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Everything posted by vectorvictor

  1. Its because asian chicks have been bred to be so damn skinny and boney... The mix helps them get taller and add just a little meat to there bones... Come on TwinCharge back me up here..
  2. No, I mean an update to this thing, which was probably last updated the same time as the 250: Well the picture we are looking at could be a 500 and we just dont know it.
  3. Fugly dont cover it does it. Beat down w that generational ugly stick.
  4. Might I say, IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! My question is, where's the 500 version?! Uh, you mean an old school 550cc right...
  5. Problem is your on an ISLAND which means you cant go very far without turning around and heading back the other way... I would get very tired of "Ive been on this road before and that one two and that one two and ...."
  6. Oh yea thanks, I knew I was doing something wrong...
  7. Is not as good without the New York accent but still good after all these years..
  8. That would add some flavor at some restaurants ive been to...hehe
  9. I agree, It does seem fishy and a bad employee will still be a bad employee in two weeks when the storys long gone. You have to take the good w the bad and make the bad good...
  10. I saw lane splitting in New York City while I was there and due to the traffic I would do it too if I could. Its just the speed that most of them do between cars is just as dangerous as racing through cars at 120 while the cars are doing 65 on 270. Someone could change there mind and change lanes or cut you off by accident. Dont make your wreckless behavior someone elses fault.
  11. I dont want to take the side that this is a good idea but 160mph would be interesting on the two slight turns just before you come into zanesville where st rt 40 intersects 70... And once again you would have to have a screw loose to try it on any day without 10 passes to get the line down before you took it up to 160.
  12. Power isnt everything guys and gals. Lighter weight gets you through the corners faster on two or four wheels and that means you never have to slow down... Your not drag racing a 50cc bike. All you knee draggers should be jumping at one of these. I know I would buy one just to have one if i could. Plus it probably gets 80mpg!!!
  13. There could be more to the story but, the way I would have handled that situation if I were the owner is not to fire the employee but to hold him up as what good people he has working for him to get some publicity for the company. Then when the guy screws off, which he will if he was such a bad employee then I would fire him. The idiot running the company should have seen the opportunity in front of him is he was smart. You can call me an evil republican if you want but thats the smart thing to do.
  14. Sorry for taking you out of context. I appologize for the mistake and credit you one....I am an asshole!!!
  15. +1... Speeding ticket and wreckless op charges versus death... I'd pick the ticket... He might have even just gotten a warning if he had stopped quick enough!
  16. Thats just stupid to fire a guy for doing the right thing... just part of the down hill slide that this country is heading for if we dont get our heads out of our asses. Thats a boycot that I would be up for...
  17. I'm surprised they are even talking about it on the internet... what, you dont think cops cant use a browser?
  18. vectorvictor


    I dont think its the kickstand that died, just mondays are screwed to start with... someone pick a different night. Hey satan lets vote on a night and place for the group meetings!!!
  19. Nope, I would say its the cat and not the 750girl that I know. Hell, Im a bigger asshole than she is as far as I can tell, but maybe your just lashing out at others because you dont like yourself.....
  20. Again welcome 03 CRV, 75 CB550, 93 VT1100 Glad to have you here:cruiser:
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