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Everything posted by twincharge7

  1. fugghhh...just found out from my dad that the process of getting the FJ out of Indonesia is almost impossible. We're still going to work on it and trying to get more info. I called DOT, EPA, NHTSA, and the custom at the New Jersey Port and even Highway patrol of OH (for registration here) to only find out how easy it's to go through the custom because the car is over 21 years old. Keep your fingers crossed!!
  2. Wow...the difference in hp is pretty staggering, 8hp!
  3. she'll prolly say "why do we let those people come and live here?"
  4. I'm just trying to keep mine cleaned.
  5. +1. That's one of the main reasons I've cleaned and waxed mine. I've cleaned and waxed my jacket once a week until I have to store it for winter.
  6. I don't know if the rider is a girl or not. believe it or not, I'd rather have a girl with a skill like that than Pamela Anderson...sometimes, we all can't have both...call me crazy!!! LOLOL
  7. I think everyone misunderstood with what I wrote and I do apologize for not making it clear. I need advice on how to import it into US and am wondering if anyone had an experience of importing/exporting vehicles. Dweezel, I'm going to answer your question personally. 1. Don't get me wrong, I would love to own a Jeep for an off-road vehicle, especially CJ7. thanks for the advice/suggestion. 2. expensive? The money is worth spent, every penny, you've seen my bike, right? . This FJ40, from the past 15 years, has been our family legacy. Our family is Toyota family and I used to race a twincharged mr2 (I still own it) and the mr2 is one out of 7 made in the US until the beast, a ZO6, replaced it. We used to own turboed '69, '71 Land Cruisers, and now, we can't let go this '82 FJ40 because this thing is our proud and joy in off-road competition back home. The memory of rocks, muds, and the scene of its diving under water and came out of the water with the engine still running are priceless. We've sold the '71 for $20K about 17 years ago and Yes, the buyer was willing to spend that much money back then because our dad was SUPER-perfectionist with his toys. Yeahhhh...I was honored by my dad to choose and pick the turbo myself. Anyways, this FJ40 was modified by my brother from suspension, air-locker, genuine Toyota winch, etc. etc., and about 2 years ago, every bolts and nuts were inspected and every rubber seals were replaced and the engine was rebuilt from the ground-up (valves, pistons, heads, every seals in the engine) because of the nature of my dad's. A few years ago, someone offered $18K but he still couldn't let it go. For point 3 below, I'm warning you of all of the cheezzyyy story but I know all guys can relate to this: 3. Nowadays, my brother and I are addicted to speed and racing (on-road/track) and my dad in Indonesia, because of his old age and his physical limitations, won't do off-roading anymore. I firmly believe that this was one of his ways to bond with his sons. Since the FJ top speed is only 60mph due to its gear mods, the FJ has been in the garage and rarely used by my dad. Two days ago, after one long conversation and explained everything with my full-respect/humility to my dad, I asked his permission to have his proud-n-joy imported here (imagine: I was on my knees because I know in Asian tradition, I crossed the line). With a long sigh, my dad was quiet for the longest period of time that I could remember. As the youngest son (the oldest usually gets everything), this was asking too much and I felt like my heart skipped so many beats. I know that I couldn't imagine what was running in his mind. In our family, we know that we dont EVER upset/disrespect/talk-back to dad because we can be disowned and that's the most embarrassing thing EVER. Surely, I know my mom has been pressuring my dad to sell the FJ for YEEARRSS because their kids are not around in Indonesia anymore. My dad JUST can't let go the bonding-father-sons-memory attached to this FJ. I know how broken his heart was when he sold his '71. That's a regret! Right before I was going to apologize for asking the permission, my dad said, "Son, you know what's mine is yours. Money and materials are not that important because we are family... Actually, I hate selling this thing but now, I can make sure that this one can stay within the family. So, yes...and I've decided to pay all of the expenses to ship it there as well". (I know this decision was made without consulting my mom and in the family, my dad's say is always the final). I was dumb-founded for few seconds and speechless because I used up all of my strength not to break down. The truth is: my dad is a man's of principle and the way he shows how much he loves his sons is WEIRD due to his strong characters and integrity. Ahhh....I remember he dropped me off in the middle of a jungle in Indonesia for about 3-4 hours when I was 7 years old as what he called it "the beginning of masculine-soul training". No wonder, my brother and I are very strong will. Enough of that. Just watch-out for an FJ40 on the road with black similar-to-rhino-liner-materials on inside and out with 325/60/20 BFG AT TA/KO and (possibly) equipped with GT35R. he he he.
  8. Flounder, 1. What you and I write can be assumed and understood different ways. Solution: Smilies are very important in what one writes to show if you're kidding around or not. 2. Don't assume why I was angry and then made a sarcastic/racial remark to lessen the damage. Solution: apologize and move on. 3. Yes, in the past, I've let go many many negative remarks/responds/jokes either in person or in the forum that bother me. However, enough is enough. You've crossed beyond the line and now, I'm not holding any punches. I'm not like other people who grumble and complain about one person and not saying about it to that person. If you want to move on, let me know. If you want to take it further, I got few ideas. the quote from gay fast n furious, "respect is a big thing for some people".
  9. http://bikerpunks.com/videos/cool-chick-tearing-it-up-on-a-yamaha-r1.html still can't wipe that grind off of my face.....
  10. I'm in the process of importing an FJ40 in the US. Any suggestion and advice are welcomed. Thank you!
  11. if I were them, I would move to Hawaii since it's legal for homosexuals or lesbians to marry each other. they may have a better chance there!
  12. Large. I think you've seen it, right? The helmet is always cleaned and stored in its bag after used. had it for 6 months, waxed 3 times.
  13. +1. Sometimes, I ask myself for those slow ass drivers: "did you get your license from Walmart? have a consideration for others because I will be illegally pass you on the right lane!!" I've never had this problem in Los Angeles, CA. Is this because the education level or just plain rude/being ignorant?
  14. well..then back at you, red-neck-hill-billy...(or dya want me to keep going?)!! again, fuck off!! :mad:
  15. pm me n take pic of it plz and let me know the model/type. thanks!
  16. I may be selling my shark helmet, interested?
  17. LOL. I hope you didn't have dogs that are black. I heard they are the tastiest. bwhahhahahah
  18. Did I just read a racial comment? as I wrote before, FUCK OFF!!
  19. in some other countries, they're food. Don't ask me why and how I know that! I want to see how many people will respond to my statement and hate me for it. LOL
  20. 1. if I need your suggestion, I'll ask you or prolly, should I refer all of my posts and how I write in English to you first? 2. did I spell all of them correctly as well? 3. ? (anyone?) of course, your respond will be: 1. oh, I just want to know what that means. 2. it was only a question and suggestion. 3. ? (anyone?) Then, at the end, after all of the arguments who can write better or how it should be written, I'll say: FUCK OFF or should I respond that now so everyone's time won't be wasted?
  21. getting old huh? I'm selling my bike too. the bike is just too fast and very dangerous. Just got an offer about 3 months ago, for $15K but I'm still waiting for a better offer. Anyone interested?
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