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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. make money. im a student so its hard to find people willing to hire me into a 40hr/week spot for the summer only to cut my hours to 20 or less in a few months. plus shitty works very close to my apt in cbus. im all ears for any jobs reasonably close to campus, or well paying jobs a little further out.
  2. i know and youre not helping. i could pay this one out in cash and im coming to cbus next week. seems like fate, but i can already hear my bank account screaming. maybe if shitty could get me a job for the summer...
  3. manchester, NH (biggest city int he state) has a tad more than 100k peeps.
  4. im pretty sure its 25. i got a ticket for 92 in a 70. was just for speeding, but i think he was being nice because i was def in the triples before i saw him.
  5. facking hell i want a new bike so bad...
  6. cleaner what would we do without you? oh yeah, pay a lot more money than we need to.
  7. i ordered one from JCwhitney. they have EVERYTHING. and yes the snow stops. it snows before ski season and after. just not during.
  8. im kinda glad i have a 250 so theres no incentive for me to "dip". ...well that and hopefully the cops will pity my 250 and just let me off with a warning.
  9. i thought whodey was still sans bike
  10. i do like the new CBR, but i think i love anything in kawi green more.
  11. who said i was joking? the 250 swingarm is simple box tubing. i got the hookups with some good welders and some metal tubing. i need me that length!!!
  12. thought we were taking this thread to left field since we forgot the topic...
  13. luckily we have a fully stocked mail room here. its really fun sneaking up behind the electrical engineers and popping them...they always jump, then yell at me
  14. my grandma lived there...does that count?
  15. i think its prosecutor talk actually.
  16. i dont feel that would have had the same effect as a scary biker dude telling them off.
  17. i think ill be there regardless. i need to pick up some frogg toggs for my trip out to NH anyways, looks like its going to be a little damp.
  18. dont forget the stretched 250s. i think i might have to double stretch it to keep my nose down.
  19. dont forget to check out the personals!!! but seriously i got my bike from craigslist. turns out i knew the guy too.
  20. yeah it was pretty sweet, i think everyone in my company stopped working for like 15 minutes to watch/discuss it when someone sent the link out (engineering R&D company) idk though, kinda like a weeble, it wobbles but doesnt fall down. not sure if that would be satisfying to kick.
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