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Everything posted by twincharge7

  1. Sorry, it's the last minute kinda thing. Leaving around 9AM and anyone is more than welcomed to join.
  2. Does anyone know who does that and specializes in motorcycle and of course located in Columbus, OH?
  3. if I knew you wouldn't make it, I would have taken your bike to race w/ Mr. Bret. Now Mr. Bret, the 6psi doesn't sound that bad (or prolly need the bigger pulley) to keep up especially with me on the 250, ain't it? :boxing:
  4. bwhahahha...that'll be one funny sight! :p
  5. bwhahhahhahahahahahh...I still can't stop laughing!!!
  6. hey hey, no need to be rude at least I call everytime I'm going to be late :p
  7. Yea, take that SIHT to the track! and I'll be there...may be a little bit late cuz I have a previous engagement in the morning. Rocky, AWD is for sissy...hw abt RWD?
  8. btw, msp new # is 740-928-3966 in case someone needs it!
  9. Does anyone know where I can have a custom map in Columbus area? please let me know good vs. bad experiences at the places that you all went to. Thx in advanced! Stevan '06 R1
  10. Does anyone know where I can have a custom map in Columbus area? please let me know good vs. bad experiences at the places that you all went to. Thx in advanced! Stevan '06 R1
  11. Graves' is not a good option for my bike after an extensive research based on: keeping the stock appearance, 1/5th of the cost, and lighter materials. I'll explain them later when I see you again.
  12. that're fighting words. I just want to prepare my bike because her bike has my name written all over it!?!? Gsxr 750...mmhhh...after getting her bike, I can sell hers to get oversized brembo carbon fiber brakes kit and carbon fiber wheels. Who's laughing now!!
  13. PM or call me: (614)937-0079 Stevan
  14. Pops, I don't know Justin that much so I can't write the reference letter. Please let me know if I can be a help in anyways.
  15. when do you want me to come in to adjust the cable?
  16. That's one quick fix for me and it was fun! when r we going to do that again?
  17. Yes, I was trying to get across how frustrating the situation was. No need for a gun ever! I ran away to America because I wasted 3 cops who came after my family. But...only found another jackass here too. Satan and Flounder, I believe you both didn't understand or misread why I wrote that I need a CCW license. But also, were one of you the one who thought the trip to hocking hills was bad/dangerous? I even posted the question: "why did I or one get a sport bike in the first place?" Now, my next question, "I heard ohio riders is actually ohio sitters on their bikes, is that right?" Why didn't you just ask why I wrote about getting the CCW license? It's kinda embarassing that I have to write all of these..but of course, I believe that everyone can air their opinions. Now, my question: are you one of those guys who believe that everyone is entitled to your opinion? I think that's what nochknstrps was trying to say. Now, this is my opinion to you: There's nothing wrong to talk about CCW law or how dangerous our trip last time, do that somewhere else or ride bicycles! Try to understand the story first before raining on someone's parade by airing your opinion or ranting about the FUCKING LAW!!! I think this is exactly what nochknstrps was trying to say. To all, the story: I decided to pull my bike over when in my mind for one second, I know all of the consequences, either going to jail or killed. All over the world, people die because of their beliefs, in Asia, people are willing to die to defend their names/family/beliefs! For me, being respected is huge! After I got off of my bike, I unclipped the belt off of my helmet to be used as a weapon. While screaming to this guy, I was using all of my strength not to break his face with my helmet. Finally, the harley guy admitted, "yea, I remember I cut you off. I saw his face from being 'ready for war' to 'I am sorry' look. This is a little bit chezzy but for me, the change of his look is an understanding between men when the eyes meet. Then, my logic took place over my rage. Don't get me wrong, I decided that this is my battle and absolutely, I won't let Rocky went through it alone. However, I believe violence sometimes doesn't solve problems, especially this one. After Rocky said his final piece (Rocky, it's priceless...wish I had a recorder), I told him "it's not worth it, it's done, let's go!" At the end, a respect has been established between the fucker and I. To gsxr750girl, Rocky actually doesn't need my backup in this situation...he heh eh. patcbr600RR, you're missing the point. What's is it about bragging to shoot a living person to challenge his point (you know who)? Nochknstrps is just using those to point: you were not there. No, we weren't there when you shot a living being. If you want to talk about it, talk about it somewhere else. AGAIN, we were there when it happened and we weren't there when you shot someone. that's it. AGAIN, the point: you weren't there. If you use the same analogy as I just used, it's beating a dead horse! thank you to all of you who backed us up! Stevan ps: I was joking around about wasting three cops...
  18. I'd rather tell you in person or Rocky can post the story here. We were off our bikes ready to waste his ass.
  19. excuses! I saw you with two different girls everytime!!
  20. count me in! make sure we stop by to eat at the end of the day. A short asian guy needs to get fed. LOL
  21. may be I should get my concealed weapon license.
  22. Amen!! I'd like to hang out with everyone, but for riding, everyone should be riding on its own level and enjoyment.
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