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Everything posted by Awfulcanawful

  1. Big Ben what do you do that you work that many hours?
  2. +1 vote for hottest chick on cr for the new goat owner!
  3. I went wheeling in my truck this weekend and got it stuck and was rocking the transmission in and out of reverse to drive. Now there is a delay when i put it in drive. I move the lever to drive and it takes a while for the tranny to catch up and enguage. It also doesnt shift as hard when i accelerate. I checked the fluid in it and its fine. Is there anything i can do or did i already smoke it?
  4. Drinking Jenga buy a jenga game and take a sharpie and write to give a number of drinks, take a number of drinks etc. And the person who knocks the tower over has to drink the community bowl that everyone pours into before the game starts. More entertaing when your half lit already.
  5. Do they have wrecked quads in there...Ive got a blaster with a blowny tranny that is begging for a new power plant.
  6. I had a teacher at my school run oil for 80,000 miles. He changed the filter every 6000 miles and added the necessary oil. Every other oil filter he had an oil analysis done and the oil was still good even at his 80000 miles. He is an engineer and wanted to see how long the oil was good for pretty wild stuff.
  7. Just do one side at a time..... so you have something to look at when you get it torn apart..... Not that hard just springs and busted knuckles.
  8. Yeah its called Warners or Werners Im not really sure.
  9. Im pretty sure the new Durasmax is an Isuzu product
  10. You say you werent doing 78 but I bet it was faster than 65 and thats still speeding.
  11. Peanut butter did the trick... I have no idea how or why...Thanks for the tips guys.
  12. I was playing basketball and had an idiot attack and put my gum in my hat....Then had stuff on my mind when the game was over and put my hat on....Idiot of the month award
  13. I actually thought of gas or brake cleaner but I'm betting the back of my head is sensitive and would burn like hell.
  14. Anyone got any tips or tricks on how to get gum out of a person's hair without shaving it all off? Just pulling on it isnt getting the job done.... any ideas?
  15. Ive also heard that dont try to go back on a warranty on anything wearing a shop uniform. My dad tried to take some shit back in his uniform and gave him crap because it is a homeowner tool not for daily use. That was when the box started to fill with snap on.
  16. Super cool thanks. Im gonna give em a call but any idea how much it costs?
  17. I think i remember reading about someone that had a dyno on here. A club at my school is trying to raise some money and I was wondering if anyone had a dyno on wheels they could bring up here. If someone would let me know that would be great.
  18. I'm pretty sure the inside of the car has to be fake. Come on did it perfectly cut out the liver behind the seat?
  19. Mine's down too but not quite that drastic. I dropped to 11 when it got hella cold and I work close to home so it starts gets up to 150 then shuts off its killin my wallet
  20. Yeah it was x-mas eve but the dude that hit the guys had been convicted of DUI 2 times and had a third time pending and his lisence was expired anyways. And normally sober people dont drive the wrong way on 71 its terrible to see that happen. I knew one of the guys in the car and knew of the other two. Its just terrible to see all that happen.
  21. I would guess FWD because it is indepent suspension and not a solid axle and a lot of the losses come in the cv joints. A RWD only has one U joint and the gear power transfer is highly efficient.
  22. They dont have any trouble finding parts... hell they just make em.
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