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Everything posted by JZig06

  1. I had one up for sale a little while back you can have the receiver and speakers for $40. Its not the most powerful receiver but it worked great it my bedroom when I had it set up. Just look at all my post and you will find all the info and pics on it.
  2. Ok now that vacation and the army training is over I will get some pics up this weekend. http://www.gunandsport.com/products/shotguns/sgun_pumps.html the 870 express super magnum combo about 1/2 the way down the page has all the details. This website has it MSRP for $600.
  3. Looking to spend 50 bux. let me know what you have sitting around.
  4. I just put my 870 up for sale. $350 and it comes with a slug barrel.
  5. Has had about 200 rounds through it in the two years I have had it. Comes with both barrels. Buck Shot and slug. Will get some pictures up sometime this weekend. Was a little over $500 new. Would like to see around $350 for it. But I leave for vacation later this week would like to see it gone before then. Great shot gun never jams and you can't get much better than a Remington.
  6. what days do you work I drive by that place every day never stopped in buy if your offering deals at a store that is already supposed to have them I might come in and browse around
  7. I was a personal trainer for two years and any of my clients I could convince to buy one of these and actually use it saw crazy results. These are more than legit
  8. JZig06

    New Clutch

    My girlfriends clutch went out over the weekend. What is the price range that should be expected. The car is a 2000 Eclipse. 4 cylinder.
  9. All the interest in the home theater system and I still have it.
  10. gear can go on a credit card though so that can be paid off over a couple of months. I'm not putting a a bike on a cc
  11. got one lock it up. Thanks
  12. Just like the title says let me know what you got and how much.
  13. Your right that would be a dream first bike for me but 3000 is the best I can do. To have enough left over for gear and insurance
  14. Like my earlier thread I am wanting to get into riding street this year. Ridden dirt bikes my whole life. My question is I don't get my license until mid-late July unless I get lucky with finding a walk in spot for the basic rider course earlier in the year. Well I want to use my tax return to get a bike. Do I have to have my license and proof of insurance to buy a bike from a dealer, or private owner. Or can I pay cash put it on a trailer and take it away with me. It looks like I am going to have a bout $3000 total that includes tax and title. Looking for a 600 CBR, R6, some Ninja not many. I would love a 750 but they seem to be more pricey. Bike doesn't have to be perfect can have scratches just needs to be mechanically sound. I am also not opposed to a bigger cc cruiser. But it has to be black and loud. Any help on any of this would be great thanks.
  15. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76097 50 and its yours
  16. I just registered to take the basic rider course through the DMV this summer. My question is this the course that you take that you get your license at the end of it. Or do you have to go on the basic rider 2. I was also wondering if this counts as a safety course for a discount on insurance?
  17. My dad is in the market for a laptop like this. I will pass the info along and let you know. Anything wrong with it at all? How is the battery life?
  18. I am not sure. My buddy has one I will find out tom for you. How about 45 for the car stereo and 70 for the home theater so I can close this thread.
  19. Bump Macbook sale fell through. $600 for anyone on CR. Although I get at least three calls/emails a day about it on CL for $750 but i need it gone before I get deployed
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