn't I stay home this week!
  10. Fack...Lizardville in Rocky River is close to me but I'm not up north right now! I would snag a couple bricks if I were there.
  11. No Mexican has soft hands....have you ever seen a Mexican's hands? Once that reach around starts your dick will be raw in about 3 strokes. Just sayin'.
  12. So you and Copeland have been keeping in touch then. No wonder he's been quiet lately.
  13. Eloping...Vegas...municipal justice...in and out...20 min. That's how I rolled. Why don't you get a 600 and play with the slow guys?
  14. I've wanted to try an IWB behind the back setup but my only concern is it's not going to be comfortable while sitting/driving.
  15. Us fat guys have a hard time concealing.
  16. It would be the only thing you can keep to yourself, Mr. Happy Hands.
  17. She didn't get shit. Yup...keep an eye out the window. I'll be there soon. Nope. It'll take more than that to scare me away. I'm not going to ask for an address. If you wanted the sammich so bad you'd of sent it. You know I have balls. That tea baggin' I gave you proves that. I highly doubt it.
  18. You'll have to wait until the first round.
  19. I still wonder if his wife know's he's playing for both sides.
  20. Oh I'm sure he is! Did the flash from his camera wake you from your sleep?
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