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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. +1 im glad someone caught it. its listed as a 6RR, but it looks like so many different bikes i wasnt sure what to call it. some neat ideas, and this might be some euro model or something. maybe bret could shed some light here. for now ill just keep waiting for the next kawi design.
  2. i think you mixed up the Bens. heres some roflwaffles instead. :ban::ban::ban:
  3. would you like a cookie? dual monitors is so quake 2.
  4. sorry. not funny. you gotta be more clever than that. maybe next time?
  5. go exchange her for one in a smaller size
  6. k, so take everything i said and apply it only to US market. guess we get the short end of the stick on this one maybe its a trade off, we have slower internet, but larger bikes. japan has super fast internet, and more awesome small bikes. japan sounds better every day.
  7. honestly, id just like to see more thought put into the 250 class. i love the looks of that 125, and i think a lot more people wouldnt "outgrow" the 250's if they just looked better. i know for me i can still have a white knuckle ride on decent roads on my 250, but the thing is admittedly the ugly duckling. im not really sure why they purposefully suppress the smaller engine market, although its probably because there is a lot less money in those bikes to keep costs down. oh well. guess ill just buy a bigger bike.
  8. i loled. too bad i turned back and went back to black........ .......oil cap.
  9. i dont think i like kawis version of the mirror turn signals (although there is no front view, so we will see). they shouldve just copied suzuki and put them in the mirrors.
  10. +1 the few times ive been there this year it was a crapshoot whether they were going to have cones out or not. they promote their wednesday night shindig a lot, however.
  11. Benyen Soljax

    Qs&l 9-12

    -1 in NH and no bike.
  12. boy am i glad im not ethiopian. wait are you making a metaphor?
  13. yeah i fixed it...its all recorded on the 9/5 QSL thread
  14. roller derby is football on rollerskates and no ball. the best teams have the burlyest girls. those girls scare me.
  15. not really...those girls are too burly for my tastes.
  16. well, 105 is road results at max rpm.
  17. thanks for the heads up. def wont ever look there.
  18. so you guys think i should plug up the airbox drain tube again to keep dirt out of the box? the tube spits out at the bottom but its past the filter.
  19. 105 actually, and damn that is hot. maybe ill just upgrade to another 250 this winter
  20. +1, youre probably not going to be able to push the bike far enough to notice the difference of CG. so i think the main difference would be looks and cost when you lowside. to me looks could be bad or good either way, so i like the fact that your exhaust is shielded when you wreck.
  21. well you remember when your mom told you to never cut towards yourself, lets just say that holds true for any body part.
  22. so for anyone at taco hell tonight, my bike is now in pieces, and theres a large stab wound to my hand. but i know now. its all good training...im better prepared for first aid now. so theres a gearbox vent tube that vents to the airbox. below this vent tube in the airbox is another vent tube for the airbox, which i assume is to let out any fluid buildup in the box. this second tube was plugged. oil was chilling in my airbox with no way out, just building up from the pressure caused by me overfilling it. This is the cause of the leak i was experiencing. there may have been some oil leaking from the shifter thing but it is minimal if at all. seems like a bunch of chain lube buildup. so after taking my bike apart down to the frame, i have the airbox drying after a good scrubbing, and im going to go buy a new air filter tomorrow. another big thank you to all who helped out tonight.
  23. do you know how much it costs to replace my drool-infused keyboard... realistically? no not really...kelly blue book has some numbers, but pretty vague. its all about how much someone would pay for it. may i suggest going to the local dealer and checking out how much theyre charging for 06's, and probablu go for a price under that.
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