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Everything posted by twincharge7

  1. Consider it DONE! Why? based on the quote from the gay fast n furious movie, "for some people, respect is a big thing!"
  2. Sawmill. Find me, the only Asian guy there. LOL. I'm pretty sure that OH riders can open up an account there so the members can get hefty discounts on car/truck tires. Recommendation: Yokohama tires...our best (best value) selling tires and we stock a lot of them. Read the reviews! Since we don't sell motorcycle tires anymore, I found out how much we, the company, paid on wholesale cost. Dya know how piss off I was when I found out how much Michelin/Pirelli motorcycle tires? We pay only $60-100 (price fluctuation either race or street tires) depending on stock and season we're in. To whomever going to ask me "can I buy motorcycle tires from you?" Answer: No. If you're going to ask me again, I'll ask you: what part of NO that you don't understand? So, don't ask me! For myself, I gotta pull a lot of strings to get my Corsa III.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2008/01/09/ross.ok.slow.drivers.beware.ktul fcukin slow drivers!!
  4. Holy shite, I waisted 30-40 minutes of my life and I'm still debating if I need to write something. The truth is: 1. Putty needs to flame away and who are we to rain on his parade? For him, it's about principle, not $10. if it's about the $10, still, don't rain on his parade. If you were in his shoes, you would do the same thing. That means: FUCK OFF! 2. Even something appears to be 'free', NO, nothing is free, even sex is not free. ask your g/f or wife! 3. This is my promise: (if there's an opportunity) I WILL buy lunch/beer for the moderator because he pays for this running site b/c nothing is free, right? 4. However, we at discount tires, do our community free service: free flat repair (if it's repairable). Do you know how many customers come back to buy tires from us? That's why we are the largest. At the end, no, it's not free because customers indirectly, pay for the service from buying tires. 5. I learn from the past, "don't flame away in this site because you will be shot down!". But, did I just flame away? he he he.
  5. Funny you mentioned that! we, asians, have this traditional supplement/medicines that our ancestors made us take for superior genes in speed, recovery, and performance in all areas, and then y'all americans labeled that 'Viagra'.
  6. well...I just have to change my bike to a gsx-r so we all have a matching bike
  7. don't think you can handle it, mang!! this should be worse than 2 girls and a cup. LOL
  8. can't wait to see it! get it in the winter!! if you're looking for an R1, let me know. I found a few awesome deals from the R1 forum
  9. Oh boy, I thought you're 345-350
  10. mmhhh...so, you and rocky shared girls in the past and had competitions and then those girls are/were the judges? does that involve a cup as well? Wow, 2 guys and girls and a cup
  11. Just remember, Dweezel, you're a big muscular guy...3x bigger than me. you've to get 750 before going 600. 1000cc bike will require a lot of precise skill to control it or just buy Johnny Mac's repsol and you're all set. he he he Johnny's bike turns in A LOT smoother than mine. Hw about supercharged 600cc bike instead?
  12. I think that's your own personal issue with him and no, it doesn't vibrate
  13. According to Victor and Mr. Bret, you're a small and innocent little bastard as well...btw, what'd Stevan jackass do to you? I saw how you were harassing Stevan and they all knew: if Stevan wanted to, he would and could drop kick you like you did to Jack.
  14. i think he used the whole chicken instead
  15. you may be mistaken him w/ someone else...
  16. I can't remember which one Stevan is but they all look the same!!!
  17. man, I feel sorry for Stevan and the general and I hope he wouldn't read those siht that we wrote about him. raise your hand if you think he deserves it! moderator, I think rant for Stevan needs to be deleted or he needs to be banned from this forum.
  18. The facts are: 1. Everyone will assume what one reads or posts. 2. No one will 100% understand what and why one writes, reads, or respond. 3. Everyone in life, will have favoritism in any levels or forms. 4. Talk is cheap but money talks! 5. If a member becomes a moderator, he/she will behave under the points of 1-4 (above). If a moderator becomes a member, he/she will complain about the same thing. Solution: In reality, people don't care what you know, they want to know if you care. 6.
  19. +1 What I heard from Rocky, Mr. Bret, and Vector: Stevan's a jackass!! I met him a long time ago and I got the impression that he's a superbadass and ego-centric selfish bastard. However, those three weren't sure that he could take on Stevan on and off track.
  20. wish you had size 40, 1 piece suit, yellow. let me know if you have it.
  21. twincharge7


    happy b-day!!!!!!
  22. Good God!! still with carburators??
  23. that'll be a funny sight that you as a santa is chased by a cop due to your wheelie. "sir, if you want a candy cane, u don't have to have your lights on and your gun pointed at me" LOLOL
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