Wow. what a topic!! And Karla, good job for rocking the boat. And I don't give a rat ass of what people think because they have their own fucking opinions. LOL. Well, this is the whole story: 1. We were waiting at the light and I was behind the Worthington cop. When the light turned green, I was running 15-20mph with my visor up (and Yes, I broke the law but who give a fuck! and yes again, I watched my speed limit, u know why). When the cop changed lane, I sped up to 30-35mph and I closed my visor down. Then, he pulled me over. 2. After the cop explained why he stopped me, I gave him all of my information. I was thinking that he would give me a warning, but NOOO, he came out from his car and gave me the complete written ticket ready to sign. I should have apologized to the cop when I LOST IT!! 3. I started to yell at the cop and the exact words that came out from my mouth: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU GAVE ME A FUCKING TICKET FOR HAVING MY VISOR UP AND I EVEN CLOSED IT DOWN WHEN I PASSED YOU?" Then, I don't remember what I said because the rage in me, took over. I almost got out of my bike but all of this time, he kept looking down. He may be feeling stupid for giving me a ticket. I was yelling at him for 5 FULL minutes. 4. Then, he scratched the ticket and said, "I'm going to give you a big break on this one". Then, I said "GODDDAAMMNNRIGGHTT!!". He took off and I'm still pist off. So, I went to 71N and took off to 165 mph thinking "IF YOU WANT TO GIVE ME A TICKET, THIS IS THE TIME!!!! MOTHERFUCKING COP!!!" Stevan ps: I just had to vent out!!!