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Everything posted by vectorvictor

  1. I like my cat and both my dogs but, A dog is a companion and a cat is a roommate. Dogs live to serve you and are always glad to see you but cats think your a vending machine\servant. Love them both but just differently. Yes pops I am sick but I am trying to get help. I just cant find a doctor with a death wish.
  2. The only thing a cat is actually good for... http://www.metacafe.com/watch/805765/how_to_untangle_headphones_using_a_cat/
  3. The only thing good about her is her nice IRAQ.
  4. Well, All I need to say is I watched the debates last night and I couldnt bring myself to vote for Mr Paul if he was the last republican on earth... Good ideas in theory do not make good policy in all cases. Sorry but you will not convince me that the radical libertarian movement is the way to go when we are having a world war. In the perfect libertarian society the terrorist would hate us more than they already do because they believe anything goes in the social realm including gay marriage, drugs for any and all, and the worst of them all Child to Adult Sex.... If you believe in the ultimate libertarian beliefs then you could do anything anywhere as long as it doesent physicaly hurt anyone unwilling to take part. Be my guest to live in that world but dont take me there cause I have a family that have eyes that I dont want to bleed everytime I take them out of the house. As far as the cut and paste, the quotes were what I was wanting from the article but I agree w the entire thing. Next time you cut and paste why dont you just give me the address of the tin foil hat wearing website that you pulled it from so I know who to credit.
  5. +1... The plane could have fallen out of the sky and burst into flames and the warheads wouldnt have gone off. I wouldnt have a problem sleeping next to a nuke as long as my finger wasnt on the last number w the keys turned.
  6. I totally agree with you. You cant stick your head in the sand and expect the world to go along peacefully. WWI and WWII resulted in us staying out of others business and then we had to bring the world back from the edge with even more blood than if we would have gotten in before the situation picked up steam. "If you dont learn from history you are doomed to repeat it" "Walk softly and carry a big stick" are two of my favorite quotes but you have to realize when to whip out your stick and smack around a few loud mouths when they get stupid. Loud and Low.... I agree that govt is too big as Ron Paul does but Thompson belives the same about big govt but to a degree. Throwing away the FBI, CIA, Homeland security and other big govt agencies sounds like a good idea on the surface but then who is going to look at all the information and stop the terrorists. Being in a free and open society in the current time takes people to gather and investigate locally, nationaly, and world wide. We have to stay ahead of the terrorists and we cant depend on other countries to investigate arrest and jail all the bad guys before they get on to US soil. The IRS is the only major govt department that really needs to go now and others can be revamped or consolidated but just dumping intelligence departments in the middle of a global war ... yes it is global and none of us can change that... will only get us killed faster.
  7. Questions... New to C-bus or moved somewhere else from C-bus or just new to the site in C-bus? Does your Honda have a steering wheel or handle bars? Cause I cant reach my steering wheel from the roof rack to ride my CRV. Well now that that "Good Folks" bull shit is out the window then WELCOME from another honda big bore
  8. Even though he's not one of the top tier contenders, I thought it might be worthwhile to go ahead and write a short, but sweet primer that will explain why so many Republicans have a big problem with Ron Paul. Enjoy! #1) Ron Paul is a libertarian, not a conservative: I have nothing against libertarians. To the contrary, I like them and welcome them into the Republican Party. But, conservatives have even less interest in seeing a libertarian as the GOP's standard bearer than seeing a moderate as our party's nominee. In Paul's case, his voting record shows that he is the least conservative member of Congress running for President on the GOP side. So, although he is a small government guy, he very poorly represents conservative opinion on a wide variety of other important issues. #2) Ron Paul is one of the people spreading the North American Union conspiracy: If you're so inclined, you can click here for just one example of Paul talking up a mythical Bush administration merger of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, but you're not missing much if you don't. Reputable conservatives shouldn't be spreading these crazy conspiracy theories and the last thing the GOP needs is a conspiracy crank as our nominee in 2008. #3) Ron Paul encourages "truther" conspiracy nuts: Even though Ron Paul admits that he does not believe in a 9/11 government conspiracy, he has been flirting with the wackjobs in the "truther movement," like Alex Jones and the "Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth." Republican politicians should either ignore people like them or set them straight, not lend credence to their bizarre conspiracy theories by acting as if they may have some merit, which is what Ron Paul has done. #4) Ron Paul's racial views: From the Houston Chronicle, Texas congressional candidate Ron Paul's 1992 political newsletter highlighted portrayals of blacks as inclined toward crime and lacking sense about top political issues. Under the headline of "Terrorist Update," for instance, Paul reported on gang crime in Los Angeles and commented, "If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." Paul, a Republican obstetrician from Surfside, said Wednesday he opposes racism and that his written commentaries about blacks came in the context of "current events and statistical reports of the time." ..."Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal," Paul said. ...He added, "We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." Paul also asserted that "complex embezzling" is conducted exclusively by non-blacks. "What else do we need to know about the political establishment than that it refuses to discuss the crimes that terrify Americans on grounds that doing so is racist? Why isn't that true of complex embezzling, which is 100 percent white and Asian?" he wrote." Ron Paul has since claimed that although these comments were in his newsletter, under his name, he didn't write them. Is he telling the truth? Who knows? Either way, those comments don't say much for Paul. #5) A lot of Ron Paul's supporters are incredibly irritating: There are, without question, plenty of decent folks who support Ron Paul. However, for whatever reason, his supporters as a group are far more annoying than those of all the other candidates put together. It's like every spammer, truther, troll, and flake on the net got together under one banner to spam polls and try to annoy everyone into voting for Ron Paul (which is, I must admit, a novel strategy). #6) Ron Paul is an isolationist: The last time the United States retreated to isolationism was after WW1 and the result was WW2. Since then, the world has become even more interconnected which makes Ron Paul's strategy of retreating behind the walls of Fortress America even more unworkable than it was back in the thirties. #7) Ron Paul wants to immediately cut and run in Iraq: Even if you're an isolationist like Ron Paul, the reality is that our foreign policy isn't currently one of isolationism and certain allowances should be made to deal with that reality. Yet, Paul believes we should immediately retreat from Al-Qaeda in Iraq and let that entire nation collapse into genocide and civil war as a result. Maybe, just maybe, Paul's motives are better than those of liberals like Murtha and Kerry, who want to see us lose a war for political gain, but the catastrophic results would be exactly the same. #8) In the single most repulsive moment of the entire Presidential race so far, Ron Paul excused Al-Qaeda's attack on America with this comment about 9/11: "They attack us because we've been over there. We've been bombing Iraq for 10 years." In other words, America deserved to be attacked by Al-Qaeda. This is the sort of facile comment you'd expect to hear from an America-hating left winger like Michael Moore or Noam Chomsky, not from a Republican running for President -- or from any Republican in office for that matter. If you want to truly realize how foolish that sort of thinking is, imagine what the reaction would be if we had bombed Egyptian or Indonesian civilians after 9/11 and then justified it by saying "We attacked them because those Muslims have been over here." #9) Ron Paul is the single, least electable major candidate running for the presidency in either party: Libertarianism simply is not considered to be a mainstream political philosophy in the United States by most Americans. That's why the Libertarian candidate in 2004, Michael Badnarik, only pulled .3% of the vote. Even more notably, Ron Paul only pulled .47% of the vote when he ran at the top of the Libertarian ticket in 1988. Granted, Paul would do considerably better than that if he ran at the top of the Republican Party ticket, but it's hard to imagine his winning more than, say 35%, of the national vote and a state or two -- even if he were very lucky. In other words, having Ron Paul as the GOP nominee would absolutely guarantee the Democratic nominee a Reaganesque sweep in the election. Summary: Is Ron Paul serious about small government, enforcing the Constitution, and enforcing the borders? Yes, and those are all admirable qualities. However, he also has a host of enormous flaws that makes him unqualified to be President and undesirable, even as a Republican Congressmen. Go ahead and vote for Ron Paul but I wont because he is only one notch below the stupid nut tree from the Clintons and the Obama's. I love small federal govt but I think the Reps. can get us there without getting everyone pissed off at us at once.
  9. My guess would be that they are soft compound tire w way too much air pressure. The center looks to be worn heavily and the contact area on either side is flat so the tire looks like a triangle w the top point worn off? The tire cannot grow any wider due to the rim and the increased air pressure expands the only part of the tire that can still grow...the center... thats the weakest part of the tire due to length of the belts being longer and stretching more. Metzler tires have belts on the bias and the radial direction to lessen growth and this causes deformity at higher pressures. Just what I have heard and the only damage you could have possibly done is break a radial belt in the center. Drop the pressures down for straight line and up for curves(just a couple of psi difference). I run 32psi on my cruiser all the time but have heard of people dropping them to get more "distribution" of wear on long straights and bump them over by 2psi when cutting corners. Take the manuf. tire recommendation and your weight and luggage into consideration.
  10. You say that until the government falls apart and you have no place to ride your pretty motorcycle cause there arent any roads, and people run red lights all the time and you have to drive a tank to survive your commute. People need guidance no matter how much they say they dont need direction and rules. I do and it makes my life better that almost everyone stops at a stop sign and very few people piss in the storm drains in front of the state house. Take away all the rules and eventually you will get anarchy. We need leaders and followers and the constitution and the bill of rights to guide us. Its just the way it is and nothing will change it. Im a constructionist conservative and I agree that the federal govt is too big and the local govts are too weak. Put the power closer to the people and things will get better because when you have to walk by the person your voting to screw over and look him in the eye and you know his family, you dont do it as often.
  11. Sorry man Ive been busy and sorry just pissed off about alot of stuff and the dumb things people say without any fact or logic behind it.
  12. I believe the problem in New York is that either lane splitting is legal and it scares people into swerving when you split w loud exhaust or the concrete walls everywhere tend to reverberate the sound and make it worse. I witnessed both problems when I was in New York a couple of months ago and both sucked and surprised me when they happened.
  13. I wonder if OSU can cancel the bonus check they wrote her for doing such a good job while she was here. And dont just get pissed if you payed OSU tuition because that was tax payer money that made that bonus and dont give me the ticket sales paid it because that is what funds the entire athletic department. Taxes paid her salary and nothing else. Fucking bitch stabbed us coming and going and we smiled the whole time.
  14. Fred Thompson is going to announce his run for office on Sept 6th and he doesent have a bunch of nut jobs behind him saying that the government crashed their own citizens into the world trade center in order to start the war on terror. Im all for many of the libertarian ideas but most of the supporters of Ron Paul are anarchists not conservative libertarians. Freds the real deal and Mr Paul wont run alone because he knows republicans wont follow him there.
  15. Which is fiction and has no basis in fact unless someone was stupid enough to move to a desert in search of a good home and even if they did, we did MOST of our testing BELOW GROUND to lessen contamination. Ten feet of earth will protect you from 100% of radiation and if you happen to get a little radiation every once in a while you could actually get less cancer than the average person. Small doses of radiation kill cancer according to doctors.
  16. Two words.....FRED THOMPSON. Yes I said it. Im PRO kicking the ass off of the dictators of this world and giving the people, or the "sheeple" the right to do the same thing we take for granted and vote in a free election. Burying your head in the sand over islamic fundamentalists and dictators who support them is the same reason that we had a bitch of a time kicking Hitlers ass. If you want to wait around until they cover the earth like the nazis did then try to stomp them out it will be too late because nazis dont blend into your neighborhood like a plain old muslim fundamentalist does until he straps a bomb to his son and sends him over to play catch with YOUR son. As for the bushies, 17 ignored UN resolutions for Sadam to allow inspectors to look at how much mustard gas he had left over after he killed thousands of kurds who were his own people! By the way, if George Bush Jr wanted to kill everybody in New Orleans he could have with the weapons that Sadam used on HIS own people BUT SADAM HAD ALREADY USED THEM ON HIS OWN PEOPLE. Democrats are screaming that Bush killed them by building inadequate levys even before he was governor of TEXAS... Yet you overlook the actual deliberate massacre of a group of people in Iraq by a dictator that gives the world the finger everytime we ask him to check his stash... I dont want to hear another democrat say anything about how good the UN is and then get pissed off when we actually follow its empty threats up with an ass kicking. Just a little two faced if you ask me . sorry about the ravings of a pissed off individual .........
  17. Actually guys and gals, If we would have invaded the communists bastards country after WWII which would have been a "preemptive" war... THAT TESTING WOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN PLACE... and the problem wouldn't have arisen from the dumb asses testing nuclear weapons near people. We could have removed the problem before it happened by a preemptive war. War is hell but so is seeing all the baby's we could have saved from being stillborn or born with major birth defects. While we are on the dead baby in a jar topic...Think about all the aborted baby's whose mothers were spared the hell of raising them in this country and tell me those mothers in Kazakhstan wouldn't give their lives for a perfectly healthy child that we take for granted here.
  18. He does live up to his name, doesn't he....
  19. Gear...I dont want to lay there in bed fully awake as a veggie and i cant get my arm to move over to my crotch so I can jerk off... that would be the shittiest life I can think of.
  20. Thats too good for someone that lets someone lay on the side of the road to die... he needs a long slow death.
  21. Has anyone hit their head on a door jamb or the corner of a drop ceiling at .5mph? Well if you havent or just dont remember because of the whole passed out on the floor thing then.... Try it at 20mph or how about 50mph. see how long it takes you to get back up after that. After ten minutes of riding I dont even know its there except when a rock or a beetle trys to take my head off. Then I think thank god that wasnt my forehead or my eye that thing just scratched. Most accidents happen at 35 mph according to the number crunchers and thats faster than I want to hit the ground w my head or got forbid a telephone pole. You decide but stay away from me if you are tempting fate. Screwed up as it is I like my family and my life and I want to see my son graduate from college. You decide for yourself if the wind in your face is worth it and take the risk by yourself.
  22. Yes, the Rice Patty in lancaster ... They will have it somewhere in that pile.
  23. Thats the way I do it and have been pulled over for speeding on the bike and cop never said a thing about my visor or the glasses..
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