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Everything posted by twincharge7

  1. Johnny, when r we going to ride again? ;)
  2. Yea...and I gotta lost about 10-20lbs, should I call Jenny Craig's or LA weight loss, suggestions? LOL
  3. bwhahahaha...I laugh so hard at the people especially, R1 owners, who spends so much money on aftermarket full exhaust systems (~$1500-2000)and its level 1. I twicked my stock exhaust (for $130) and get the same level 1 and of course at the end, produces the same hp.
  4. I thought the stock ZO6 only makes ~345 RWHP, even with the open-air element...oh...shit...this is a wrong forum, WTF r u talking about Vic?
  5. Ok English bastard ;), read the instruction from the previous post: 1. go to: www.ktm-rc8.net/ 2. Click on English for your language 3. Then wait for the new screen to come out and AGAIN wait for 5-10 seconds and the "new video play" box on the right comes out. Why do I have to spoon-fed you every time!!! he he he enjoy!
  6. what LE? last time i checked it's the same engine w/ regular R1s. I know the stickers on my scooter really misrepresented siht. people have mistaken that w/ R1 lookalike.:mad:
  7. did you read the previous posts? everyone, was it 23.5 or 24hp and 15lb/ft..right Rock?
  8. http://www.ktm-rc8.net/ click on English (as your language) and wait for a few seconds and the new video is on the bottom right, enjoy
  9. hey hey, I'm not condoning the behavior!! sshhhh....your wife'll kill me man! In fact, she can cuz she's a nurse and physically, she can overpower me. mods on the bike? more stickers, I really like 'mental' hp future mods: 4 bling-bling gold exhaust tips like some people have ;)
  10. H ahhaha... On the serious note, Yamaha restricted many craps on engine and exhaust.
  11. Aprilia FV2 concept: http://www.r1-forum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217157 this is like a mixture between street figther vs. superbike. Calling for Mr. Bret...remember ~160kg, at least 150hp, 1200cc torquey bastard, V-twin DOHC engine,...ahhh I just made an O face...carbon fiber chassis...Ockkhhhh
  12. Hey man, I was just joking around with you hence the finger: c'mon dude, what's up with the short fuse and it's not like we're a stranger? or dya want me to bring a different nurse for you? LOLOL Yes, i'm still in the mood of Dane Cook shit!!
  13. oh..I don't need to be there, my apprentice, the bunny on 250 can beat you on the track either naked or not...
  14. http://gaskrank.bitclix.de/blog/lesen.php/10149/KTM-RC8-Promo-Video
  15. The trip from home to MSP was HORRIBLE because I got lost 4X in the midst of raining, cold, people starring at me, and snow flakes. Y? I used f-ing google maps and I used the back road from 161. Few asked me why I had to go today due to the weather. I usually stick with my plan/agenda no matter what...eventhough I sometimes, late (my friends can testify on that) When I got there, I was already frustrated due to 1.5 hr to take me there, which can be done for 45 minutes. Before the dyno, I had to do a little surgery on the bike which I wouldn't explain (too long). Then, the O2 sensor pump on the dyno machine didn't correctly function so Josh had to do repair/replace the pump due to alcohol running bike that Joe had to do on the day before. On top of that, his printer stopped running or broke and all of those things added to my stress level. During my discussion with Joe, I'm expecting a quite large tq/hp increase above normal based on my research, calculations, the type of my experiment on this level, and discussion with R1 forum. While being tuned, I found out that A/F was pretty lean on all rpm ranges that pists me off even more. It's a good thing that the engine never predetonates with the existing PCIII custom map, especially how hard I ride it during suspension experiments in the past. Then, I reached the top level of my anger when I still see the f-ing dip on the graph especially on 6500-7500rpm. The only f-ing reason that I want it dynoed is to fix that dip. The dip does me crazy especially when the bike coming out of a corner on its 7K rpm, it's like a turbo lag. (When it reaches 9K rpm, I had to hold on to my dear life. Several times I almost lost my grip coming out from a corner during suspension testings). Don't get me wrong, Joe tried very hard to lessen the curve and he ran my bike 6-7 times on the dyno to try different things. I think he could see how upset I was. However, the final dyno pulled quite nice numbers from all rpm ranges. Glad I took my time to do a research, calculate, and listen to experts. I guess all of those hard work in 3 weeks period really paid off. Now, going back home was a different story. While pulling out from MSP, it was raining and snow flakes mixed. To top it off, the traffic on 70 and 270 drove me crazy. However, it brought a smile on my face everytime, I felt how quick the bike-throttle responds. Yes, I was stupid enough to run it to 80-90mph in that horrible weather, but what dya expect how one ride his/her bike after dyno tuned? U don't see a little kid coming out from a candy store walking slowly with his head down. Another thing, ahhhhh...I gotta admit Galfer does a super-job on their brakes especially the initial bite even on supercold weather. ps: if someone replies my comment w/ "take that shit to the track", my comment to that: I gotta go home cuz Dane Cook show in campus! BTW, it's a great show!!!!
  16. well...I can only say that I wisely spend my money. At least, I don't have to argue with my significant other (or lack of) where I have to sleep, who pay the bills, who keep the furnitures, etc. ps: I'm hoping no one would treat me differently based on with what I have or what I ride. In the past, I had to cut some of my friendships off due to that. Money changes everything but of course, I'm guilty of that as well.
  17. HEEYY, take that shit to the track!!!
  18. probably more exhaust pipes to keep up w/ me? LOLOL
  19. at least, I show up...and you don't because....GPS flew off again? LOL
  20. actually, talked w/ Joe and it'll be on Wed. AM. can't wait...can't wait...like a kid going to a candy store.
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