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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. lol they must have tapped his shitter-pipe
  2. Benyen Soljax


    it seems you are the mislead, friend. (taken from wikipedia.) also an interesting entry in the urban dictionary comparing goths and emos:
  3. aww, i was really expecting her not to live. disappointment.
  4. Benyen Soljax


    what ever happened to calling those people goth? i mean, i thought emo was more guys who looked like girls and cried a lot. that guy just looks depressed and pathetic. this thread is misleading.
  5. its just the helmet thing. you posted the ORC in your first post. thats it. the temp permit is the nighttime riding, no fast/busy roads, and no passengers. you could just go to the bmv or something and ask someone there if you need anything else. not sure why you would though.
  6. well he was until he wrecked, now he just sits and plays video games... jp man.
  7. i rode every day i was back in columbus for christmas...but now i am again bike-less until march.
  8. funny. i got to page 2 before i realized id rather watch tv...
  9. most everything great lakes is primo. edmund fitzgerald is by far my fav. you gotta appreciate the local brews cause when you leave you dont see them ever. columbus brewing winter warmer was also fantastic if you like spice beers. sam adams old fezziwig ale is awesome as well. im also going to have to cast another vote for anything samuel smith. and unibroue is pretty good (9% alc/vol) if you can find it. its made by the french canadians, but hey youll forget about that before you finish your first bottle.
  10. maybe if you didnt have such a big head....
  11. honda, id rather drive around a car i can rely on and save the fun for 2 wheels.
  12. i believe flounder posted this a number of months ago...we all agreed he must need a microscope to see his pen0r
  13. the boarding and snowmobiling is about to hit high gear after this weekend. i went to the store and saw all those people buying shitloads of bottled water, all i bought there was two cases of beer.
  14. better watch out or the CAPS LOCK police are gonna arrest you like they did to my friend maurice.
  15. yeah people in ohio think its bad....the last storm that blew through, when you guys got rain, it was about a foot of snow for us in NH. this next storm is going to bury my car methinks.
  16. sounds fun but i think the guy in the gold wing is gonna win.
  17. that rat bastard!!!!11!!11!!1!
  18. these threads just keep getting more and more weird. it needs to be spring again so we can bitch about regular things like motorcycles...
  19. even better, just put your thinking cap on and make one of your own. youll be the only bike out there with that shit.
  20. ill take some furniture, and any cars if they are paid off.
  21. i like to be as versatile as possible, and would never get a one piece tail. unfortunately you arent me, so you can do whatever you want. on another note, you gotta wonder what groundbreaking new bike design is gonna make the GSXRs and other sportbikes of today look like ass just the way they have made older bikes look terrible.
  22. It's like my pool is tearin' ass around the backyard.
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