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Everything posted by thomez

  1. we are leaving here in 20 minutes, sorry I haven't been online, but we won't be there til close to 8 - call me if you wish to 330 606 7726
  2. I think we're going again tonight if anyone else is around... please don't wreck on the way!
  3. thomez

    Anyone. . .

    valley view is a..... I guess you would say southeast Cleveland suburb http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&addtohistory=&address=&city=Valley%20View&state=OH&zipcode=&country=US&location=sJ7V30g9wC5%2fiDH%2f3oLe5tfzQbmZYDwPTjotR%2fVGI2icxV%2fI9xWIup0zsYa5l9kK3L0%2b3Qcoe269O2FBtynFlKXcnFutjdtopsMJY2nzkJ96LnbMQfT2VBMEJUHbd5MA&ambiguity=1 last time we left around 7 but I think that was too late, we'll probably leave around 6 this time
  4. thomez

    Anyone. . .

    I think my buddy and I are going to the Valley View Quaker Steak and Lube on Wednesday night if you want to join us. We'll leave from Windham and then it is about an hour ride on the scenic route.
  5. I've put 1000 miles on my Ninja 250 learning machine. I'm pretty comfortable with it, in fact I think I'm getting too comfortable with it and doing shit that I would never do on a bigger bike. I mean, I ride it through the yard when I know I shouldn't, I mess around at stop lights and bounce it from left to right between my legs, stupid stuff like that. I basically treat it like it is a little toy, because with my lard-ass on it, that's what it acts like So I've already began looking for a bigger bike. It needs to be something that a dude with the shortest legs you have ever seen can handle... so a short seat height is important (a big reason I bought the Ninjette). I don't know if any supersports are short enough, but I have sat on a new Ninja 650R and SV650 and both were tall but not too tall I guess. Those 2 bikes seem like perfect 2nd bikes, but I was wondering if anyone else had other suggestions. I'll probably try to find a new bike after the riding season when prices are low. (or at least, I hope they are low) Thanks for any and all help that can be provided. I'm 5'6" with about a 27-28" inseam if that helps.
  6. thomez

    Anyone. . .

    I'm in Windham, Ohio ... not that you would know where that was. Umm... I'm 15 minutes from Warren, 20 minutes from Ravenna, and 15 minutes from Hiram... if you know where any of those places are at.
  7. thomez

    Anyone. . .

    I'm 45 minutes to your west but I would be pretty boring to ride with (ninja 250)
  8. Tim Ryan is already on the list. I'm not sure why more government regulation is necessary however.
  9. yeah I see that... that sucks! maybe you'll be healed up with a new bike later in the summer
  10. I think performance-wise the SV and Ninja are probably similar, I like the look of the Ninja a little more and all of them are fuel injected, whereas I'll be settling for a carb'd SV with 10k or so miles, if I do what I plan on doing and stick under 3 grand. ZX-6... well I plan on riding it a lot so I don't really want a supersport riding position, plus... that's a lot of bike, even a 600. Enough to get me in trouble... I'll wait until I have some more experience before looking at finding a comfortable bike with supersport speed
  11. wow dude, that sucks! I was there at QSL calling and in my mind I was thinking that you probably just couldn't hear your phone... but in the back of my mind I was hoping that nothing like this happened... damn that sucks. Didn't you just get that bike? Hope everything turns out alright... sounds like they will total your bike, so you'll have the fun of picking out a new one... most importantly take care of yourself!
  12. next bike will likely be an older 99/00 SV650... they are getting pretty cheap (under 3 grand) for a decent one I'm pretty darn short plus I don't think I want a supersport... and I can't afford a Ninja 650R yet.. or a Ducati Monster... so I'll probably "settle" for an SV
  13. Valley View Quaker Steak and Lube... there had to have been at least 1000 bikes there, people everywhere, bikes everywhere. It was awesome. We walked around for a bit and checked out all the bikes. Yeah, now I have the bug. I want a new one.... I keep telling myself to ride this one the rest of the summer and pick up something over the winter... damn I want a new one though
  14. I don't understand how this happens, I've ridden mine that much in 3 weeks
  15. We were a few minutes late getting there (had to stop for gas, etc) but I called 3 times between 8:30 and 9 and got your voice mail every time. There had to have been 1000 bikes there, holy shit. I think we'll be back again next Wednesday if you are interested in going again. We'll have to coordinate it better or something, I'm sure you couldn't hear your phone at all.
  16. I'm not sure, probably around 7 or so. We'll be coming in from like Twinsburg but we could meet you somewhere if we could, just not sure where.
  17. Yep, I have it. I'll be the short fat guy on the little Ninjette in my avatar
  18. I called a buddy who rides and he was also going to see what 2 others that ride were up to, so I'm pretty sure I'll be there with at least 1 guest. 8 or 9 PM?
  19. weather is looking good for tonight, should be sunny and in the 70's
  20. thanksit's a PPG metallic green that the previous owner did himself, but it looks pretty good for what it is - I think I prefer the mono-color look than the stock graphics... maybe it doesn't scream out "THIS IS A 250!" to everyone quite as loudly
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