In light of the timeline now fully exposed. There's either a lack of inter-departmental communication as previously posted or someone in particular has some real issues with how to deal with a customer. We'll never know if someone simply failed to pull down/end the auction after the deal was reached with the OP. Which is a simple error on IM's part and by all means an apology is due to the OP. Or the deal was made with the OP and since the auction was close to ending someone at IM thought it wouldn't make the reserve and let it run. But it did and now Steve is in a pickle because he has now made two deals on the same bike. Rather then ruin his rep. on eBay he chose to rescind on his deal with the OP. Either way, it's good to know that if you're going to deal with IM that you should have the all the "t"s crossed and "i"s dotted. I don't know that this would keep me from dealing with them, just that I need to be prepared for any deal made to be broken...verbal, in writing, etc.