Short story - my bike has a slow gas leak, we determine it is the diaphragm side of the petcock... so we remove the auto-gas-shutoff assembly completely, throw a piece of gasket material in there, and figure the carb can do the work of stopping gas flow. The bike is perfect for a week .... then after parking it at work Thursday it pours gas out... float stuck.... fawk. I leave it there for the night and come back yesterday, we stop the gas flow, and it won't turn over.... hydrolocked. Gas on top of the piston... figures. So we take the front clip off and pull the plugs, blow the gas out, put it back together and it runs like new... moral of the story is, I need to rebuild my petcock or get a used one to take some gaskets from - if anyone has one or knows a good place to find one, lemme know. thanks