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Everything posted by vectorvictor

  1. ridiculous isnt a strong enough word. +1
  2. Sniff sniff bang... always a good rule:slap:
  3. Cant See... Must Kill Cock Video Linking Bastard
  4. and pray other people want to hang out with you Well there goes that idea......
  5. Well we could make an exception for you If you behave....
  6. I can sew a patch on by hand for about 20 bucks but most sporting stores that sell high school letter jackets have a machine that can put anything on by embroidering it w a machine. If you just have a patch to sew on I can do that.. PM me
  7. Well I like to throw it through the corners like any other rider but thats done when you are by yourself and not in a group. I have seen too many group rides turn into group piles because someone got frisky and lost control taking out the whole group. P.S. I am riding w my father-in-law down st rt 33 as far as we can go on sunday. Sorry but I would love to go with you guys but I already have plans. Cruisers or 65mph sport bikes are welcome (250cc or smaller)
  8. Sorry but I dont hate you or your bike but at 250cc you can hardly call it more than a big moped...once again not hatin just sayin
  9. Fuck puppies they smell and they poop in the house. as far a peanut butter, jelly and kittens, I like those on rye bread...
  10. What services does the federal government supply you with other than military and security that you use? If you compare Gross Domestic Product to Federal reserve gross reciepts from 2000 to 2006 you find an increase do to lower taxes = more investment and more payees into the system = more taxes paid to the government.. Works every time
  11. +1 but the problem is that the idiots are the first ones to the booth. Welfare and all. I talked to a lady today who could barely tie her own shoes an she said " Dont you remember how nice it was when Bill Clinton was in the White House. Things are so horrible right now with the economy and the war.." This all while im at her house doing touchup on the house full of furniture she bought after remodeling her house. I just wanted to scream BILL CLINTON DIDNT DO ANYTHING except increase taxes, defund the military, get blow jobs and blow up baby asprin factorys. Oh and He did lie under oath and lost his law license..
  12. +1... Sorry man but I did say "most bikes" and that doesent include "pedal" bikes. But you are still a good guy just "slower" Ben (If I can call you that?)
  13. If that doesn't dissuade anyone, I'd also like to set some clear expectations that I have for all rides: 6) Speed encouraged where it is an actual challenge... In the turns. Scrub those chicken strips boys! 7) Ride your own ride. I repeat... RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE. Once roads become familiar (like if we repeat the route back or repeat the ride another day/weekend)... Rip them twisties as best you can... DO NOT worry about keeping up. 9) Ride your own ride. This one always bears repeating again, again, and again. If you are down... cool. If you are not... cool. Not everyone has the same expecations and/or ideals for what constitutes a fun ride. Some may want to run the ton... others may want to stunt... others may want to cruise... I want to improve my skills in the twisties... Eventually, I want to drag a knee. Those are my goals. To achieve those goals I practice and observe others... Group rides are good for both. Maybe I can learn from you, maybe you can learn from me. If you are like minded, let's do it... Anything anyone wants to add or comment on would surely be appreciated. These are the only ones that I would have problems with and the reason i havent tried to ride w you guys yet.. Group riding by definition is not racing or knee dragging practice and If the cruisers or slower cornering bikes are along they wont be for long... This can get someone hurt... If you want to ride this way then thats fine with me but I cannot and will not come with. I guess we need a cruiser or group rider thread! Sorry, dont mean to be a dick but thats the way i feel about it and im sure im not alone.
  14. Sooo are you guys saying that you want to make sunday night the group meet night cause that would be awesome cause thats the only day I dont work...
  15. Vote Independant. The only way anything is ever going to change in this country is if people stop voting for their party, stop voting against someone (which is VERY dangerous) and starts voting Independant. Even if you don't agree with them... The more votes they get, the more money they can generate for campaigns, and the closer we can come to having a government in power that is really BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. Dont vote independant if you are a conservative or a democrat. Vote for the person that you think will best serve your interests. If that happens to be a gay turtle (literaly) then vote for the gay turtle. Voting towards the center only got us eight years of the Clintons who because they didnt do the right thing and take custody of Osama bin laden when he was given to them on a silver plater three times because god forbid they make someone mad cause they infringed on his god given rights as a Citizen of the world to screw us, we might not have had 911 happen. This is a representative democracy. Find someone that represents as many of your values as possible and vote damn it
  16. It says mission accomplished!!! Not WAR OVER. god damn it... If some one brings that shit up again.... God damn it... Read the letters... they make words that mean things.. not whatever you want them to mean just to serve your political agenda...
  17. Most bikes should hit one hundred mph before a quarter of a mile. Well everything but a sportster and a loaded 750 cruiser.
  18. That would be soooo much better than walking up to a guy and asking "Do you have a computer?"... You get some awfull funny looks from people.. LOOKS GREAT, I will take one hundred...
  19. I told you she was a speed reader. Thats why she has to read them multiple times cause I cant afford to buy her enough books for a week let alone a year.
  20. Whenever you increase the power and efficiency and dont really increase the weight then you have a gold mine. Water can be taken from the exhaust and cleaned to keep you tank full and if your using less fuel to go the same distance you can stop less which is very good because for a trucker EVERY minute counts towards your maximum allowed for the day. You could get an extra thirty miles a day from not stopping for a half hour fill up once a day. 30 miles more a day means 15 to 30 more dollars a day. Thats worth it to me and water is near free if you do it right and better fuel mileage..hell yea its worth it. The weight issue isnt one for me because if you remove the cooling system and replace it with the reservoir for the steam engine w the exact same amount of water then you just lost all that weight from the enormous and heavy radiator. Overall the GVW doesent have to increase if done correctly.
  21. Come on guys, They are just trying to get home to there Two million dollar homes in the ghetto. Do you want them to get capped while driving past the Starbucks because they were unarmed and couldnt fight back. They just want to be protected incase Paris Hilton does a drive by on them. As far as the pot smoking, you know stunt420wheeliestoppiestoned is gonna post that they wouldnt cap a fly's ass, beyotches.
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