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Everything posted by vectorvictor

  1. Congrats man and nice catch... Treat each other as equals with different talents and you will last.
  2. Your probably right there pops. I'd drive like a bat out of hell to get out of that god forsaken state.....:lol:
  3. I went to college in NW ohio and yes the roads are straight but people drink and drive alot up there because of that and you get bored and you want to speed alot more cause there are no curves to slow you down. I drove about 20mph faster all the time when I lived there and if you get pulled over for drunk driving they take your beer away and send you home! That was our weekend pastime, to go through a case of beer each and two tanks of gas!
  4. Well i like the sound of my exhaust reverberating off of buildings and such but it isnt open. It has glass pack cans to deaden the high frequencies. Straight pipes are excessive but its a free country as you said. The problem is, if you have a bike w even semi open exhaust you will hear it if you rev to downshift, so if you had an aftermarket exhaust you cant help but let people know your around. Just a thought
  5. This is funny too http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7481847334842162901&q=motorcycle+crash&total=4364&start=40&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4
  6. video says it all http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=motorcycle+crash&hl=en
  7. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6196022306077640440&q=motorcycle+crash&total=4320&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=3
  8. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-924904334436591429&q=motorcycle+crash&total=4320&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
  9. :bitchfight:PC all the way baby... macs suck donkey balls:wheelchair:
  10. Ok guys... I agree w most of the rants. I wave at all bikes but dont consider a vespa to be a motorcycle. Most of the riders are just pansy ass liberals who couldnt bring themselves to park a real motorcycle next to the prius in fear of making the neighbors mad and getting burned at the stake at a convention. PANSIES yes I said it. To lazy to pedal and too much of a pansy to get a real bike w more than a weed wacker engine that would kill the earth. Just got back from New England and the fuckers were everywhere w the Vespas. GAY!!! Would have been cool at the age of 14.5 but after that grow some junk and man up!!! ( or woman up!!). As far as the loud exhausts on cruisers. Sorry I guess I cant announce my arrival that way any more cause someones ears might be hurt.(pansy) Trade in your nuts for the two cents their worth. About the waving at cruisers and not getting a response. Thank all your dick head friends on sport bikes that think they are better than a guy on a cruiser and make motorcyclists look bad by doing 180mph on 71 just to smack his head on the ground and make the jack asses at the state house think they can FORCE you to wear a helmet on a bike. My opinion on the SQUID issue is, a squid is someone that rides without gear and a helmet and when they hit the ground with their flip flops on they flip flop around like a squid but im probably wrong. They would wear gear if they were concerned w living and obviously havent seen or experienced the pain that is caused by flip-flopping down the road. I am probably wrong on all accounts By the way nice Red Green quote. Im pulling for you...were all in this together... but were not in the same boat as the Vespa riding wrist tippers..
  11. Thanks man just hope we can add a few more bikes next time.
  12. vectorvictor

    Hex Game

    Well isnt this nice!! Just dont start speaking in Klingon and I think I can handle being on the same forum as you :roll:
  13. Its not anymore creepy than a cemetery. Its just a digital grave stone.
  14. The problem and why its RE..TARD...ED is that if she is a rider and wants to have someone to ride with then she needs to find someone that is already a rider and not expect someone to ride just cause she says so. You will find that if you go into a relationship with the goal of changing someone then the relationship is doomed from the start. People are who they are and you cant change them. Life rule number 16:wheelchair:
  15. Well I did graduate from Bloom Carroll. What do you expect!
  16. No sorry to tell you but that is a secondary offense and they have to find another reason to pull you over which they usually can. As for the visor deal, I know its a pain to deal with but since I have "bulletproof" perscription sunglasses I have never been stopped for that and I roll w visor up below 35mph all the time. Just a thought.
  17. WTF, why didnt anyone tell me there were Amish in southern Ohio too. Well, as you read last weed...Sorry 420... didnt mean to get your hopes up. Last week you may have read about my short trip through Amish country north and this weekend I decided to go south. At 7am sunday morning I rode out (pissing off the neighbors im sure) and headed south to lancaster and stopped at my In-laws to grab a bite and join forces w my father in law. The roads down to Lancaster are pretty ho-hum but since it was early on a sunday they were empty and had a good bit of fun on 661 north of Granville. St rt 37 was mostly empty and made good time and the roads are in good shape but are usually very busy. Arrived at my inlaws house at 8:30 and grabbed breakfast and a cup of joe and headed out about 9:30. We headed to Becks Knob road out of lancaster which if you have a chance to look you can see the farm I spent most of my youth on over on the corner of Shaw and Crumley roads at least on a clear day (not today). You cant take a look if you are moving due to the curve w a 100 foot drop off with just a guard rail to catch you if you should make a mistake. We then turned onto 22 towards Circleville and rode over the st rt33 bypass that is a beautifull piece of pavement that is smooth as a babys bottom and has mostly long corners but lots of cops! Next we turned south onto 159 or Chillicothe Lancaster rd and cranked it up a few notches. Most of 159 is slow rolling hills w lots of views of corn and soybeans w a few long curving down hill runs that give you a glimpse of the Hocking Hills and the like. The road is mostly free of issues except the damn freeze bumps every 30ft that give your suspension and your back a workout. We then jumped on St Rt 23 and headed south with the wind pushing us along w used up the left lane and made good time down to Portsmouth where we then headed west on US 52 along the Ohio river. 52 was bumpy and covered w patches in sections that were on top of patches till you get out of Portsmouth. Stopped and paid 3.50 a gallon at a gas station that had the old rolling number pumps and still was pumping gas for its customers. There are now three full serve gas stations still in ohio that I know of. Continued west on 52 until we got into a little trouble... Well we were in a hurry to meet up w my father in laws brother in maysville ky and were not paying attention to the speed when we came around a corner and what do you know.. shit theres a hywy patrol car heading towards us and once I saw him I new we were had. Soooo we didnt make a run for it seeing as how were only on cruisers and hey how bad could it be to be pulled over on a bike anyhow. Whats a few more points on my license anyhow. The six I have are getting lonely! The cop (fellow rider) asked my father in law if he was passing me because I had slowed down faster and it looked as if he was from the cops position but "no" he says "we are riding together"... Doh ...I can smell the paper trail now... The cop asked him (Dave) how fast he thought he was going and he said he didnt know but he was just following traffic, but the car in front of us supposedly wasnt speeding and was 200 yards ahead of us. Yeah that helps alot. Well sir, you were going 70 in a 55 coming out of the curve. Well at least it wasnt 76 in a 55 is my thought. So the cop takes just Dave's drivers license and not mine which he never asked for and I didnt pull my wallet out of my inside jacket pocket just cause you get a gun drawn when you do shit like that without being asked to right? He never asked for it and I dont hand it over. He comes back from the police mobile after three minutes and hands back the info to Dave who gladly and with a smile says thank you. The officer then gives us a verbal warning and the whole "there are lots of deer around here and thats why its 55 mph and not higher, so slow it down cause I dont want to pour you into a body bag " speech and lets us go. WOW, It pays to ride a cruiser. We got back on the bikes and went back to running 65mph down the near flawless 52 that has some awesome views of the river and then turned on the first bridge crossing into Mayville Ky and stopped at a DQ to meet some family and grab a bite about 1:15. After hydrating and packing away a footlong coney and some ice cream we turned north onto ohio 41 and except for the occasional grass clippings this road was perfect. Everything from long straights to a 180degree hairpin marked 20mph. The only down fall is it is busy w cars and bikes but worth the trouble to ride. 41 then dumped off onto ohio 50 to chilicothe where we topped off again and cruised back up 23 to 159 to lancaster the same way we came. After stopping at Daves to grab dinner and top off the coffee quota I headed back home and arrived at 9:15 just as the headlight was doing something. The day couldnt have been much better and ranks in the top 5 best days I have had to date. Just watch out for the horse gifts (from their ass with love) while you ride through the heart of southern ohio cause its a great ride. Total miles for the day 398 and fourteen hours of blissfull throttle twisting.
  18. Well I will bring the marshmallows if you bring the beer...
  19. Ok... I just found a new project ( as if I need another one)...
  20. Its easy, Run the exhaust through a cooling chamber and collect all the condensation , then filter and you replace most of the water you used. water never goes away it just changes.
  21. The Rice Paddy in lancaster has a couple of nice guys working there and had no problem w me asking questions but when I asked one question at the 11th ave location the guy got shitty and I havent gone back... he was charging 60 dollars for a 30 dollar item and asked him if he could match or get near the internet price and he went off.. total dick.. just answer no and that will be fine. might have even bought it but I didnt due to his attitude.
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