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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. if you buy him dinner and sweet talk him just right, he might tell you.
  2. so for those of us who arent in the loop, ive been in NH doing an internship since september without my motorcycle. september and october were hard months, but the original plan was to be back in ohio in march, just in time for the riding season. it was because of this that i left the bike at my parents house in columbus. so after a while my employer asked me if i wanted to stay on my internship for a few more months, and i agreed because i like making money that isnt minimum wage. at that point i decided i would fly back to columbus at some predetermined time and retrieve my motorcycle, with the details of getting it back to columbus left open ended...my flight was april 1st, skybus folded a few days later, and i left columbus last sunday. fate. original plan was to take all backroads except to get around cities. google maps said this was a 20 hour trip, so i decided to stay overnight somewhere and have 2 really awesome 10 hour days. as i said, this was the original plan. i rode us-62 through ohio and out into PA where i met up with PA666 (had to ride on it, and it looks to be pretty twisty). it ended up being a poorly taken care of road through the backcountry with wet spots and gravel littering the way. luckily i hadnt planned on staying on that road for long. soon i met up with us-6, which is by far one of the best roads i have ridden on. it is no deals gap, but it has some really good twists and turns that im sure would have been much cooler if my bike was faster. all of this and there was very little traffic, along with a litter of passing zones, and really nice sunny high temps. after making it through PA, i was approaching 10 hours in the saddle and almost 500 miles put away for the day. i did the math and figured i was making really good time. this fact, coupled with the fact that it was soon to be dark, and the fact that i wasnt as fatigued as i thought i would be led me to try and continue my trip on the freeway, and see just how far i could get before growing absolutely sick of riding for the day. i rode up to albany, NY on I-88 which is where it was back to the backroads, because the interstates stop at that point. at this point i figured i was pretty much in vermont and wanted to press on because i didnt really feel very tired. from albany, the route was NY-7 to VT-9 to NH-101, which goes right past my house here. it was around 11pm when i stopped for gas in albany, and i figured the trip through VT and NH would only take me 2 more hours, 3 at most. what actually happened was much different. it was already getting pretty darn cold, but i had stopped to don the entirety of cold weather gear i had brought with me, as well as fill my gloves with handwarmers. this kept me relatively comfortable until i hit vermont. i started seeing some specks in my headlights while climbing up the VT mountains. i soon realized this to be rain, except this rain was falling rather slow. thats no moon, its a spacestation! no, nope, thats snow. i think i almost shit my pants. so i slowed it down to 30mph through this shit, which is the point when it started to accumulate. it was then i decided to cut all losses and get a hotel for the night. there was about 1/4" of snow on the roadway and i had had enough. only one problem, the only towns out here were ski towns and there was absolutely nobody at any of the motels. back on the road. so after countless miles going 25-30 through the white death, i finally made it back into the rain. never thought i would hear myself saying that about riding. after all that, i made short work of finishing VT and charging my way through NH to my warm and cozy bed, safe and sound, just like the title says, 20 hours in the saddle later, with 800 more miles on the OD. i feel complete again.
  3. kinda curious about what everyone thinks of these. likes, dislikes, experiences, and indifferences are all welcome.
  4. unfortunately lizard1 left his funny bone in the fridge thinkin about all those dinners...
  5. ill pass all of you guys... when youre putting on your gear...
  6. i love the liberal use of carts of random shit to shield your bike from your coworkers!!! would have been nice to have similar privacy changing my wheels instead of that *cough*bitch*cough* pokin her nose in things...
  7. yeah seems like theres plenty of roads down there...dont see all the hubbub of the one with the most turns. seems to me like saying you want the 1 liter bike with the most horsepower, just because it has that title.
  8. is that his bike? i thought this is some goober who thought his bike was really rare.
  9. so which ones the joke, the cornhole or the scion group?
  10. wow, and i thought ninjanick was pathetic...
  11. on the website it says theyre playing rock from 80s 90s and today. not that bad i guess =/ the name change sucks though. kinda just another gray station
  12. its warm enough to ride now...
  13. their last flight was yesterday. i recommend reading the dispatch article about it, pretty interesting. they flew some people to their destination full knowing that those people werent going to be able to use their tickets to return home. http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/04/05/skybus_quits.ART_ART_04-05-08_A1_S89RB8M.html?sid=101
  14. we had a bunch of german exchange students in high school. stuff from germany generally takes a month. thanks for the help tonight, appreciate it.
  15. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080403123252AAXREp1
  16. last time i checked there was plenty of 25mph zones all over the city... i can be a rebel too!
  17. i guess not everyone can be smart...
  18. cmon now...couldnt you at least say hi first?
  19. i was out there, hanging with the guys around your bike when you were getting ready to leave...
  20. i think you can pick up some vagisil at 7-11.
  21. im looking forward to it
  22. f'in right youre going to ride to work! beautiful day in columbus. i cant wait to get started on my bike in a couple hours.
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