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Everything posted by twincharge7

  1. again +1 Dustin, I packed mine with carbon fiber materials and then I packed the carbon fiber materials with the OEM packing material and make them as tight as possible. Then, I have the inner core special ordered and they come drilled. I hope your inner core diameter was the same with the exh. pipe, doesn't it? Result: Stock look, +4 to 6hp w/ PCIII, and 2 lbs. less. than OEM mufflers I hope my OEM packing material can handle the heat because during the dyno tune, Joe made flames shooting out of the exh. tips. :metal:
  2. Wheels warehouse in Dayton. Didn't get them done on time and I had to go back there twice with their unsatisfactory work. Fcuk them!
  3. after seeing all of the smilies, I feel like i'm in a fcukville! :D
  4. I think sex in US is overrated and what better than sex? power and speed
  5. I think I look better on that than on a harley?
  6. +1 Dustin, what did you machine the inner core?
  7. u got me all confused, i thought superman color is blue and red..n make sure you wear underwear outside, not inside...oh dont forget the cape...the white plastic cape from skyline chilli...ROFL
  8. they're yours, when r u going to pick them up? how about an engine too, just in case the 30K engine won't hold up? fuggit, take the whole bike too, will ya? u crash, u owe me 19K, deal? oh...one more thing, don't you worry about cops, radar detector is included in this deal. If you're still not satisfied, radar jammer will be installed too, deal?
  9. twincharge7

    bike dyno

    Joe at MSP helped me a lot and the bike responsiveness is amazing after his 'touch-up'. Paid $150 and satisfied w/ the bike throttle-respond, but he didn't fix the gargling noise when I left off the gas. I'm officially respect n fear my bike A LOT MORE but part of me wants more power.
  10. glad you r doing better, pop! cant wait 2 see u on the 18th!!
  11. a small space heater 4 my bike
  12. Please let me know ASAP if you have one for sale! (614)937-0079 Stevan
  13. Rock, r u referring to the event like "oh..I can pass that piece-of-shit R1 when cornering over 80mph even when my g/f is on the back" In this case, your bike limits your skill...hw about a liter bike for ya? you'll be unstoppable
  14. Yea...we've been discussing that and believe me, I'm not all about power w/o control or how to maximize it. I can TOTALLY understand where you come from, Lizard! Racing cars from the past 7 years have humbled and taught me many lessons and of course, I have my negative opinion toward people who concern about appearance/mods without tracking their high-hp cars. If I could humbly share my experience, on the first 4 years, I've raced from front to mid-engine, RWD, FWD, AWD, turboed, supercharged, and twincharged cars. Not only as a driving instructor on autox tracks, but also programming on how many turbo/supercharger boost per rpm are my specialty. Now, you know where I come from and why I mention the 'kit' for the bike in our pm's. Tracking a bike is a foreign land for me, especially R1 is my first bike. After many many nights (about 2 years) of research and discussions with few experts, the final day (abt 6 months ago) came to decide which bike to purchase...for the ultimate purpose: track. I've done enough research on almost all of 1 liter bikes out there and their weaknesses. It comes in as a top performer for handling, reliability, bullet-proof 5 valves/cylinder overbuilt Yamaha engine, and weight/hp/tq ratio. R1 weakness is the dip on 7K but few mods can be done to cure that....cheap mods! This dip have to be taken care first before tracking. Tracking with the 'dip' has frustrated racers and I don't want to find it out first hand. I don't think you're guilty for the rant...I understand where you came from! I only wish you knew me a lot more and how much I push my bike to my limit so harsh opinion/assumption doesn't need to come out in the first place. No need to say sorry and I owe you a beer when we hang out!!
  15. yea...I should have bought a GPS to increase my riding skill and then learn how to correctly install it on a bike.
  16. ahhh...that bike is a piece of shit ...it depends on the operator and I'm a nobody in comparison with others...especially you all, shitty, lizard1, rocky, Johnny!
  17. boy oh boy, argument after argument! Not trying to rain on anyone's parade but....Lizard, dya think you're doing the same thing: bragging......... on skill?
  18. twincharge7


    My friend's coworker, Alvin, had some concerns that his picture was taken and was afraid that in Jamaica, a pic can be misused in many many different ways. So, we, the americans, had a liberty to photoshop everything that we thought of to make a presentation: http://media.putfile.com/Photoshop-Ownage
  19. mmmhhhhh...tempting!?!?! I think I'll have to save my money for the daytona beach trip on March and next mod.
  20. if the weather is nice, i'm in. make sure all of the directions and all are clear
  21. ah hah ahhaha....ok. you have to enable your cookies, sorry forgot to tell you. Y don't u just come to my place and I show the video, internet-retard? btw, who give a shit about avatar? LOLOL
  22. well..it's two different subjects: number on dyno vs. riding skill.
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