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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. double post, but my car has a 1.8L engine from honda. its just not a 6.
  2. dont be a hater. i was just wondering. and if i really wanted gas mileage i would develop some sort of hybrid bike technology of my own.
  3. we put three bikes into a dually. two bikes is cake.
  4. pennsylvania has some kick ass roads. i believe deals gap has a bit of a cop problem but it may have changed. if youre really adventurous i would go through penn and upstate and into vermont/new hampshire. awesome roads and very conservative motorcycle laws.
  5. would you be so kind to give a no bullshit estimate of gas mileage you got with it? im pretty sure my next bike will be a SV1000S and id like to know.
  6. that blue one looks like my white persian cat, smooshed nose. i say no thanks to the headlights/mirrors and yes, please to the rest.
  7. thanks for the info, but i feel like kawasaki is trying to impress me by showing me the exact same bike and fancy words like firepower.
  8. im looking at those. gotta test ride some 4s and some other twins. ive heard the SV is a pretty die hard bike however, and i like to put miles on.
  9. the buell was fun but im probably going to upgrade to something asian. well see after i get some more money and more test rides. i like the v twin torque and theres a few versions on the market.
  10. i dont think the world is ready for me on the track... well that and i dont have enough money to do track days.
  11. ok, so as many of you dont know i am in new hampshire until march sans motorcycle and ive been dying to ride ever since i left Cbus. this weekend my landlord informed me a harley dealer was having a 2008 test ride thing. i head out there just dying to get some saddle time in and expecting to settle for some sportster rides. when i get there however i remember this doubles as a buell dealership. fancy that. they also got some 08 firebolts to test ride. i go sign up and he asks me which bike im going to ride. the nightster is tempting, but the buell wins in the end. move over 250, here comes the 1200cc firebolt. we get going and the torque was a lot different. i had to clutch more than my usual dump on the 250. even though it was a dealer led ride around the small ass city i work in, i still had a blast and cant wait to move up. (no pun intended) long story short, im hooked on riding, again, and this time things are going to get a bit more expensive.
  12. mine was leaking a whole bunch of stuff. the latest leak was air filter oil as im guessing i didnt do a superb job of wringing the thing out before i put it back in.
  13. go find someone who has done the test and go to the bmv after they close. the test lines are painted in the parking lot and only a few things are tricky. as for taking the class, the best bet is to walk in. those things are always full and if youre impatient like me the best way to get in is to be persistent about being a walk in. imo the class is great for beginners but im not sure how much benefit it will be to you. i would look into taking the BRC-2 which is the similar course for people who have already been riding for a while. i believe that one also gives you your license. correct me if im wrong.
  14. i believe the 748 is asian's, although anyday now he is leaving for the sandbox last i heard. could be wrong.
  15. interesting. all the more reason to ressurect the 750 class.
  16. id like to see a V8 dual busa motor tuned like that...2.6 liters of justice. plop that in a S2000 or some other small (more importantly light) car. maybe make the entire car of balsa wood. yeah, balsa wood.
  17. im confused so i resort to ignorance.
  18. eh, mechanical engineer. not quite IT, i just like to tinker with shit.
  19. ah i see the chop now. it looks like a zx-10 with some cut and paste side holes in the fairing along with some Z1000 exhaust chopped up. oh well.
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