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Everything posted by XB12Ss

  1. Actually, you're wrong... The GSXF (Katana) uses the old GSXR engines that have been detuned... EXACTLY as I described. Yes, these are air/oil cooled engines... As were ALL GSXR's pre-1992.
  2. One of the biggest problems with bike aerodynamics is the fact that they are so short that the wind gap never really closes around the back of the bike... If they were able to engineer around that, I could see a major difference. Extremely skeptical at this point though...
  3. You guys missed the best part of the ride... Railing the real twisties...
  4. I assume these are sold? I want the full front stand (w/ the triple part) and a spooled rear stand...
  5. There are some seriously talented guys out there... The problem is, like other forms of simple music is that it's hyper-competitive so a good look/hook will sell as well if not better than actual talent. That's why the market is saturated with shit... Like pop music... My biggest issue with the entire music industry is that there are TONS of bands that have REAL TALENT who can never get signed... or if they do... never get promoted by the record label so they never make it. Real quality music get's shit on because they can crank out a dozen albums a year by a gimmick 'artist'... Old school rap is solid. Actual thought and talent there... Not a whole lot of making up words just to rhyme... Creating their own beats and such... It went downhill REAL fast once the industry realized they could create demand themselves... Well, and the American public started to become culturally retarded...
  6. WTF!!! LOL... The commentary is classic... He did abide by the crucial man law of sniff it, before you stick it...
  7. It's a huge quagmire... No matter what we are going to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. My gut tells me to stick it out would be best for Iraq. My brain tells me it's going to be fucked up not matter what.
  8. I have a lot of respect for some who create the beats... Some of that stuff is very creative... most is crap.
  9. I agree 100%, but it will shut people up... At this point the 'good' Iraqi's are using us as a crutch so they don't have to get their shit together and the 'bad' Iraqi's are using us to fuel their fanaticism... It's a damn shame... damned if you do, damned if you don't situation... Vote Independant. The only way anything is ever going to change in this country is if people stop voting for their party, stop voting against someone (which is VERY dangerous) and starts voting Independant. Even if you don't agree with them... The more votes they get, the more money they can generate for campaigns, and the closer we can come to having a government in power that is really BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.
  10. The Gov doesn't want to secure the borders... Too many special interest groups would get pissed off... Not to mention the fear of losing the hispanic vote... Screw what the majority of Americans want... there's too much money in keeping the door open... As much as I think we still have work to do in Iraq, I think our resources could be better utilized by pulling most of our troops out, and splitting them between Afghanistan and our southernmost border... Iraq will fall apart and everyone will blame Bush (which seems to make everyone happy)... Our border will be more secure and we can clean up the mess that is Afghanistan...
  11. Since these things use the old (detuned) GSXR engines there should be a lot you can do to it... Cams, heads, etc... I'd do all of that before pissing around with N2O... $0.02
  12. I hate this crap. Wanna get more pissed off... READ THIS.
  13. I'd like to hear the rest of the story. You don't just get arrested for disorderly conduct for nothing... Judging by this lady's previous actions, I can only imagine how she was acting.
  14. That's 1,000,000,000,000x better than the rumor I heard... Rosie O'Donnell... Fuck that!!! Interesting note... My first works were Bob Barker...
  15. When brought up on another forum, we were discussing possible FREE sources of the water... Like a collector for rainwater and whatnot... Great for us Ohioans... Prolly not so great for those in AZ and other dry places...
  16. Good call on plugging the exhaust... Nothing would suck more than figuring out that there is a nest of some crazy shit living up in your bike.
  17. I wouldn't do that... Everyone I have ever met who lowered a bike said it rode like shit in the twisties... I guess if twisties are not your thing, then go for it... Personally if I did anything, it'd be raising the front slightly for a quicker turn-in (like I need that)...
  18. rt33 @ 270... Going from 270S onto 33E is a bit bumpy and going from 270N (or is it E?) to 33W has tons of tar snakes... Still can get low though... I think the one I mentioned above and the rt23 one are the only two 'highway' ones... There is also one at Main and 270 IIRC on the eastside... You have to ride for AT LEAST 1/2 hour before you find any roads worth mentioning. 257 is ok I guess, but I prefer to get the hell out of town when riding... I pretty much reserve an entire day for riding anytime I head out... Typical for me is 6-8 hours... 5-7 of which is actual seat time... Dude, I was SO close to calling you, but I remembered you said Sunday's were generally not good for you... Hmmm... I guess you'll just have to show some of those roads to me... I didn't mention though that on my way back I hit 204 off of 13 to get back into town... 204 kinda sucks though, too many tar snakes. Some of those roads I have never even heard of!!!
  19. Oh, and I wouldn't have anyone start it either... If properly prepared, you shouldn't need to.
  20. Be sure to fill the tank ALL THE WAY UP... Any air in there can allow moisture to accumulate and rust the inside of your tank. Pull the battery out of course... Also, pulling the plugs and misting the cylinders with oil isn't a bad idea either... Personally, I'd pull and drain the tank when I got back on top of Stabil. Stabil with keep your gas from turning into sludge and laquer, but I wouldn't want to run gas that old through my motor.
  21. Some of the road into and out of 'bus aren't too terrible... 62 and 204 are the ones I hit most... 555 gets worse the further down you go...
  22. XB12Ss

    Computer issue.

    Any burning program that doesn't suck monkey balls should have an option for creating a bootable CD. Nero that comes with everything has it... It's just an option when you create a CD.
  23. Do the pros outweigh the cons though? Weight is the biggest issue.
  24. XB12Ss

    Computer issue.

    If I remember correctly, to access the BIOS on an HP machine you hit F2 at the initial boot screen. Not sure about the newer ones, but the old HP's had like 5 main menu options... One of them should be "BOOT". Select that one by using the arrow keys, then you should be able to adjust the boot priority... Save and exit... You should be coolio at that point... Of course, only if you are using a bootable CD... That's a whole other conversation though...
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