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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Bullshit! Your ass will be at Mid-O with the rest of the OR crew RIDING on the track. You can still be my pit bitch also.
  2. Uuuhhmmm...No. I told you already, you snooze you lose. You'll be wanting to sleep in my "condo" at the track instead of ginger's place.
  3. Ass...we could have worked out a cash and trade deal for the ZX! If I had the moniez it would be gone.
  4. There's tons of bikes to be had depending on your budget. No offense to Aaron, but I think he's a little high on his price but someone will buy it eventually. Sign up for the forums listed in the second post and hit the classifieds. You'll find something.
  5. You get your swingarm yet, Brian?
  6. Maybe you should buy some crude or BP stock since you know they're making 123844568207% profit.
  7. I had a reply, but thought better to just type this.
  8. You're all wrong. It's about greed. Oil and gas companies can all still make a very good profit if they appropriately lowered pricing to match accordingly. But they won't because we don't have any choice other than to pay.
  9. Jinu and maintenance just don't go together. I remember he was attempting to top off the oil or something on the Ape at Beaver one time. He left the fill cap off and decided to start the bike and watched it pump out 2 quarts of oil from the hole.
  10. Hhhmmm...maybe I should try running A group then.
  11. No, my rectal tract is quite short. Sorry.
  12. You'll probably have several chances each session to stuff Craig at Mid-O.
  13. You were supposed to have already done that ya tard.
  14. If you're willing to come out and pit bitch, you can haul Ms. Piggy out and rider her. Quit stallin' and commit already.
  15. It will be a little tight, not gonna say it won't. We all just pulled in from the back of the garage and angled the bikes towards the pit lane against the fence inside. This let everyone ride through to their spot and made pulling out easy also. But if we get more people we can just get more garages.
  16. Are we all going to split a garage? We did 4-5 the last time I was there with Mike, Steve, Steve, me, and some other guy. It was a little tight but it can be done.
  17. Not was...IS going...ya stool packer. RVT is in as well as far as I know.
  18. ftfy....after all, John is what he eats.
  19. From now on, all greetings to Jinu will be: "What's up my Ninja!?"
  20. I did ask and that lasted 2 sessions. I guess I need to be more assertive and tell someone I want one on one all day if needed.
  21. How about you send me 2 hundie, I'll give you two chocks and you can give me some tows.
  22. What I need to do is find someone that I can work with every time I'm at the track to help me get better and work on stuff to make me quicker.
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