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Everything posted by vectorvictor

  1. I wave at motorcyclist because were in a group of people that like the same thing and the same way of getting there. But some have there sissy bars shoved up there asses and some have there racing boots shoved the same place, and others cant remove there hands from the bars while they are selecting the correct chapter of Smokey and the Bandit from the on-board dvd player. You know which ones you are even if you dont admit it. But, if you go by so fast that i cant make out which bike it is, then i forgive you and know in my heart that you are from OhioRiders and we have met.
  2. Two things...First, fuel injected or any computerized vehicle (motorcycle or otherwise) has what is called "parasitic load" on the battery while the engine isnt running... This is due to the computer requiring a small amount of draw (milliamps) to store the "closed loop" settings in the memory. This info is needed to cleanly run the engine after it warms up and starts to read the engine sensors. The computer also stores a factory base map in "read only" memory that cannot be erased by disconnecting power for any period of time. This is the "open loop" memory or perameters and they can only be changed by manually erasing the chip. This will start the bike and run the bike untill it can see the sensors ( engine temp, exhaust gas, manifold pressure (or vacuum) and others) to decide from there how to adjust to the environment to run most efficiently. Second, the old wives tale of cold batterys go dead is actually backwards now due to better case technology and materials. It used to be that battery cases were made of tar and cotton or something like it and the material would leak when it got cold. This would cause weak batteries at the very least and mostlikely dead ones when left out in the cold. Todays batteries dont leak and are very stable at low temps but just loose some cranking amps due to the liquid being cold and preventing movement of molecules. Conclusion, Carbureted bikes... turn off key and store. trickle charge 12 to 20 hours before starting bike with or without being connected to the electrical system. fuel injected bikes... disconnect terminals and store in the bike and then trickle charge the same amount before starting. Charge the battery disconnected or connected it dosent matter. If there some how is a power surge with a connection to the system your fuses will blow before damage occurs, yes they work that way too, and the short run between your driveway and the gas station will reset the lost memory and you are back to pre winter specs. Now the question is did you put some fuel system additive in to keep the fuel from turning into jelly or tar? sorry if i bored you but brain is working for a change:D
  3. YEEEEEhawwwww....lol hehehaaaa
  4. Yea Mtha Fkr!! You got a problem with that? If so I will curl up in a ball and you can kick me for a while!!!
  5. So were all just stupid if we have a front wheel drive car that we want to race against other front wheel drive cars or any other car that wants to join the fun? I believe that they said import racing was a waste of time because they couldnt make enough traction but they are doing it and just as fast if not faster than the Supras and Vettes. The laws of physics say that it requires more energy to push something than to pull it and if the traction is available and the weight of the car and horsepower being the same the front drive car will be faster. But the whole point of that article was TAKE IT TO THE TRACK and if they wont let you go down the track due to safety then you shouldnt be racing. This I agree with and do not think that it is safe to go that fast on the roads that the public uses because the public expect you to be going the speed limit and when your not... bad thing happen... 100mph isnt fast by itself but then you add grandpa and grandma going to the store at ten under merging into traffic then there is a 50 mph difference on the highway and thats enough to kill everyone involved in the crash. That dead idiot hanging off of the back of that semi trailer was dead because of the semi truck driver not expecting the guy to be doing over 100mph and look what it got him. soooo whether you are racing a tricycle or a fighter jet TAKE THAT SHIT TO THE TRACK...
  6. Ever seen pictures of or been to the red rock canyon area in the south west. looks like a wind and sand blown rock to me but you know they could take a better fucking picture with a cell phone camera and that would help..
  7. Why should we give you any credit? You never give anyone else any! What goes around, comes around!!!!
  8. Anyone on x box live... I only have one friend and need a bigger lisp... i mean list. Just got on and play halo and forza motorsports 2. and ''ktjshaw'' is my tag..
  9. For gods sake people... That shit is marine grade two part epoxy.. Walmart discontinued selling it about six months ago and I bought six tubes for six dollars... He probably bought the whole farking warehouse full and is trying to unload it... Wait.. Ive got six tubes in the garage...... This shit is awesome and it will cure athletes foot too....:lol:
  10. WTF that truck weighs prolly two tons and its flaming 31's ... The lambo would win in the corners:rolleyes:...Had to say that first didnt I ... hehe
  11. We all live in a nudist bikers colony!!! Didnt you know that... Its all the rage up here in Mt Vernon:D
  12. http://www.novalynx.com/reference-wind-chill.html When I ride I like to ride for more than a half an hour before stuff starts to die and fall off of me....
  13. http://www.fred08.com/virtual/substance.aspx The latest Iowa ad from Fred Thompson
  14. Well if they take a third of Hardleys t-shirt sales then Hardley will have to sell a few more bikes and then that will lead to a lower price and hopefully a better product so people will buy them.. But thats the optimist in me.
  15. Thats what life comes down to.... love of sammaches.
  16. Words of wisdom to live by... not like that jackass looser Stevan
  17. Of course that the basics but its not a Hardley and thats good for the motorcycle industry. Competition is always good. Maybe Hardley will step up thier game and make better bikes and lets see if they make a sport bike and make the Buells better too. Sound good to me but I wont be on either any time soon.
  18. Well were gonna try man. Me with the help of Brett and Rocky I think they will have to join in about half way through the ass beating to drag me off of his bloody pulp of a head after I rip out his eyes and Fry them to make Stevan Fries... yea that right. Im gonna EAT his fucking eyes. Stevan
  19. Stalker and get a life, maybe male but hard to tell.
  20. P.S. I think he owns a lawn mower and a wood chipper;)
  21. Flounder! Not to say you should be carefull but Bret may look like a lovable little teddy bear that is just another addition to 250 bunnys collection buuuut I wouldnt go pissing on the roots of that tree if you know what I mean.
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