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Everything posted by vectorvictor

  1. You and me bitch.... Tomorrow in the park... at high noon.
  2. Damn I thought you had moved and I wouldnt have to be all skippin over your posts and shit again... The longer a bike is the more stress on the frame and lots more pressure on the neck. The longer the bike is the worse cornering is partialy due to the extra weight and also due to the farther to the inside that the rear tire is trailing the front with heavy steering input. They stretch bikes more where there are more straight roads and fewer corners. You can do it around here but unless all your friends you ride with are interested in cruising on interstates then you will be left in the dust like me. Happy stretching.
  3. Dont swing from his nuts but would be happy standing next to the man as I did with Glenn Beck. I do have it out for the global warming debate because it is a pack of lies. Dont get fooled by a slick politician that doesent live by his own rules. Sorry back to death row talk.
  4. Hmmmmm well maybe. let me know when you start making plans.
  5. Call me if this happens I gotta see that.....:wheelchair:
  6. Yes he bought it after I was there but i heard he has NOT changed anything except put in some more restrooms. I would love to go to Bristol but arent the tickets impossible to get a hold of and sell out a year or so in advance? or is that just the windbag announcers talking! If Eldora hasnt changed I would love to go there too and it would be cheaper!!!!
  7. My family background is Italian on my mothers side and Scotch, Irish and German on my fathers side. They all came to this county for something better for their children and grandchildren and they all knew that in order to prosper in any country you must speak the language. My greatgrandparents on my mothers side could only speak some english but they wouldnt allow my grandfather to speak Italian anywhere but with them. They knew he had to become an american and that meant speaking the language. I can understand if you are a tourist or you just got off of the boat but if you have lived here for more than a few years and you have not learned conversational english enough to order a fucking sandwich or to read the street signs then you arent interested in becoming an american and you just want the freedom without the sacrifice. That is in my opinion disrespectful and I dont want you here.
  8. Yes Yota we could debate this all day long and come up with all sorts of facts from either side. That would be just too american. I say lets embrace the tactics of the global warming crowd and declare that the debate is over because more than twenty percent of us say burn the bastard asap and lite a fire under his ass now before anyone can use wickapedia. I believe that if the consequences were harsh enough for murder than the only ones that would think of doing it would be the Bonnie and Clydes of the world and they are allot easier to spot in the streets. When you step over the line and kill someone in cold blood or over some Nike's then you have lost respect for human life and you are a danger to society. I dont care if you have been saved or have given yourself over to god or some bs like that. You had your chance to live amongst a civil society and you failed big time. One strike and you should be out. LIFE MEANS LIFE and not "until you realize you have been a bad boy". You knew it was wrong and yet you killed another. I have no respect for you or the crappy parent that raised you. Yes we are wasting allot of time and money on the prisons and the retrials for the death chamber, but no one seems to remember that you can use a slipknot over and over again and it takes no electricity or drugs to make it work... but a flaming pile of murderer is so much fun to look at.
  9. Not as bad as the taste in his. Not to mention hell smells like hell, ask satan.
  10. I havent been to one since the 90s when i worked at a race shop. Now Im too busy to go but want to go to bristol badly. Ive been to charlotte and that was just to big to be fun, but damn the beer and women were fun. Ive also been to Eldora, and KC raceway and I built cars for and raced at columbus. I would like to go back to Eldora and KC and take my son but havent had the time or money.
  11. Dont lock him up again.... Lite his ass on fire and spray on some gasoline... marshmallow optional
  12. I was also excited to watch that race after the whiner stopped leading and yes I was obviously happy w the tire selection because it made it a drivers race. I am not saying this because I like the punk ass bitch that won the race as I am a Jeff Gordon fan and he didnt do too well for some reason. Im sorry that you are a Tony Stwrt fan but just be glad the fat as hairy sombitch couldnt fit in an Indy car so he had to go to nascar that gave you a driver (That Doesent Shave the day of the race) to root for.....hehehe
  13. No, burnouts arent bad! The thing is do you want your kids thinking it is ok to do a burnout in a parking lot with people close to the car and in your car? Everything is good in moderation but we dont let eight year olds drink beer do we? You will understand when you have children or something but it isnt cool. By the way, What kind of death wish do you have to put your son who probably cant reach the pedals in the truck to hopefully have enough strength to hold down the brake hard enough to not let off and go driving through the wall of your house or through the parking lot with no control. You have no idea how bad of an idea this is and if i knew who make the video I would send over the cops to arrest the stupid somofabich for child endangerment. You can call me an stick up my ass old man but there is a line and this guy crossed it if this is real.
  14. SATAN.... You said you wanted to go to Daytona!! You didnt say you didnt make it because you were in JAIL!!! COME on man, tell the TRUTH:leghump:
  15. Ok guys... I watched that race start to finish and thats the first time in years that I didnt fast forward at least some of the races that i watch(usually due to there are soooo many to watch and only one sunday to do it in). That was an awesome race with mistakes and all for everyone to see. How about the Ferrari's all breaking down and the screwed up braking into the dirt. The accidentally overdone engine breaking and the bump and break while trying to pass each other. That is what racing is all about. Make a mistake and it should cost you the race or the least mistakes wins. OUTSTANDING
  16. Is that what they were saying at the beginning? My sound sucked on that video... So that means there right? I am a bad father?
  17. hey hey hey.... dont be dragging the fact that i have a loving wife into this conversation.... you bastard with your reality checks
  18. So for once EVERYONE agrees with me or did he take the job and disregard EVERYTHING I said? hehe
  19. Ok this is a little off of the subject but did anyone watch the NASCAR race in Atlanta last week? I thought it was a great race for the fans due to Goodyear brought a really hard tire and the cars were coming out of the corners almost sideways. Tony Stewart ( spokesman for the I Bitch about Everything Group or IBAEG) Was whining that he was nearly wrecking at every corner but Kyle Bush (spokesman for I can drive a loose race car)( sorry oversteering race car for all you F1 guys) Won the race handily and other than all of the bitching and Kyle running away with the win, It was a great race. How often do you see someone go into the pits first and come out last and 30 laps later he is leading the race again...... unheard of in motorsports nowadays. So no traction control for F1 is my cup of tea and maybe ill start catching some races if there is some tire smoke instead of circuit board smoke.
  20. I hope you wont be excluding people because of the size of their "PISTONS".... I mean If that were the case we would have to start another website and put up firewalls to keep out all the under 1001cc crowd. We wouldnt want them enjoying a motorcycle at the same GPS coordinates as we were. That would be just icky!!!!! Yea, I know NNICK... Ill bring the smores again. segregation is wrong and I wont stand for it any longer. PS. Do you have any cookies left?...I need some thin mints!!!:popcorn:
  21. Sadly I have been all over the eastern half of the US and I couldnt find anywhere i would rather come home to than central ohio. Yea, there are places where it is warm year round but there are other drawbacks in each one namely homeless people and missing the change of seasons and the snow. Yes, you would miss it eventually and want to come home for christmas too. I have not been west of the grand ole mississippi but the things that ive heard are enough to not head that direction. Ohio is just average all around and thats good enough for this average Joe. East is too crowded, south is too hot, north is too cold and west is too empty and then too crowded at the coast. I know I sound like that girl with the three bears but thats just the way I feel. Cleveland doesn't ROCK but OHIO is as close as it gets.
  22. That damn global warming keeps messing everything up for me too. I cant take a crap today and I think its because of global warming.
  23. YES ... Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane is RELATIVELY SAFE.. That would be like farting over a candle in gasoline underwear but just holding a bucket of water in case you lite yourself on fire. SArFErTY FuRSTs
  24. yeah... That would be horrible. The Honda PC wouldnt be outdated the day you buy it. It would be more advanced than the other pc's and you could buy replacement parts that dont burn up faster than the originals? Wow what a sad sad world that would be.
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