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Everything posted by wfrpalm

  1. wfrpalm

    Bandit tires

    That is where I bought tires before but I thought they went out of business. I'll have to see if I can get in touch with them, thanks.
  2. wfrpalm

    Bandit tires

    I need tires for my Bandit, can anyone recomend a shop I can buy them and have them mounted at in the Youngstown/Akron area. Finally a string of good weather and my tire is showing the chord.
  3. I am going down to the races in Lima for the first time and I would like to know if anyone has any tips. I would like to know if I'll will have any trouble getting a campsite, tickets at the gate and if there are any good roads down that way. Thanks.
  4. Shouldn't the paper go on the other side?
  5. It's CARS and coffee. We have motorcycles.
  6. The only time that would be true is if the carb had an accelerator pump imo. If there is no vacuum sucking fuel into the motor I can't see that twisting the throttle would do anything.
  7. I've had 8 Suzuki's since 1975 and I have never had any problem at all with any of them.
  8. I have a 1990 1100 I bought new, it's been a great bike.
  9. Cleveland is a city like every other big city in America. Your life would suck if there were no cops. Just think about it.
  10. How come the headlight worked? I bet he had the kill switch on and didn't want to admit it.
  11. I had a 1981 husksy CR430 I used for trail riding, that thing would do anything I asked of it.
  12. check out the VJMOG site you will get some good info on getting the bike going. good luck
  13. I bought a SV 1000, a DL 650 and my current GSF 1250 from there and I was happy with the deals I got on the price and on what I got for my trade ins. The salesman was Steve Kaser.
  14. How can a team suck so bad?
  15. No luck with anything yet.
  16. Sorry if I wasn't clear but I am refering to photos and videos in posts on various sites including this site. Thanks for the fast replies.
  17. I see a icon with a circle, square and triangle in it instead of many video's or photos. Does anybody know if I need to change a setting or do something else to be able to view these? I know I was able to view some of these at one time. Thanks
  18. Did you try "tech support forum" like Strictly Street suggested. I'm having the same problem with multiple IE's.
  19. Check out KatRiders.com for parts or info
  20. I am going, I live south of youngstown off I-76. If anyone is heading down the same way let me know and we can meet somewhere.
  21. wfrpalm


    by any chance did she eat at skyline chili today
  22. I've been wearing bicycle shorts under my regular pants on long rides for the last couple of years and they have worked great. The padding helps and it also wicks the sweat away from your body plus they make it much easier to slide around on the seat.
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