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Everything posted by mseebs

  1. Thats awesome. Pretty crazy, especially the ones that were done 'illegally'.
  2. And thats why you don't shoot at cops. Did the dude survive?
  3. Thats pretty awesome. Don't really realize how steep it is till he starts coming back down.
  4. Not a huge fan of that gen of Saabs. But does look clean as hell.
  5. Sucks Luke. Glad youre ok
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiDyrkU0WAQ&feature=player_embedded its worth watching
  7. Yup. How long before the conspiracy theories hit?
  8. Pic from Mirror Lake http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/221645_10150579365625109_890535108_18254847_225195_n.jpg%5B
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ47eGSilPc hope the fucker rots in hell
  10. I did love the Ravens fuck up though.
  11. disappointed Eagles fan here...again. A 27 year old for 1st round?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HJxVM9-07g
  13. so happy im a pizza guy... :no:
  14. 600 prolly not the best idea for your first bike. but i got a buddy trying to get rid of his. ill pass it along
  15. that is insane. and kind of cool
  16. I work at a pizza place as a driver and in the past we've had people dispute the tip on sales. Usually the managers will refund the entire order and sometimes comp them for a future. It's a simple process. As stated, just talk to the boss.
  17. most likely main relay, they're shit on 6th gen accords. of course could be something else. i've had the messed up starts since i got my car. it might do it once or twice then it won't bother me for 5 months. i just stopped caring.
  18. mseebs

    Tonight 4-23

    Theres always cops there. They go and sit by the main door and chat with each other. In turn no one fucks around in the lot cause they're there. Not really a bad thing.
  19. mseebs

    Tonight 4-23

    from what i heard. people will be at home depot. though dont know how many will go
  20. When I want to get drunk I do the redbull vodka thing. Basically however much vodka you can tolerate. Ice is good cause it taste like shit when it warms up. It's also a good drink to get drunk off at the bar. Not too expensive. Are there really any mixed drinks that aren't considered 'gay' though?
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