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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. like the kind of pucker you get when you see the big black guy enter the prison shower?
  2. im reporting you to peta!
  3. oh i almost forgot to talk about which bike i want. id like to have a daytona 675 or a Team Green zx-6rr. although i havent been around motorcycles long enough to really know a whole lot about the past models, and im sure as newer bikes come out, the 07s wont be super special.
  4. easy there tiger...he could have been correcting ninjanick too...
  5. its a GMC with a minigun turret on top...they drive it around and fire a BUNCH of rounds...
  6. ...well i wasnt going to say anything, but you are pretty ugly.
  7. thats what im talking about, more military! what branch are you in? im in the army reserves.
  8. +1 to flounder. taco bell can be a little unnerving at times. unfortunately it just happens to be where everyone goes. and right next to where i live...
  9. you should also find some way to get your hands on some of those business cards satan has. those things rock!
  10. for sure, but i was suprised you werent flyin colors with your homies up there.
  11. i dont know but there was a ton of knuckleheads up at taco bell after qsl. not the crowd i would ride with.
  12. the MSF course taught me to be on the throttle during turns. any braking during turns is a bad idea. so far i havent found any reason to disagree with that. wont disagree with you on that one.
  13. dont forget silicone or whatever they use these days. that stuff is real too.
  14. well this particular day was only a week or two after i got my bike and i was trying to catch up. a lot of defensive driving tactics were not present and campus traffic just compounded my problems. i actually had to stop using the rear brake so i could train myself to use the front brake because of its effectiveness. whatever works for you i suppose. i would hardly say that people who dont use their rear brake often are unsafe riders however, just ride differently.
  15. its a matter of control for me. i used to use the rear brake for a lot of my braking because of my inexperience. it only took one day with three close calls/locked up rear tires for me to realize to lay off the rear brake. i only use it now when i dont think the front can handle it alone, which is not often.
  16. doesnt matter to me either. i was just playing with you nick, maybe you could cut me some slack?
  17. ...ran into the back of a drummer during practice, and consequently got a face full of brass. couldnt play for about a month. whys it always about band camp anyways?
  18. yea, i thought it was going to be a bunch of harley guys wearing only chaps.
  19. you know those rides with those signs "you must be this tall to ride", well the word "Dayum" comes with a similar warning "you must be this young to use". sorry.
  20. Benyen Soljax

    Qs&l 08-15

    watching the weather some more...
  21. Benyen Soljax

    Qs&l 08-15

    watchin the weather progression...
  22. man i dont think any of that stuff can satisfy me...all i can think about is a oil tanker coming into dock and that bellowing sound, which i dont think can be reproduced at the motorcycle scale...
  23. they dont have any Dbs rated for that. i found a lot of electric horns outdo a lot of underpowered airhorns as far as decibels are concerned. and on my budget underpowered airhorns are the only ones i might be able to afford... got a link for that bad boy?
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