To me, it's a comedy of errors, how everyone is racing to be the "conservative" now. Conservatism is a myth. And when a guy who embodies conservative values comes forth, he's attacked by "conservatives" as not being "conservative". What a stupid word. Only thing conservatives conserve is their ability to social climb and rape the working class. Liberalism is equally non-existent.The "liberals" have to continually suck up to christian conservatives if they stand any chance to compete for votes. I think Chris Rock said it very well. " On some things I'm conservative.On some things I'm liberal". Q.-Why does a candidate have to follow dogma to a tee to be taken seriously? A.-Follow the money trail.Big Business controls politics and politicians use knee jerk stimuli to control voters. You wouldn't want to be called a "liberal" by Rush(the drug addict) Limbaugh, or Ann( neonazi) Coulter, would you? You wouldn't want to be in alliance with the plethora of "conservative" self loathing perverts would you? As a voter, should we not look out side the two parties, who both subscribe to political dogma? Should we not look past the Liberal or conservative tag hung on everyone nowdays?