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Everything posted by thomez

  1. nope, just saw it on there and remembered this thread
  2. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/415891134.html
  3. I don't have time to fully respond tonight, but Ron Paul is not an isolationist, although he does strongly believe in a policy of non-intervention. Also, the large copy-paste job above about Ron Paul is so full of shit I had to get out my waders to continue reading it.
  4. gsxr girl, do me a favor, type a > sign, this is just an experiment
  5. bad thing about dual pipes is that if you go down you are guaranteed to F one up ... lol an undertail seems pretty protected in a lowside.... that would be good overall I think the undertails look darn sexay
  6. thomez

    Canton QS&L

    I am, pending weather in November.
  7. Same here. We had a really shitty day at work today, I wish I was allowed to elaborate because you'd laugh at what I put up with....
  8. I've heard of this place down there somewhere, guy is supposed to great work for a fair price. I think the little town is called Exclamation Point or something like that. Check the phone book or maybe even the internet will have something about it.
  9. I might be in for Weds at VV.
  10. that's very little faster than my stock turbo STi ran... and that was an off the shelf injection map, no tuning... and my shitty driving keep us updated, that car should be 11's capable if not, he has 4 too many cylinders and the wrong kind of forced induction
  11. sorry to hear that, make sure you take plenty of advil before bed!
  12. http://republicanrenaissance.blogspot.com/2007/06/ron-paul-and-fred-thompson-comparison.html Fred Thompson is a fake conservative, he voted to expand the federal government on a regular basis, even while paying "federalism" a lot of lipservice. He's just another one of the boys in Washington, says one thing, does another when given the opportunity. He does make a good conservative actor though. www.youtube.com/watch?v=zydAs5bRW1U You shouldn't judge Ron Paul based on who supports him in the same way that you wouldn't judge a tv show based on who else watches it. What you are trying to figure out is which candidate best represents what you believe, if that coincides with what candidate best represents what some goofy others believe... all the better, because it is a better chance for your candidate to win.
  13. thomez

    I'm back!

    I'll have to let you know when the 9th is closer.... I suck at planning that far ahead.
  14. do they come with a Michael Vick stamp of approval?
  15. that would depend on which ones we are talking about
  16. He runs as a Republican for his House seat as well.
  17. I don't think he wants to put a Democrat in the White House - that's my opinion on his reasoning.
  18. 3rd parties aren't raising the funds necessary to compete nationally, that's why Ron Paul is a "Republican" and not a libertarian independant... it helps you get into the debates, can help you raise money, and helps you get noticed by those who would immediately dismiss any third party candidate as not having a chance.
  19. I'm working at the Ron Paul booth at the Geauga County fair this weekend, on Saturday from 5PM to 10PM ... if anyone is around, stop in and say hi, I will give you some literature, you can get a cheap Ron Paul t-shirt if you'd like, maybe a bumper sticker, etc. Satan if you haven't already done so, checkout the local Meetup group and check into getting involved, Ron can use all of the foot soldiers he can get.
  20. Guys, don't think I really care what my rear tire looks like.... I just wanted to at least know what a strip was because you hear it all the time and not knowing made me feel like a n00b.
  21. Believe it or not... they were new when I got the bike only 3 months and 2600 or so miles ago... they are just garbage tires. I figured I'd wear 'em out and then get something decent... or a new bike. Also, I don't really care if I do have chicken strips, I was just wondering what they were since it is so often talked about. I won't do anything stupid trying to impress.... it's a Ninja 250 after all ... Thanks for the lesson.
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