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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. as others have said, the list could use some expanding....
  2. boy stimulates cows genitals to get it to produce milk (i think?), then video shows boy showering under a urinating cow (the good part).
  3. and that concludes the sermon today. thank you reverend JRMmii.
  4. nope, been there already for 6 months, since september. ive been doing an internship and will be back around june. the roads are just too good to not have a bike though, its been killing me. oh and i dont plan on riding many highways to get out here. US-6 through PA looks pretty killer.
  5. so by total chance im flying back into columbus the night of tuesday the 1st to get my bike and ride it back to NH. +1 moped for next wed.
  6. wait, they cut off right when it got good....
  7. guess i just never had anal sex for money in my parents bed with my best friend from myspace whos name i didnt know who i was in love with who was 10 years older than me who worked at the male strip club that i worked at...shame on me.
  8. isnt judge judy one of those "you might be a redneck if..." requirements? if not, it should be.
  9. are these some magical unicorn harleys or something? lets see some specs.
  10. $120, kinda suprised its that high...
  11. i would ask him how many miles he put on it. if its a lot, then theres probably not much concern about the bike falling apart, probably just regular maintenence stuff. that and some of the body parts might not fit quite as well as they used to. im sure theres more in depth stuff to look for, thats just my $.02
  12. +1 on the SEC, starting to hate them more than mich. they definitely beat us more than michigan does.
  13. ive been waiting for that emoticon to get used appropriately...
  14. no offense but this doesnt tell me anything. for all i know you could be 40-something with 3 kids and absolutely nothing on your driving record. a little different than being 22 with a huge speeding ticket...just a few cents.
  15. youll be "smitten" with repair costs if you go ahead and follow your nose with the range rover from what it sounds like here. i dont really buy into that "buy american" stuff. i usually just buy reliable. i would look through consumer reports though. ive heard toyota has some QA problems with their larger truck-ish automobiles. dont know any specifics.
  16. getting pulled over in WV rocks, no points go on your license, you just gotta pay out the ass for a ticket...or at least i did OFFENSE: S92-SPEED then again i was going 92.
  17. thanks for all the info, i wasnt considering switching policies for my 250, but i could probably get insurance for free from state farm judging the way you guys talk about them.
  18. well they cant carry everything over into the automotive sector....
  19. damn, i wonder how the PPG nationals in columbus are going to be afftected this year...
  20. yeah i mean a lot of people see this as an indicator of doomsday for the american economy, when in actuality its just a restructuring of the growing american auto market for foreign cars, as well as reorganization for the growing motorcycle market.
  21. thankfully no jobs will be lost, just the fact that the bikes are made in ohio. http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2008/02/27/honda-ending-motorcycle-production-in-us/
  22. yeah evidently people wouldnt stop bitching about 1000 different ways they have heard of getting out of a ticket. i guess sometimes you should just give up and obey the laws. eh fuck that, id rather spend inordinate amounts of time and money avoiding those cams!!
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