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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Bump this up. I signed up to go in my Rx7 and by buddy signed up to be there in his e36 M3. I believe that Audion19s should be there in his GT3 as well.
  2. Alex, do you have any of these in stock? I'm looking at a large fiberglass Pro Airflow SA2010 helmet and would love to be able to try one on before I buy to make sure it fits the way I want.
  3. Nice civic. Looks like a fun project. Welcome to the site.
  4. Re: cleaned up smokey....that's impossible since Smokey 2.0 is in my garage and Smokey 1.0 met its death at my hands years ago. :gabe: Other than that it seems like you put some good ol' elbow grease into the car which is always a good thing. Just work on those golf ball sized dents in the hood.
  5. Not only am I pumped for my first fathers day, but my wife was awesome and bought us tickets to go see the Yankees vs Red Sox in July at Yankee Stadium which I've always wanted to do. I'm mega pumped. Right now I'm watching the end of LeMans with my son.
  6. Nice intro and Rx-8. Welcome in.
  7. I'd try it again, plus they also make them an additional inch wider than what Rob has. I can't remember, are you going to run a rollbar in your 240? You'd want to have a seat-back brace with the aluminum seat.
  8. Go sit in the seat in Rob's M3. Aluminum seats are going to be the best way to get the fit you need.
  9. Sold. Lock it up. Thanks Drew.
  10. This. While Invicta look and feel nice I wouldn't buy one as an intended long term gift for someone. Look at Hamilton (my vote), Tissot, or Skagen.
  11. schweet. PM me his info if that's not breaking any rules. Otherwise I can probably wait, because knowing how my schedule is going right now I won't get to it for a couple of weeks anyway.
  12. when's that happening? I need the rear window of my M3 done and my wife's TL. Do you know if he can get/will do the clear UV tint on the front windshield of the TL?
  13. You thinking about going Carl? I'm going to do my best to be there.
  14. That seat shouldn't be used with harnesses at all. The straps around the sides of the shoulders will allow them to slide sideways in a wreck. The sub strap (between the legs) shouldn't ever go around/over the front as it won't work the way it should.
  15. Didn't take google long to find a major offender. Check out this harness install. It ticks quite a few boxes on the "never do that" list. http://www.vetteweb.com/features/vemp_0203_1996_chevrolet_corvette/viewall.html here are some choice shots: notice the SWEET camera setup too. http://image.vetteweb.com/f/12874601/vemp_0203_08_z+1996_chevrolet_corvette+seats.jpg http://image.vetteweb.com/f/12874643/vemp_0203_05_z+1996_chevrolet_corvette+interior.jpg
  16. if you're talking about running racing harnesses in an older car PLEASE make sure they're installed correctly. Start here:http://www.schrothracing.com/sdocs/2009_Competition_Instructions.pdf Take note of required shoulder strap angles, sub strap angles, and mounting surfaces. Just about every time I see someone mount harnesses in an old car they don't follow these rules which can create a very unsafe situation in the event of a wreck.
  17. so clay is the real question you're getting at "can my child be in a front facing booster seat with only a lap belt in the front seat?" we know from c&c your daughter is not in a rear facing seat, and anybody that's driven a car made in the last 20 years has seen the millions of stickers/warnings saying not to have a car seat in the front where an airbag is.
  18. great to see another event of yours Shawn. I'm going to do my best to make this one if the car isn't down for upgrades.
  19. I found this interesting from Evan's link. So all the times that there are claims that it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk are false. While I clearly understand why they discourage it and it can cause incidents, I do find it interesting that many times cyclists state "it's against the law for me to be on the sidewalk" as a reason for being on the road. It seems to me that if you're in a dangerous situation on the road, that the sidewalk is a viable alternative in which you just need to make sure you stop at all road crossings and look before entering the street. As for my own experience, I generally try to show courtesy to cyclists on the road and seem to get the same in return. I regularly run into them riding on the "back" side of Hoover and haven't really run into any issues. Not sure they like the sound level of my FD exhuast though. haha. For the guy in the OP's story, if he was riding above the speed limit in that area then he deserved to be ticketed. If he was being an ass when questioned by police for it then he deserved to be tazed and I'm happy that they're holding him accountable. As stated before, if you want to use the road you can't pick and choose when you want to pay attention to the laws (looking at those damn red light riders out there).
  20. :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu: God damnit!
  21. The newer ones have the option for a leg curl attachment, and I'm sure they're more smooth in their motion. They may offer more resistance or other features too, I honestly have never checked into it.
  22. I have an original Bow Flex that I no longer have use for. It does not have a leg curl attachment. Comes with the belt to help you do some additional exercises. The only "problem" with it is that the seat is old and when it slides sometimes it'll drag on the rail making the resistence a bit stronger. Nothing that completely impedes function though. I think I have the Bow Flex book that goes with it too, I'll have to look around for that. $75 http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z56/kutschca/For%20Sale/P1010301.jpg http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z56/kutschca/For%20Sale/P1010300.jpg http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z56/kutschca/For%20Sale/P1010302.jpg http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z56/kutschca/For%20Sale/P1010299.jpg
  23. I'll be happy if Schumacher doesn't have another damn DNF!
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