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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. YOU LAZY FUCK!!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/08-09-10-KAWASAKI-ZX10-SWINGARM-/130712558054?hash=item1e6f1359e6&item=130712558054&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr#ht_500wt_1413 GET ON IT LIKE YESTERDAY!!!
  2. You could ride Jinu, but you'd have more fun on Craig's scooter.
  3. He's probably more stable on three wheels....not to take away a possible sale of course.
  4. Invacare Corp.....aka.....cocksuckinbackstabinworthlessasskissin Corp.
  5. I've got a tricycle that my nephew used to ride. I'm sure he won't care if you crash it.
  6. I officially make it your "theme song", John.
  7. HA! I have a friend/ex-coworker that's a software developer at Hyland, Kyle McKee! You should look him up and go see him. When you do, tell him KC said "Hey!"
  8. I don't know why but every time John posts all I can hear in the background is The Bloodhound Gang's "Yummy Down On This"
  9. Meh...J can pit with you guys. I'm sure you guys are sick of seein' me by now.
  10. ^^ This might just sway me. At least I can try to find another staffer to help me out.
  11. You better be in you stinkin' back marker! I'm certain I'll be there for Sat. I think RVT will be in with me as well. Not sure if we'll stay for Sun.
  12. http://www.buckeyetraffic.org/ Select the area you'll be riding through, check the appropriate options boxes on left and click update just below those. It should give you a current view of any road work.
  13. Are you talking during races or during track days?
  14. Can I claim a HJ from you if I say, wreck my bicycle coming back down the hill at Beaver? It's still a wreck, just off track. You should have better disclaimers for these types of cases.
  15. Does anyone know what changed between Sat. and Sun. in the carousel? Was there a wreck there on Sun. during practice? I didn't notice anything on Sat., but my slow ass wouldn't have really noticed. I need to find a line through the carousel that works for me. I struggled with it all day. That and watching Wayne and another guy on a BMW pulling me on every straight. I'd catch them on brakes and close up a little in the corner but I couldn't match them with less CCs after that. I captured the guy that ran off the track in 1 on Sat. towards the end of the day. You can just see him in the grass and all the dirt and shit flying. I heard AMA tuck it in 12 also. Brian, Matt and I were standing on pit lane (where they were pitted) and we walked over to see him walking to the corner station and the bike in the grass. I had a better than expected day given my first time there. I found I could run paltry :26's fairly consistently and found traffic most of the time. Trying to find lines around slower riders was a challenge also since I wasn't sure if I could stick it in certain areas and hold my line. I was getting pissed because there was a guy on a CBR1000 that would park it in the corners and then take off, much like the R1's cack suckers at Beaver last year. I also wanted to work on my upper body positioning which I think I did well with. I couldn't get someone to follow me around to get some feedback but I think I'm in a better position in the video that I took compared to that at Beaver. Good to hear everyone came home in one piece. Nelson's is starting to get a reputation, unfortunately.
  16. r1crusher

    Ride 6/9?

    You still rollin' 'round on the slabs with that thing you call a bike? You need to come play with the cool kids at the track instead.
  17. I usually get there around 7am but I'll call ya when I head into the track.
  18. I will have plenty of room under my canopy if you want to pit near me. Not sure where I'll wind up pitting but you're welcome to some shade for Ms. Piggy.
  19. My weekend plans have opened up and I just registered for Sat. I'd like to do Friday also, but I'm not sure at this point if I can pull that off.
  20. Throw in a couple reach arounds from him also and I'm sure you'd have a deal.
  21. You get my email, Jinu? It's not cheap but you'll be set for a long time to come...no question. The only thing I can say is go ahead and get 16GB of ram. Newegg has lots of 8GB x 2 kits for $30 less than Microcenter.
  22. We have started using these in our work laptops for storage drives. I don't think we've seen any huge improvements in performance honestly. We do a lot with VM's and if they are small and can fit into the NAND area they seem a little faster than a normal drive but not enough for cost increase honestly. It might behave differently as a boot drive though.
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