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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. wtf, are the munchkins invading our forum?
  2. obviously youve never tried an umbrella hole. talk about realistic, only thing better is a sheeps bu... heh...well lets just say theres not much better. imo if youre going to get a felony on your record, you should probably make it a little more badass than indecency in public.
  3. i drink beer at work. they even buy it for us, and no bud light either. its always guiness or samuel smith or sam adams or any number of local brews... what was the topic of this thread?
  4. thats why God invented photoshop
  5. 250s can go on the freeway? dont they have a sign on the ramps about things prohibited on the interstate? i thought it specified 250s
  6. i disagree with you. i mean, you can get a degree in politics too. same idea though really, youre trying to make everyone happy, while also living your life and pretending to not be in it for the money. some people look to the government for the answers, and some look to their local pastor/priest/cleric/whatever... edit: i might venture to say that the latter is a more difficult job.
  7. sounds like you got a B.A. in marriage counseling
  8. it always seems like the people arguing for their religion get the most angry and frustrated. i assume that guy doesnt come here anymore after reading a couple of your posts, either that or he just accepts that it is going to take a lot more time and research on his own to figure out the truth behind many arguments from both sides. my parents are super religious, and always took me to baptist church until i was 18. i think the leaders in churches closely resemble politicians more often than not because of the nature of the job. ive had a lot of difficult questions get shrugged off by the people who supposedly study the answers, and ive met a lot of people whove really challenged me spiritually who havent been to church in years. to sum up: you can meet some damn fine girls at church.
  9. or nicks mom? talk about having no balls!!!!
  10. well you obviously never rode a sportster. now theres a bike lacking balls. the ninja twins are freakin trackbikes comparatively.
  11. i think we can ALL be glad that theres not any more talk of presidential nominations or the iraq war.
  12. what are balls good for on a bike? not like they need to reproduce or anything...
  13. my e-feelings are full of sarcasm...guess that wasnt clear
  14. that really hurts my e-feelings. ive been riding for a year on that thing and im still kickin.
  15. yeah, i mean you gotta give the kid credit for having some decent computer animation skills. i think theres even a video or something with that animation. the object has a distinct Geiger influence too. if youve never seen any geiger artwork look it up on wiki.
  16. these pics have been around for a while. theres a bunch of them and they all have that "computer animated" look. im pretty sure they have been all but proven fake by a show on the discovery channel or something.
  17. the one and only. yeah i try to run at least 5 miles in one sitting once a week, and do more running another two days per week. my push ups and sit ups have been suffering, but ill be damned if i cant run forever.
  18. wood is a renewable resource, unlike coal. good going hippie.
  19. maybe hes got a lot of free time right now
  20. i wont be back until july, so yeah... edit: pm sent.
  21. theres a group for it on the facewebs...
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