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Everything posted by twincharge7

  1. twincharge7

    Qs&l 9-12

    I'll be at the Shell late as usual or I'll just find you guys at QSL. Anyone riding afterward?
  2. To all who went to this fun ride, why don't we plan to do that again before October? John, r u willing to lead us again?
  3. Johnny, Want a free dinner if you help me tweaking my suspension setup? I got so confused with the rear setup, gotta do more research on that. Tightened the front setup 4 days ago and tested at the sunbury road area. Whenever you had time to help me, hit me up. Thank you for the comment and advice! Stevan or you can call me the "asian2" LOL
  4. Amen! without that trip, I wouldn't know how my bike and its suspension reacts under stress and pushed to its or my limit. After reading everyone's responds on this, i asked myself "why did I get a sport bike in the first place...or why did I even get a motorbike?" Then running thru my mind, many many people told me: 1. "you're crazy, you're getting an R1 for your 1st bike" (5 months riding skill at this trip) 2. "If you haven't fallen, it's the matter of time" the lists just keep going and going and going What brought me a smile at the end is the quote from braveheart: "Every man dies, not every man really lives". So, the question is: have I lived my life without a regret?
  5. twincharge7

    Ride 9/3/07

    yea, what time? give me a call (614)937-0079 Stevan
  6. John, thanks for all of the effort to make the trip happened! I had one of the best time of my life and I started to learn a lot more how my bike reacts. After I got back (and washed the bike), I tweaked some of the front suspension until 1 A.M. because of this trip. When r we going again so I can tweak my suspension a lot more? next week? or tomorrow?
  7. Any girls who went through what you went through today would not even able to stick it out as long as you had. Good job and I'm glad you had a full gear on!!
  8. R u sure that you couldn't see what's 300 feet in front of you? I couldn't see because the reflections of those glitters!! LOLOL:rolleyes:
  9. Yo...finally, I saw what the supra looks like. mmhhh...how about 2JZ on the Mr2..k..that should be on a different forum. Two thumbs up on the supra and not bad of riding skill today. I was throughly impressed with you hanging on those corners and you make me look bad!! ps: I had to leave you guys on the way back home because I wanted to scout the area. At least I cleared the area, NO COPS!!
  10. let me know when he'll be in town. thx in advanced! Stevan (614)937-0079
  11. Wow. what a topic!! And Karla, good job for rocking the boat. And I don't give a rat ass of what people think because they have their own fucking opinions. LOL. Well, this is the whole story: 1. We were waiting at the light and I was behind the Worthington cop. When the light turned green, I was running 15-20mph with my visor up (and Yes, I broke the law but who give a fuck! and yes again, I watched my speed limit, u know why). When the cop changed lane, I sped up to 30-35mph and I closed my visor down. Then, he pulled me over. 2. After the cop explained why he stopped me, I gave him all of my information. I was thinking that he would give me a warning, but NOOO, he came out from his car and gave me the complete written ticket ready to sign. I should have apologized to the cop when I LOST IT!! 3. I started to yell at the cop and the exact words that came out from my mouth: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU GAVE ME A FUCKING TICKET FOR HAVING MY VISOR UP AND I EVEN CLOSED IT DOWN WHEN I PASSED YOU?" Then, I don't remember what I said because the rage in me, took over. I almost got out of my bike but all of this time, he kept looking down. He may be feeling stupid for giving me a ticket. I was yelling at him for 5 FULL minutes. 4. Then, he scratched the ticket and said, "I'm going to give you a big break on this one". Then, I said "GODDDAAMMNNRIGGHTT!!". He took off and I'm still pist off. So, I went to 71N and took off to 165 mph thinking "IF YOU WANT TO GIVE ME A TICKET, THIS IS THE TIME!!!! MOTHERFUCKING COP!!!" Stevan ps: I just had to vent out!!!
  12. does anyone want to go? I'm trying to set something up so all of us can meet somewhere before 'bike-pool' to the club ice. Any thoughts or ideas are welcomed!
  13. whatever, which way, or however we're going to do this, I'm in!!
  14. The event will be held on Club Ice 40 east long street Downtown columbus on Saturday, June 30th Door open at 10pm 21 n over More info: 614-241-4ice or www.clubicecolumbus.com R WE GOING?
  15. I was kidding about the Honda + Duc thing, He's great at what he does, and I'm sure you'll be happy.
  16. Pop, the ticket is about $1,400 per pop, r u ready for it?
  17. R u sure that I wasn't the stop sign that you were talking to all night?
  18. wow....that're some stats! just buy the G'damn air-plane ticket, and you'll never forget the trip for the rest of your life. Metamophorically, a description of a beach won't describe the taste of salty water, the wind on your face, the smell of the beach, the feeling of sand on your feet, bla bla bla.
  19. i'm wondering if anyone knows where to go to get Yamaha suspension setup.
  20. Bali is the spain of Asia, and is located in Indonesia.
  21. yea, let me know when he's coming in town next time. for $50, I can't go wrong. it's too many unknown factors in suspension that I'm willing to try on for cornering.
  22. i'm glad you didn't puke your guts out...remember, we're not in 20s anymore.
  23. twincharge7

    The Party

    I had a blast eventhough we got lost about 10 miles when riding back home Thanks for the guys who had to meet us at the applebees to guide us to the PPP. BTW, Pop, it was nice meeting you and when r we going to Bali? Nice meeting you all!!
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