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Everything posted by vectorvictor

  1. I call bullshit and if its real no one could ride the shiny piece of shit. if you twisted the throttle you would fall over from the torque. there is a reason why every bike made in the last 20 years except by bmw has the engine mounted transverse rather than inline. think about how a camaro or a mustang torque when you rev the engine. you would have to have a counter shaft which is how i think bmw does it, Most dont do it cause its extra weight for no reason. please tell me if im wrong.... what am i saying of course you will. lol
  2. I may be able to come depending on my schedule that day so ill keep it in mind. Im about 50 percent yes.
  3. The only benefit of any plug out there over your plugs is that they are new. Multi-electrode plugs only block the flame front and when the flame fronts hit each other it causes detonation. Thats the worst thing in a high performance engine like a sport bike with 11.5 to one compression. The only thing i have seen make a difference that is somewhat noticable (on a dyno) is changing the placement of the side or ground electrode by clocking the plug by using spark plug washers of different thicknesses. its only maybe a half of a horsepower per cylinder on large engines so maybe a 2 hp difference on a sportbike. it also takes multiple plugs to get the right depth once u change the washer thickness. its a pain for little gain. not worth it for a street bike.
  4. hey bret it was twisted rabbit that sent me a friend request. isnt that jason

  5. sorry putty... just giving my unbiased opinion of the topic. i dont mean to actually offend anyone but the person that is the topic. as i said loved the music hated the man. private life isnt private anymore and sometimes its more important than the work he did in his public life. too bad it overshadowed his great ability.
  6. he could have bought anything he wanted in the world and he bought another childs innocence instead. he can go fuck himself in hell. loved the music and hated the man. he is and never will be a good role model for anyone except a songwriter or a performer. the rest of his life he spent destroying childrens lives. good riddance
  7. die u fucking child molester... die die die
  8. he is 9 and he lives in fla with his mom who is my soon to be x wife

  9. I know you talked about no hywy miles but my best advice if you do. get in the left hand lane and stay there. if you only change lanes to get there and to get to your exit you can plan the escape route in case of trouble better if you have the left breakdown lane to use. You can usually use the speed of your bike over the cars and pass all of the heavy traffic you will be in when you get on the highway and get to an open spot where there are only a few cars. this only applies when its not the dead of rush hour but i leave the house at 825am and traffic is usually slowing down on the west side of cbus by then. My biggest advice though is only .25 throttle till you get to a main road and watch everything. People dont watch for bikes going 75 mph when they back out of their driveway and they dont watch anything but what is directly in front of them the rest of the time. If you see someone doing something stupid then pass them or slow down to find an area with no cars. Try to be the first one to the next light (safely) and then watch for redlight runners and then beat the guy in the lane next to you so you will be alone for a while with no one around you till the next light. It has always worked for me to get way in front of who i got on the hywy with because there is usually a break in traffic to allow you to be somewhat by yourself. fewer cars means fewer idiots to look out for.
  10. It was retarded and staged. Get to the fucking music and stop doing the lesbo kiss or the ass in the face. Stupid fucking ratings!
  11. How much grant money did it take to figure this one out? I bet it was all in one dollar bills! lol
  12. +1 on the bigger tank. If you can see the backbone under the tank someone did a bad job measuring the fit or something. i know they wanted it to look different than the vtx but damn.... curve the backbone or something people.
  13. Better late than never i always say. Ill take two mediums please.
  14. Glad to hear he is getting better. best wishes
  15. vectorvictor

    Fuck you too

    It was taken at a condo complex in dayton. i dont remember exactly where but i asked the person that i was there to see if there was any reason for the sign thinking they had a problem with loud bikes or something. She said that one of the condo owners had harleys and sportbikes and she didnt know why the sign was there.
  16. Hey its me victor the looser who is always last to everything. If i can still get some shirts i need two mediums please... with sugar on top and a cherry? when u come out on a tues if you can bring them it would be cool. let me know. thx
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